Record: 2-8 Conference: Big Sky Coach: Sim AI Prestige: C- RPI: 293 SOS: 304
Division I - Baton Rouge, LA
Homecourt: C
Home: 0-1 Away: 2-7
AVG 622
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Name Year Pos School Sn. GP Min Pts Reb Ast Blk Stl FGA FGM FG% 3PtA 3PtM 3Pt% FT%
1. James Evans PG Southern 215-218 114 3610 1887 452 252 13 124 1536 718 46.7 341 103 30.2 58.9
2. Joseph Alexander C Southern 205-208 122 3457 1759 878 129 167 95 1322 671 50.8 4 0 0.0 64.6
3. Korey Gibson SG Southern 195-198 111 3250 1614 554 183 43 117 1315 565 43.0 408 129 31.6 72.4
4. Clinton Mayes PG Southern 128-131 113 2682 1594 158 399 0 128 1176 553 47.0 513 225 43.9 72.5
5. Cory Vance SF Southern 11-14 113 3400 1587 443 196 22 158 1177 562 47.7 393 147 37.4 67.7
6. Robert Henke C Southern 100-103 115 2902 1575 819 87 137 86 1119 596 53.3 3 0 0.0 72.7
7. Eugene Kyler PG Southern 203-206 119 3481 1559 259 431 3 151 1122 494 44.0 418 144 34.4 76.9
8. Tommy Williams SG Southern 147-150 111 2649 1541 174 338 0 124 1100 539 49.0 511 232 45.4 68.8
9. Walter Glasser SF Southern 168-171 109 2504 1466 274 227 4 148 1108 492 44.4 643 272 42.3 68.0
10. Jeff Murphy SG Southern 151-154 110 2423 1453 273 177 4 125 1044 489 46.8 663 277 41.8 72.0
11. Ronald Musto PG Southern 94-97 111 2779 1432 204 311 2 125 1076 489 45.4 452 179 39.6 71.2
12. Robert Jacques SG Southern 112-115 115 3168 1406 285 175 1 112 1084 487 44.9 467 187 40.0 73.4
13. Scott Wade SG Southern 53-56 113 2959 1397 347 181 6 151 1130 485 42.9 486 167 34.4 72.6
14. Darryl Johnson SG Southern 6-9 114 3507 1396 188 453 25 105 1112 447 40.2 663 228 34.4 73.3
15. Kevin Blocher SG Southern 161-164 109 2559 1396 341 166 9 136 1095 471 43.0 686 258 37.6 72.6
16. Ray Scott SF Southern 203-206 119 3328 1386 544 187 48 98 1085 496 45.7 156 42 26.9 73.3
17. Kevin Breaux SF Southern 7-10 114 3011 1373 448 136 9 61 1063 479 45.1 361 135 37.4 66.8
18. David Burns SF Southern 23-26 109 2815 1366 436 40 31 88 1118 471 42.1 571 174 30.5 78.1
19. James West SF Southern 157-160 110 2398 1362 328 198 15 84 1028 459 44.6 413 153 37.0 72.4
20. Gregory Harris C Southern 15-18 113 2959 1356 858 68 165 70 1065 501 47.0 1 0 0.0 64.6
21. Wayne Nuckolls PG Southern 103-107 119 2785 1335 263 293 6 112 936 449 48.0 111 37 33.3 80.5
22. Daniel Olson PF Southern 165-168 109 2610 1334 823 66 100 64 1023 501 49.0 13 3 23.1 70.0
23. James Crumpler PG Southern 210-213 111 3296 1314 379 382 8 129 1159 458 39.5 698 235 33.7 67.4
24. William Dumas PG Southern 95-98 116 2390 1305 211 221 7 97 972 442 45.5 402 153 38.1 78.6
25. Frank Lockridge PG Southern 179-182 110 2630 1280 287 304 6 162 993 448 45.1 249 74 29.7 71.1
* Bolded players are currently active.
Minimum Requirements:
  • 300 FGA to qualify for FG%
  • 100 FG3A to qualify for 3Pt%
  • 200 FTA to qualify for FT%