Record: 8-2 Conference: Big East Coach: snafu4u Prestige: A+ RPI: 10 SOS: 27
Division I - Storrs, CT
Homecourt: A+
Home: 0-0 Away: 8-2
AVG 738
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Name Year Pos School Sn. GP Min Pts Reb Ast Blk Stl FGA FGM FG% 3PtA 3PtM 3Pt% FT%
1. Jesse Jackson SG UConn 120-123 128 3219 2242 341 321 8 118 1706 775 45.4 719 277 38.5 71.3
2. Henry Maynard PG UConn 194-197 112 3577 2055 420 222 2 128 1734 725 41.8 960 344 35.8 64.1
3. Gary McKenney PF UConn 197-200 119 3605 1851 884 92 134 93 1310 667 50.9 60 16 26.7 76.7
4. David Olin PG UConn 51-54 123 3021 1831 319 325 2 163 1303 631 48.4 637 270 42.4 75.9
5. James Simmons PG UConn 204-206 99 3132 1824 238 398 7 119 1420 614 43.2 872 338 38.8 77.0
6. David Hafley SG UConn 101-104 133 3085 1823 303 251 9 117 1278 628 49.1 580 252 43.4 72.4
7. Jim Braud PG UConn 161-164 125 3517 1808 480 430 8 130 1334 598 44.8 910 379 41.6 70.8
8. Timothy Cunningham PG UConn 214-217 120 3595 1764 298 431 3 131 1273 580 45.6 949 408 43.0 80.0
9. Michael Vaught SF UConn 143-146 129 3348 1759 765 146 148 88 1242 650 52.3 6 1 16.7 72.8
10. John Pace SG UConn 61-65 125 3363 1732 474 215 30 122 1273 629 49.4 540 234 43.3 72.5
11. Derrick Falk C UConn 158-161 130 3207 1717 908 117 161 94 1269 683 53.8 80 25 31.3 62.2
12. Eric Jenks PG UConn 206-208 95 2854 1713 205 315 4 93 1315 566 43.0 907 369 40.7 80.6
13. Fa Hou SF UConn 125-128 126 3351 1687 455 215 34 113 1159 591 51.0 204 84 41.2 77.2
14. Ronald Block SG UConn 55-59 131 3145 1649 267 250 2 109 1153 516 44.8 905 383 42.3 80.4
15. Jamie Justice SG UConn 109-112 128 3131 1646 215 260 5 127 1158 542 46.8 720 316 43.9 71.5
16. Norman Bail SF UConn 100-103 133 3252 1634 463 194 35 108 1164 559 48.0 878 393 44.8 63.1
17. Kevin Mason PG UConn 105-108 125 2945 1628 205 321 5 108 1130 541 47.9 680 299 44.0 69.2
18. Paul Bauman SG UConn 184-187 122 3583 1617 479 339 18 118 1198 571 47.7 512 195 38.1 73.3
19. Christopher Riddell PG UConn 166-169 121 3497 1615 187 481 3 114 1065 503 47.2 559 240 42.9 82.2
20. Richard Varga PF UConn 175-178 124 3735 1613 846 149 159 98 1200 594 49.5 254 95 37.4 69.3
21. John Winborne SG UConn 140-143 127 3359 1597 227 358 1 104 1082 529 48.9 520 232 44.6 80.2
22. Colin Malikowski C UConn 117-120 124 2936 1581 829 68 188 79 1269 609 48.0 8 0 0.0 63.2
23. Alvin Dimmick PG UConn 181-183 97 2650 1573 198 273 2 111 1194 535 44.8 685 271 39.6 76.6
24. Ilia Zarkin PF UConn 124-127 129 2856 1569 609 116 116 85 1113 594 53.4 183 73 39.9 66.2
25. Victor Stanfield SG UConn 151-154 136 3000 1564 341 320 7 124 1214 525 43.2 810 322 39.8 69.8
* Bolded players are currently active.
Minimum Requirements:
  • 300 FGA to qualify for FG%
  • 100 FG3A to qualify for 3Pt%
  • 200 FTA to qualify for FT%