Record: 3-7 Conference: A10 Coach: Sim AI Prestige: D RPI: 269 SOS: 224
Division I - Washington, DC
Homecourt: C-
Home: 2-3 Away: 1-4
AVG 601
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Name Year Pos School Sn. GP Min Pts Reb Ast Blk Stl FGA FGM FG% 3PtA 3PtM 3Pt% FT%
1. Donald Zematis SG George Washington 63-66 111 3142 2098 192 265 3 101 1665 742 44.6 825 345 41.8 70.2
2. Chad Salley SG George Washington 15-18 84 2071 1691 149 106 1 86 1494 532 35.6 884 290 32.8 70.2
3. Kenneth Justice PG George Washington 75-79 90 2585 1645 156 191 5 108 1200 550 45.8 905 390 43.1 72.8
4. Gregorio Greco PG George Washington 174-177 120 3157 1616 272 343 4 129 1172 516 44.0 684 265 38.7 79.9
5. Donald Fulgham PG George Washington 61-64 110 2320 1465 97 295 1 95 1206 490 40.6 616 218 35.4 76.9
6. Hilario Ramos PG George Washington 73-77 109 3291 1439 274 521 1 145 1162 481 41.4 1015 401 39.5 71.0
7. Jeffrey Young PG George Washington 76-80 111 2647 1428 262 266 0 124 1176 492 41.8 870 323 37.1 71.2
8. John Cassell SG George Washington 75-78 110 2892 1426 318 214 24 94 1148 486 42.3 934 381 40.8 72.3
9. Issac Bologna SG George Washington 7-10 109 3571 1414 291 350 3 163 1126 506 44.9 520 207 39.8 59.3
10. Jay Aparicio SG George Washington 173-176 117 2768 1373 222 169 4 114 975 438 44.9 539 215 39.9 78.1
11. Jesse Kline SG George Washington 110-113 110 2493 1368 85 222 1 78 1093 465 42.5 867 345 39.8 60.4
12. Donat Novak PF George Washington 6-9 112 3194 1359 700 78 70 140 1077 502 46.6 139 38 27.3 66.0
13. Randy Vezina PF George Washington 10-13 112 3179 1352 848 90 103 185 1130 544 48.1 155 37 23.9 59.1
14. Carlos Neville SG George Washington 112-116 109 2432 1326 308 185 17 87 984 431 43.8 832 346 41.6 72.0
15. Edward Mong C George Washington 175-178 118 2881 1272 874 55 150 78 993 481 48.4 6 0 0.0 68.1
16. Truman Pal PG George Washington 23-26 112 3072 1265 278 375 14 74 1104 438 39.7 601 207 34.4 64.8
17. George Mayes PG George Washington 86-90 112 2724 1261 147 233 3 162 918 414 45.1 634 260 41.0 65.8
18. Martin Rountree SF George Washington 33-36 117 2910 1258 409 104 16 135 1022 447 43.7 464 171 36.9 76.9
19. Donald Poole SG George Washington 25-28 115 2675 1234 220 326 19 87 915 427 46.7 511 204 39.9 64.9
20. Willy Brown PG George Washington 63-66 93 1841 1233 79 208 1 67 951 398 41.9 748 304 40.6 82.1
21. Jerry Tucker PG George Washington 154-157 111 2362 1232 224 291 0 222 858 422 49.2 294 113 38.4 75.8
22. Andrew Woodruff PG George Washington 65-68 110 2137 1190 82 269 4 72 975 421 43.2 612 255 41.7 68.4
23. Barry Englund PG George Washington 130-133 114 2074 1189 153 309 2 165 792 376 47.5 364 157 43.1 80.7
24. Thomas Browning SG George Washington 118-121 118 3038 1188 319 245 2 137 854 395 46.3 224 73 32.6 73.7
25. Martin Shirley SG George Washington 212-215 113 2146 1180 257 251 2 160 800 403 50.4 301 115 38.2 81.2
* Bolded players are currently active.
Minimum Requirements:
  • 300 FGA to qualify for FG%
  • 100 FG3A to qualify for 3Pt%
  • 200 FTA to qualify for FT%