Record: 6-4 Conference: MVC Coach: Sim AI Prestige: D RPI: 122 SOS: 134
Division I - Normal, IL
Homecourt: B-
Home: 4-2 Away: 2-2
AVG 658
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Name Year Pos School Sn. GP Min Pts Reb Ast Blk Stl FGA FGM FG% 3PtA 3PtM 3Pt% FT%
1. Anthony Brown SF Illinois State 8-11 109 3197 1373 500 162 18 121 1143 481 42.1 462 160 34.6 66.1
2. Carlos Laubach SF Illinois State 52-55 111 2616 1346 322 171 8 127 1041 478 45.9 352 129 36.6 76.1
3. Joe Kea SF Illinois State 4-7 112 2908 1307 465 140 18 116 1043 458 43.9 512 196 38.3 62.5
4. Lawrence Beckman SG Illinois State 12-15 111 3123 1294 263 294 1 150 1015 454 44.7 628 253 40.3 57.3
5. Jessie Larrabee PG Illinois State 23-27 118 3110 1240 338 457 6 103 1004 426 42.4 367 135 36.8 80.6
6. Larry Tobin C Illinois State 3-6 113 2830 1239 714 65 32 139 988 486 49.2 9 2 22.2 59.0
7. Kevin Larsen PF Illinois State 150-153 109 2640 1209 677 109 67 69 869 440 50.6 192 54 28.1 78.3
8. Kenneth Stier SG Illinois State 148-151 110 2518 1188 297 274 5 132 859 385 44.8 576 249 43.2 78.2
9. Randy Mosby SG Illinois State 111-114 115 2382 1146 206 178 5 121 841 371 44.1 465 186 40.0 76.2
10. Justin Clark C Illinois State 4-7 112 2824 1138 747 50 57 155 896 438 48.9 26 2 7.7 60.7
11. Yo Chiu SG Illinois State 76-79 111 2343 1131 199 259 0 180 864 362 41.9 574 215 37.5 76.5
12. Randy Shuman SG Illinois State 160-163 114 2354 1127 149 334 3 137 824 383 46.5 494 210 42.5 75.9
13. James Munden SG Illinois State 17-21 112 2814 1121 284 275 8 64 832 359 43.1 323 127 39.3 72.8
14. Hong Chi SG Illinois State 40-43 118 2928 1120 195 303 7 106 887 372 41.9 719 284 39.5 62.6
15. Timothy Thomas SG Illinois State 176-179 111 2190 1119 206 212 7 138 799 393 49.2 360 148 41.1 72.5
16. Victor Trautman PG Illinois State 73-76 113 2577 1115 128 246 2 185 898 368 41.0 589 213 36.2 67.8
17. Bradley Kendall SG Illinois State 124-127 114 2273 1115 159 292 1 146 767 362 47.2 423 184 43.5 72.6
18. Virgil Courtright SG Illinois State 139-142 110 2285 1114 223 242 3 129 762 382 50.1 351 153 43.6 72.4
19. John Wieckowski SF Illinois State 28-31 112 2640 1114 430 100 22 95 898 397 44.2 469 171 36.5 69.0
20. Stephen Hale SG Illinois State 64-67 111 2690 1107 140 214 1 145 879 364 41.4 489 171 35.0 72.0
21. Samuel Sholes PG Illinois State 57-60 112 2712 1096 261 264 2 192 780 364 46.7 211 65 30.8 70.5
22. Ted Fuller SF Illinois State 14-17 109 2687 1094 402 138 26 103 995 409 41.1 214 59 27.6 53.8
23. Walter Jackson SG Illinois State 130-133 109 2106 1093 265 228 1 124 742 375 50.5 267 108 40.4 76.8
24. Dirk Nell PF Illinois State 40-43 118 2660 1090 691 113 143 141 955 430 45.0 2 0 0.0 70.1
25. Marion Boeding SF Illinois State 169-172 111 2205 1072 356 120 14 104 831 389 46.8 277 99 35.7 70.4
* Bolded players are currently active.
Minimum Requirements:
  • 300 FGA to qualify for FG%
  • 100 FG3A to qualify for 3Pt%
  • 200 FTA to qualify for FT%