Record: 6-4 Conference: Big East Coach: npb7768 Prestige: B- RPI: 118 SOS: 117
Division I - Pittsburgh, PA
Homecourt: B-
Home: 3-3 Away: 3-1
AVG 654
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Name Year Pos School Sn. GP Min Pts Reb Ast Blk Stl FGA FGM FG% 3PtA 3PtM 3Pt% FT%
1. Leonard Veach PG Pittsburgh 200-203 117 3203 2039 205 370 1 147 1530 683 44.6 1051 436 41.5 79.0
2. Boris Ruszkowski PG Pittsburgh 140-143 117 3329 1770 165 387 1 146 1298 582 44.8 835 345 41.3 78.9
3. Jean Brozeski SF Pittsburgh 50-53 123 2499 1728 378 113 40 66 1144 642 56.1 71 23 32.4 74.6
4. Richard Doiron PG Pittsburgh 152-155 122 3476 1728 261 292 2 137 1254 572 45.6 752 307 40.8 77.4
5. Kenneth Leonard SF Pittsburgh 168-171 119 2625 1671 375 191 19 121 1263 574 45.4 680 263 38.7 77.8
6. Rick Levine PG Pittsburgh 204-207 111 2664 1575 95 251 0 103 1185 527 44.5 787 321 40.8 73.8
7. Joshua Brungardt C Pittsburgh 109-112 120 3562 1552 895 117 172 104 1197 589 49.2 7 0 0.0 71.2
8. Edward Thomas SG Pittsburgh 216-219 116 3461 1531 268 479 2 156 1169 527 45.1 12 3 25.0 77.1
9. Roy Getchell SG Pittsburgh 63-66 126 3139 1521 330 252 10 123 1180 528 44.7 770 324 42.1 64.7
10. Robert Troutman SG Pittsburgh 134-138 118 3213 1511 478 187 23 88 1172 512 43.7 467 175 37.5 73.6
11. John Pecoraro PG Pittsburgh 147-150 117 3232 1500 159 452 4 127 1105 506 45.8 648 271 41.8 73.1
12. Carlos Louie PF Pittsburgh 108-111 120 3136 1407 700 159 93 104 1038 519 50.0 7 0 0.0 75.6
13. Shawn Martz SG Pittsburgh 9-12 115 2884 1386 194 291 8 87 988 424 42.9 629 248 39.4 73.2
14. Roger Gilchrist PG Pittsburgh 144-146 88 2384 1380 280 224 6 88 1020 475 46.6 535 219 40.9 72.0
15. Brandon Claar C Pittsburgh 214-217 108 3101 1371 786 83 106 64 1086 530 48.8 9 1 11.1 68.0
16. Bradley Lee SF Pittsburgh 190-193 118 2779 1362 495 204 66 92 1006 490 48.7 440 181 41.1 69.6
17. Matthew Hoekstra SF Pittsburgh 11-14 124 2932 1361 514 182 32 109 972 439 45.2 400 171 42.8 70.9
18. Ryan Dean C Pittsburgh 12-15 126 2878 1351 921 85 152 90 951 461 48.5 0 0 0.0 73.3
19. Ronald Coleman PG Pittsburgh 195-197 91 2473 1348 311 248 4 90 888 413 46.5 546 236 43.2 87.5
20. John Huneycutt C Pittsburgh 10-13 119 2965 1336 864 108 146 100 1016 469 46.2 3 1 33.3 75.2
21. Joe Gurley SG Pittsburgh 13-16 124 2955 1336 173 253 6 109 913 420 46.0 494 205 41.5 83.1
22. Michael Fox SG Pittsburgh 90-93 113 2274 1331 185 178 1 73 1080 441 40.8 897 349 38.9 76.9
23. Jonathon Johnson SG Pittsburgh 79-82 108 2815 1321 187 206 2 73 1082 440 40.7 852 320 37.6 72.9
24. George Berthold SG Pittsburgh 101-104 110 3237 1320 179 389 4 126 960 446 46.5 132 35 26.5 80.4
25. Leonard James SF Pittsburgh 197-199 89 2485 1318 388 218 23 102 1008 491 48.7 299 119 39.8 64.6
* Bolded players are currently active.
Minimum Requirements:
  • 300 FGA to qualify for FG%
  • 100 FG3A to qualify for 3Pt%
  • 200 FTA to qualify for FT%