Record: 5-5 Conference: MAC Coach: Sim AI Prestige: D- RPI: 188 SOS: 205
Division I - Kent, OH
Homecourt: C+
Home: 3-2 Away: 2-3
AVG 606
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Name Year Pos School Sn. GP Min Pts Reb Ast Blk Stl FGA FGM FG% 3PtA 3PtM 3Pt% FT%
1. Gary Pons SG Kent State 196-200 118 3128 1608 333 258 6 117 1137 510 44.9 731 304 41.6 77.8
2. Christopher Thompson PG Kent State 208-211 113 3056 1459 257 387 1 154 988 464 47.0 501 203 40.5 80.4
3. Tommy Brickner PG Kent State 201-204 111 2964 1445 329 441 2 140 1012 472 46.6 698 305 43.7 71.8
4. Nelson Kuhn SF Kent State 166-169 111 2956 1356 622 162 47 81 1001 483 48.3 280 88 31.4 71.7
5. Angel Marino PG Kent State 98-101 113 3216 1349 224 403 4 123 1073 462 43.1 617 242 39.2 70.1
6. Benjamin Carr SF Kent State 197-200 118 2916 1340 561 195 58 111 954 499 52.3 6 0 0.0 62.6
7. Thomas Stewart SG Kent State 179-182 113 3086 1334 200 315 0 113 957 440 46.0 600 246 41.0 76.8
8. Robert Shepard PG Kent State 185-188 110 2973 1262 151 538 1 149 872 419 48.1 381 157 41.2 79.2
9. Timothy Williams SG Kent State 191-194 109 2884 1254 272 315 0 115 900 412 45.8 377 136 36.1 87.0
10. Joseph Nissen SF Kent State 4-7 110 2676 1249 528 146 25 73 963 419 43.5 369 136 36.9 72.2
11. Alfredo Rizzo C Kent State 195-199 109 2579 1249 777 52 120 58 973 485 49.8 2 0 0.0 69.2
12. Donald Lampman PF Kent State 6-9 105 2620 1245 820 98 145 61 877 417 47.5 78 14 17.9 76.8
13. Brian Crose PG Kent State 163-166 111 2749 1239 201 473 3 84 820 393 47.9 492 223 45.3 78.2
14. John Lykes PF Kent State 159-162 109 2784 1236 776 108 102 70 903 461 51.1 198 62 31.3 76.1
15. Bryan Bridges SF Kent State 132-135 109 2847 1229 388 143 29 76 936 436 46.6 381 139 36.5 66.7
16. Dennis Daugherty SF Kent State 171-174 110 3002 1219 566 175 51 114 934 451 48.3 180 41 22.8 71.1
17. Brooks Woodward SG Kent State 52-55 113 3036 1215 302 183 3 119 1032 442 42.8 422 146 34.6 67.3
18. Howard Plumb SG Kent State 48-51 109 2576 1207 248 193 2 87 801 394 49.2 427 182 42.6 77.7
19. John Zurmiller SG Kent State 202-206 111 2812 1199 218 281 6 90 890 395 44.4 606 253 41.7 76.8
20. Harry Howard PF Kent State 18-21 110 2730 1183 730 78 88 144 955 475 49.7 1 1 100.0 61.4
21. Floyd Mowbray SG Kent State 187-190 110 2616 1168 250 285 3 70 892 406 45.5 365 144 39.5 72.6
22. Javier Arias PG Kent State 50-53 114 2600 1167 131 293 2 138 761 364 47.8 440 186 42.3 77.1
23. Nathan Watkins PG Kent State 154-157 111 2394 1162 219 341 1 114 777 375 48.3 282 109 38.7 83.0
24. Matthew Dattilo PG Kent State 171-174 110 2614 1161 119 419 1 129 827 376 45.5 530 224 42.3 78.7
25. Henry Dillon SF Kent State 93-96 113 2694 1159 431 159 44 85 944 421 44.6 395 146 37.0 62.6
* Bolded players are currently active.
Minimum Requirements:
  • 300 FGA to qualify for FG%
  • 100 FG3A to qualify for 3Pt%
  • 200 FTA to qualify for FT%