Record: 11-1 Conference: Heartland Coach: JerryRay23 Prestige: C- RPI: 31 SOS: 100
Division III - Waynesburg, PA
Homecourt: D+
Home: 2-1 Away: 9-0
AVG 572
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Name Yr. Pos. Flex Motion Triangle Fastbreak Man Zone Press
Erik Pridemore Sr. PG D- A- D- D- B- B- B+
Chris Higgins Jr. PG F B+ F F B B- B-
Michael Lancaster Jr. SG F B C F F B- B
Preston Tyler Fr. SG C- C- F D- F C- B-
Chadwick Schumann Sr. SF F B- C- C+ B+ C- B+
Craig Tate Sr. SF D A D- D- B- B+ B+
William Jensen Sr. PF F A- F F B- B B-
Andy Owen So. PF F B F C F B B-
Thomas Willis Sr. C C A- C- C+ C+ B A-
Dustin Blount Jr. C C- B+ D- D- C- B B+
Russell Hodge So. C F B F C C- B B-
Wayne Frasher Fr. PF F C+ F F F C+ C
Players are graded from A+ to F based on their knowledge of each offense and defense.