Record: 4-6 Conference: MAC Coach: Sim AI Prestige: D RPI: 196 SOS: 184
Division I - Muncie, IN
Homecourt: C
Home: 2-2 Away: 2-4
AVG 616
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Name Year Pos School Sn. GP Min Pts Reb Ast Blk Stl FGA FGM FG% 3PtA 3PtM 3Pt% FT%
1. Peter Dunn PG Ball State 193-196 109 3008 1827 165 274 1 127 1472 604 41.0 1033 394 38.1 75.5
2. Terry Pittman PG Ball State 195-198 110 3096 1790 218 266 3 121 1380 584 42.3 808 310 38.4 82.3
3. Charles Mullins C Ball State 105-108 112 2478 1665 536 32 71 56 1339 614 45.9 117 28 23.9 70.8
4. Robert Diedrich SG Ball State 175-178 112 3053 1504 226 304 3 130 1135 529 46.6 524 203 38.7 66.6
5. James Jernigan SF Ball State 4-7 117 3174 1479 585 185 30 84 1155 519 44.9 524 206 39.3 63.9
6. David Miecznikowski C Ball State 16-20 111 2999 1466 1053 68 197 87 1010 540 53.5 1 0 0.0 71.9
7. Victor Villarreal SG Ball State 166-170 110 2649 1436 385 172 0 112 1023 487 47.6 485 209 43.1 71.9
8. Rodger Okane PG Ball State 147-150 114 2679 1413 147 315 4 107 969 471 48.6 532 231 43.4 76.2
9. Ricky Simpson SG Ball State 73-76 111 2379 1408 134 200 1 146 1200 466 38.8 647 209 32.3 76.1
10. Bret Walton SG Ball State 123-126 111 2925 1403 268 336 1 99 990 470 47.5 581 250 43.0 73.4
11. John Henry PG Ball State 143-146 109 3069 1383 166 358 2 126 950 427 44.9 495 197 39.8 85.1
12. Wendell Odom SF Ball State 107-110 112 2770 1367 414 161 27 124 999 494 49.4 80 24 30.0 75.7
13. Joseph Stover SG Ball State 16-19 108 2944 1359 314 269 20 118 910 411 45.2 541 212 39.2 86.2
14. Shayne Shaffer SG Ball State 186-189 110 2553 1344 322 298 3 105 959 465 48.5 494 211 42.7 73.6
15. Calvin Trent SG Ball State 42-45 113 2784 1320 98 206 1 126 1022 452 44.2 615 241 39.2 74.8
16. Albert Page PG Ball State 169-172 113 3074 1310 111 456 2 109 929 427 46.0 507 221 43.6 82.2
17. Joshua Rule SG Ball State 82-85 111 2163 1283 279 194 3 146 952 438 46.0 452 161 35.6 72.4
18. Harley Difranco PG Ball State 74-77 112 2410 1264 209 405 0 194 925 419 45.3 554 217 39.2 78.9
19. Donald Gulledge SG Ball State 150-153 112 2449 1236 240 199 4 81 848 413 48.7 479 199 41.5 79.6
20. Marvin Childs SF Ball State 156-159 112 2838 1223 487 207 45 100 970 436 44.9 437 165 37.8 74.1
21. Leo Hammond SF Ball State 189-192 111 2916 1220 294 205 25 94 911 422 46.3 255 80 31.4 80.2
22. Wes Dingle C Ball State 3-6 115 2949 1206 1006 81 133 71 835 442 52.9 11 1 9.1 65.5
23. Francis Barnes PG Ball State 52-55 109 2443 1200 163 238 3 125 874 389 44.5 586 232 39.6 83.3
24. Samuel Lamb SF Ball State 130-133 112 2851 1199 427 222 41 105 864 388 44.9 460 202 43.9 73.4
25. Norman Paul SG Ball State 198-201 115 2547 1193 455 171 32 105 852 427 50.1 76 26 34.2 67.9
* Bolded players are currently active.
Minimum Requirements:
  • 300 FGA to qualify for FG%
  • 100 FG3A to qualify for 3Pt%
  • 200 FTA to qualify for FT%