Record: 7-3 Conference: A10 Coach: drewholst Prestige: C+ RPI: 121 SOS: 241
Division I - Kingston, RI
Homecourt: B
Home: 5-0 Away: 2-3
AVG 674
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Name Year Pos School Sn. GP Min Pts Reb Ast Blk Stl FGA FGM FG% 3PtA 3PtM 3Pt% FT%
1. Ralph Lee PG Rhode Island 204-207 117 3593 1740 334 355 7 115 1255 597 47.6 809 361 44.6 73.4
2. Harold Barnes PF Rhode Island 67-71 122 3492 1675 781 100 129 112 1207 636 52.7 5 0 0.0 74.6
3. George Watson PG Rhode Island 155-158 113 2942 1613 165 430 0 136 1179 543 46.1 758 325 42.9 67.3
4. Danny King SG Rhode Island 101-105 120 2693 1588 141 211 4 144 1163 540 46.4 636 265 41.7 71.9
5. Jacob Benson C Rhode Island 8-11 127 3241 1552 964 65 168 78 1050 517 49.2 4 0 0.0 83.5
6. Wesley Fulton SG Rhode Island 214-217 106 2623 1510 229 213 2 115 938 522 55.7 7 0 0.0 79.5
7. Eric Bryant C Rhode Island 111-114 111 2765 1507 795 67 97 85 1231 571 46.4 2 0 0.0 69.9
8. Gary Ertl SF Rhode Island 14-17 127 2774 1468 482 157 40 126 923 466 50.5 297 120 40.4 76.6
9. Mark Hardee SG Rhode Island 115-118 116 2501 1439 284 182 3 114 1139 483 42.4 724 286 39.5 71.9
10. Warren Conboy PG Rhode Island 151-154 112 2940 1399 321 497 3 121 1050 475 45.2 618 249 40.3 69.7
11. Marvin Carter PG Rhode Island 168-171 114 3090 1389 256 407 4 126 1013 488 48.2 428 171 40.0 71.0
12. John Wasielewski SF Rhode Island 45-48 119 2682 1383 497 107 35 67 1144 524 45.8 467 172 36.8 62.5
13. Dallas Salls SG Rhode Island 184-187 110 2789 1365 353 227 18 82 989 475 48.0 468 209 44.7 74.6
14. David Bradley PF Rhode Island 169-172 112 3153 1355 656 186 67 102 1034 514 49.7 210 68 32.4 68.5
15. John Robertson SG Rhode Island 207-210 118 3461 1330 348 347 7 108 999 451 45.1 556 226 40.6 74.0
16. Patrick Hanneman SG Rhode Island 140-143 116 2743 1328 423 274 6 133 918 451 49.1 321 122 38.0 74.0
17. Mark Murrell PF Rhode Island 85-88 109 2826 1326 593 59 85 76 1111 498 44.8 145 45 31.0 73.6
18. Michael Read PF Rhode Island 64-67 116 3109 1312 670 62 101 98 986 490 49.7 11 1 9.1 68.1
19. Jordan Rotella PG Rhode Island 216-219 114 3138 1305 303 337 6 114 937 448 47.8 514 219 42.6 75.1
20. Drew Carnes PG Rhode Island 16-19 122 2958 1305 243 328 22 134 888 399 44.9 313 113 36.1 87.9
21. Lincoln Jones SF Rhode Island 136-139 119 2840 1300 525 279 34 112 916 442 48.3 287 119 41.5 72.1
22. Blaine Kennedy SG Rhode Island 192-195 110 2989 1298 429 201 19 103 986 467 47.4 276 101 36.6 67.3
23. Darren Zorc PG Rhode Island 12-15 130 3275 1290 263 441 32 153 926 426 46.0 367 147 40.1 82.4
24. James Carrow SG Rhode Island 50-53 118 2820 1275 285 193 10 74 909 435 47.9 402 170 42.3 69.5
25. Octavio Esposito SF Rhode Island 58-61 114 2603 1272 350 125 10 102 948 461 48.6 30 7 23.3 68.7
* Bolded players are currently active.
Minimum Requirements:
  • 300 FGA to qualify for FG%
  • 100 FG3A to qualify for 3Pt%
  • 200 FTA to qualify for FT%