Record: 4-6 Conference: SL Coach: Sim AI Prestige: D+ RPI: 257 SOS: 290
Division I - Rochester, MI
Homecourt: C+
Home: 2-2 Away: 2-4
AVG 677
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Name Year Pos School Sn. GP Min Pts Reb Ast Blk Stl FGA FGM FG% 3PtA 3PtM 3Pt% FT%
1. Michael Scheller SG Oakland 178-181 114 2543 2252 309 284 0 213 1564 769 49.2 301 114 37.9 78.5
2. Milan Marino PG Oakland 199-202 116 2355 1948 316 319 3 180 1285 650 50.6 430 199 46.3 76.9
3. Russell Agar SG Oakland 82-86 112 2195 1862 163 128 5 80 1366 613 44.9 836 351 42.0 71.4
4. William Fisher PG Oakland 157-160 123 3728 1725 180 499 3 181 1237 594 48.0 271 97 35.8 71.4
5. Claud Novak PG Oakland 203-206 109 2651 1680 193 459 0 229 1246 584 46.9 87 28 32.2 68.9
6. Eric Breit SF Oakland 200-203 113 2857 1648 541 221 27 162 1261 578 45.8 232 70 30.2 74.3
7. Brian Prescott PG Oakland 212-215 116 2381 1632 267 476 5 213 1105 525 47.5 433 168 38.8 77.0
8. William Wiliams SF Oakland 143-146 118 3398 1629 579 187 30 176 1151 579 50.3 94 25 26.6 78.1
9. Mike Ward PG Oakland 85-88 120 2470 1603 164 341 7 85 1138 527 46.3 588 248 42.2 68.6
10. Jeremiah Hebert SG Oakland 159-162 123 3235 1585 192 246 1 127 1128 531 47.1 738 315 42.7 69.6
11. Corey Ramsey SG Oakland 89-92 122 3108 1567 228 357 4 153 1075 471 43.8 754 311 41.2 80.3
12. Julio Munoz C Oakland 88-91 124 2635 1565 785 58 137 83 1162 580 49.9 5 0 0.0 68.5
13. James Phillips SF Oakland 185-188 117 2519 1550 514 169 20 154 1188 537 45.2 199 68 34.2 73.1
14. Joseph Rice PG Oakland 91-94 123 2892 1527 249 460 5 167 939 472 50.3 271 114 42.1 80.0
15. Joseph Heatherly SF Oakland 206-209 114 2283 1526 354 194 15 131 1157 563 48.7 226 80 35.4 72.1
16. Alexander Sherman C Oakland 204-208 110 2495 1520 703 78 106 82 1172 523 44.6 180 55 30.6 79.8
17. Carmine Ferrari SF Oakland 213-217 114 2445 1518 524 219 41 108 1126 564 50.1 156 52 33.3 66.0
18. Edward Clevenger PG Oakland 179-182 114 2582 1513 294 415 1 215 994 506 50.9 33 11 33.3 72.7
19. Christopher Hayek SF Oakland 192-195 114 2834 1512 614 213 31 156 1071 526 49.1 201 75 37.3 70.5
20. Henry Rowe SG Oakland 131-134 109 2438 1509 244 153 6 84 1166 527 45.2 611 241 39.4 71.1
21. Rick Kincheloe SG Oakland 211-214 114 2228 1475 360 260 10 147 1061 506 47.7 288 116 40.3 75.3
22. Michael Stepanski PF Oakland 174-177 113 2664 1459 605 131 58 83 1118 546 48.8 3 0 0.0 69.9
23. Hector Jimenez SF Oakland 87-90 122 2851 1456 593 178 53 109 1028 508 49.4 95 31 32.6 72.4
24. Michael Walter SG Oakland 135-139 118 2578 1390 193 217 2 86 1051 461 43.9 874 368 42.1 68.0
25. William Darnell PG Oakland 137-140 119 2753 1363 128 308 4 96 935 438 46.8 658 290 44.1 78.8
* Bolded players are currently active.
Minimum Requirements:
  • 300 FGA to qualify for FG%
  • 100 FG3A to qualify for 3Pt%
  • 200 FTA to qualify for FT%