Record: 1-9 Conference: NEC Coach: Sim AI Prestige: C- RPI: 274 SOS: 153
Division I - Fairfield, CT
Homecourt: C
Home: 0-5 Away: 1-4
AVG 575
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Name Year Pos School Sn. GP Min Pts Reb Ast Blk Stl FGA FGM FG% 3PtA 3PtM 3Pt% FT%
1. Mbwana Adeyemo PG Sacred Heart 30-34 118 3152 1722 304 310 16 108 1285 611 47.5 736 317 43.1 64.4
2. Harold Moon SG Sacred Heart 57-60 120 2709 1669 214 267 3 105 1247 581 46.6 761 339 44.5 66.9
3. Ronald Coniglio PG Sacred Heart 130-133 115 2999 1545 230 336 2 148 1093 528 48.3 510 209 41.0 68.1
4. Harry Taylor SG Sacred Heart 60-64 113 2967 1451 290 223 1 125 1090 503 46.1 554 222 40.1 70.6
5. Glenn Kern PG Sacred Heart 198-201 111 2953 1361 113 343 2 104 921 436 47.3 574 255 44.4 76.7
6. John Avant PF Sacred Heart 12-15 111 3121 1329 916 105 176 114 989 452 45.7 3 1 33.3 79.1
7. William Lederman SF Sacred Heart 18-21 117 2942 1325 432 149 18 87 948 461 48.6 235 94 40.0 72.2
8. Scott Hill SG Sacred Heart 143-146 110 2699 1292 229 307 2 113 909 429 47.2 593 262 44.2 74.1
9. Luther Wurth SG Sacred Heart 139-142 117 2808 1278 242 337 5 110 905 411 45.4 639 266 41.6 74.8
10. James Rawlings SG Sacred Heart 164-167 109 2645 1258 260 147 2 88 940 425 45.2 585 232 39.7 72.7
11. Eddie Tackett C Sacred Heart 21-24 117 2981 1236 944 61 159 81 941 463 49.2 0 0 0.0 58.8
12. Jeffrey Anderson C Sacred Heart 1-4 116 3265 1235 951 93 120 109 986 493 50.0 15 2 13.3 52.1
13. Dennis Jowett SF Sacred Heart 163-167 109 2810 1232 410 221 34 98 913 401 43.9 616 261 42.4 68.1
14. Jeff Delph SG Sacred Heart 65-68 109 3026 1226 304 177 3 119 1042 437 41.9 477 164 34.4 62.9
15. Dennis Landis SG Sacred Heart 53-56 116 2129 1225 214 151 1 93 827 407 49.2 327 138 42.2 80.3
16. John Schwartzberg PG Sacred Heart 192-195 114 2912 1208 270 436 1 115 897 397 44.3 680 298 43.8 65.9
17. Abdul Gaddis SG Sacred Heart 81-84 110 3129 1202 273 257 0 109 944 401 42.5 721 297 41.2 67.3
18. Patrick Morgan SF Sacred Heart 39-42 116 2684 1199 461 153 39 80 989 419 42.4 513 162 31.6 77.7
19. Luis Blair SG Sacred Heart 115-118 112 2748 1196 257 197 2 99 874 394 45.1 353 119 33.7 76.3
20. Percy Parks C Sacred Heart 56-59 120 2537 1188 674 48 128 67 914 476 52.1 43 8 18.6 72.2
21. Gary Ballard PG Sacred Heart 182-186 113 2741 1186 140 374 4 103 803 379 47.2 482 213 44.2 76.8
22. Earl Hopkins PG Sacred Heart 93-96 109 3021 1185 269 272 0 155 945 412 43.6 379 125 33.0 72.2
23. Bobby Romeo PG Sacred Heart 85-88 110 3122 1179 151 412 4 117 902 393 43.6 581 238 41.0 78.3
24. Joseph Nicholls PG Sacred Heart 136-139 109 2593 1172 249 269 0 115 851 384 45.1 484 210 43.4 70.5
25. Rick Moore SF Sacred Heart 147-150 110 2686 1171 446 112 30 102 906 424 46.8 195 47 24.1 68.1
* Bolded players are currently active.
Minimum Requirements:
  • 300 FGA to qualify for FG%
  • 100 FG3A to qualify for 3Pt%
  • 200 FTA to qualify for FT%