Record: 1-9 Conference: CAA Coach: Sim AI Prestige: D RPI: 288 SOS: 157
Division I - Harrisonburg, VA
Homecourt: C-
Home: 1-5 Away: 0-4
AVG 613
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Name Year Pos School Sn. GP Min Pts Reb Ast Blk Stl FGA FGM FG% 3PtA 3PtM 3Pt% FT%
1. Martin Griffith PF James Madison 4-7 114 3292 1713 963 105 96 131 1288 666 51.7 87 27 31.0 65.6
2. Warren Wilbanks SF James Madison 6-9 115 3196 1525 518 161 23 75 1163 548 47.1 437 171 39.1 73.1
3. Young China SF James Madison 10-13 113 3177 1519 597 169 16 64 1272 551 43.3 430 162 37.7 59.4
4. Charles Cathcart PG James Madison 135-138 110 2576 1503 158 378 2 133 1057 489 46.3 521 215 41.3 73.8
5. Wayne Evans SG James Madison 194-197 109 2643 1501 221 186 4 103 1086 510 47.0 640 275 43.0 67.5
6. James Sarno SG James Madison 50-53 119 2591 1495 198 185 0 167 1081 543 50.2 284 116 40.8 65.4
7. James Conlon SG James Madison 145-148 111 2708 1433 310 243 0 123 1050 511 48.7 270 96 35.6 72.9
8. Michael Hack SG James Madison 4-7 114 3446 1422 259 426 10 100 1017 465 45.7 616 239 38.8 68.4
9. Michael Lefler SF James Madison 140-143 111 2664 1331 514 235 44 98 990 457 46.2 549 223 40.6 69.3
10. Alex Clark SG James Madison 158-161 113 2392 1330 225 293 2 87 889 435 48.9 409 177 43.3 78.0
11. Andrew Walker SG James Madison 180-183 114 2712 1306 298 248 3 115 997 450 45.1 470 174 37.0 67.6
12. John Sturgis C James Madison 5-8 114 2854 1298 938 64 115 65 977 520 53.2 29 7 24.1 57.0
13. Kenneth Halstead SF James Madison 20-23 111 2983 1277 513 154 53 131 1107 450 40.7 523 166 31.7 67.2
14. Bryan Howard SG James Madison 210-213 110 2502 1270 155 251 1 117 923 429 46.5 456 179 39.3 71.0
15. Ian Angel SG James Madison 25-28 110 2605 1258 251 280 19 97 902 427 47.3 513 222 43.3 77.8
16. Vincent Lukas SG James Madison 198-201 110 2508 1257 112 225 0 98 977 453 46.4 461 179 38.8 60.8
17. Michael Kilpatrick SF James Madison 174-177 110 2605 1237 419 119 22 70 1020 427 41.9 438 157 35.8 74.8
18. James Bryant SG James Madison 154-157 109 2695 1236 277 277 2 137 847 379 44.7 509 205 40.3 78.2
19. Tony McKibben SF James Madison 120-124 112 2413 1232 477 126 44 87 862 443 51.4 235 87 37.0 70.6
20. Dale Smith PG James Madison 126-129 111 2774 1223 299 308 4 137 925 383 41.4 424 144 34.0 75.6
21. Albert Jolin SG James Madison 141-144 112 2139 1222 139 213 3 63 833 415 49.8 351 160 45.6 72.3
22. Qing-nan Tang C James Madison 9-12 115 3069 1214 903 100 115 55 1002 463 46.2 32 7 21.9 65.0
23. Richard Arthur PG James Madison 186-189 111 2555 1201 237 378 3 118 897 383 42.7 510 183 35.9 76.1
24. Michael Parkman PG James Madison 215-218 110 2326 1187 176 382 0 122 842 385 45.7 443 174 39.3 76.4
25. Louis White SF James Madison 62-65 112 2342 1178 349 117 10 95 982 399 40.6 550 204 37.1 70.1
* Bolded players are currently active.
Minimum Requirements:
  • 300 FGA to qualify for FG%
  • 100 FG3A to qualify for 3Pt%
  • 200 FTA to qualify for FT%