Record: 2-8 Conference: OVC Coach: Sim AI Prestige: D- RPI: 320 SOS: 324
Division I - Clarksville, TN
Homecourt: C-
Home: 0-4 Away: 2-4
AVG 609
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Name Year Pos School Sn. GP Min Pts Reb Ast Blk Stl FGA FGM FG% 3PtA 3PtM 3Pt% FT%
1. Ray Kirklin SG Austin Peay 12-15 113 3583 1612 60 306 1 154 1234 551 44.7 770 317 41.2 61.5
2. Darren Goodman SF Austin Peay 16-19 111 3322 1563 517 176 44 96 1329 542 40.8 640 214 33.4 59.3
3. Ronald Mathews C Austin Peay 74-77 112 2966 1366 766 27 155 103 1065 502 47.1 24 1 4.2 74.7
4. James Lucier SG Austin Peay 99-102 104 3096 1362 204 247 4 115 1019 446 43.8 603 249 41.3 75.7
5. Brian Yeomans C Austin Peay 14-17 110 3086 1324 1006 36 199 119 1090 508 46.6 4 0 0.0 68.9
6. Robert Perkins SG Austin Peay 115-118 111 3044 1313 297 278 5 90 1020 454 44.5 638 271 42.5 69.4
7. Bernard Valliere SG Austin Peay 95-98 109 3127 1312 129 328 0 101 1050 468 44.6 587 236 40.2 65.1
8. Joseph Amaral SG Austin Peay 122-126 115 2334 1271 307 164 9 175 916 432 47.2 341 127 37.2 75.3
9. Nicholas Mermelstein SF Austin Peay 8-11 110 2944 1254 385 107 16 114 1089 459 42.1 401 132 32.9 58.1
10. Jason Whitlow PG Austin Peay 67-70 109 2715 1238 203 393 2 93 921 419 45.5 602 259 43.0 78.3
11. Brandon Michel PG Austin Peay 51-54 113 3199 1237 160 359 3 133 947 418 44.1 548 210 38.3 78.6
12. Daniel May SG Austin Peay 130-133 114 2543 1236 417 229 4 190 900 427 47.4 259 89 34.4 69.8
13. John Galvin SF Austin Peay 154-157 111 2407 1234 337 209 21 111 934 423 45.3 394 151 38.3 73.8
14. Jimmy Starcher PG Austin Peay 55-58 113 3206 1234 202 394 3 149 937 391 41.7 571 205 35.9 77.9
15. Lorenzo Martin PG Austin Peay 59-62 117 3022 1230 252 451 3 121 908 406 44.7 546 225 41.2 73.1
16. Wilson Smith SG Austin Peay 111-114 111 3017 1227 316 273 2 115 1006 423 42.0 728 285 39.1 65.8
17. Ronald Campbell PG Austin Peay 76-79 111 3001 1227 119 387 1 90 940 401 42.7 571 231 40.5 74.0
18. Clayton Arellano SF Austin Peay 48-51 112 2734 1213 471 167 42 57 916 431 47.1 311 120 38.6 72.4
19. Jeffrey Belville SG Austin Peay 26-29 110 2851 1211 187 311 2 72 981 430 43.8 594 232 39.1 70.0
20. Earnest Quiros SG Austin Peay 159-162 112 2336 1204 198 169 1 146 882 409 46.4 420 166 39.5 73.1
21. William Murphy SG Austin Peay 103-106 109 2842 1192 218 170 1 84 1033 418 40.5 498 174 34.9 65.9
22. Bruce Lawrence SG Austin Peay 87-90 106 3032 1155 241 182 1 111 1008 397 39.4 636 235 36.9 66.0
23. Ellis Baggett PF Austin Peay 117-120 113 2723 1152 692 125 69 76 828 426 51.4 235 89 37.9 72.8
24. Joseph White SF Austin Peay 194-197 109 2386 1148 406 178 31 111 813 437 53.8 91 21 23.1 73.5
25. Carl Puckett SG Austin Peay 47-50 112 3177 1142 381 178 4 95 989 396 40.0 298 80 26.8 77.8
* Bolded players are currently active.
Minimum Requirements:
  • 300 FGA to qualify for FG%
  • 100 FG3A to qualify for 3Pt%
  • 200 FTA to qualify for FT%