Record: 0-0 Conference: ACC Coach: mcott323 Prestige: A+ RPI: 0 SOS: 0
Division I - Charlottesville, VA
Homecourt: A+
Home: 0-0 Away: 0-0
AVG 674
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Name Yr. Pos. Flex Motion Triangle Fastbreak Man Zone Press
Arthur Burton Sr. PG C- D- A- D- C- A- C-
Mark Bush Jr. PG C- F B C- C- B F
Terrance Riley Sr. SG C- D- B+ D- C- B+ C-
Mike Tarin Jr. SG C F B+ D F B+ F
James Howell Fr. SG F F C- F F D- C-
Pasquale Cuevas Fr. SF F D+ D- F D C- D
Yong Xiong Sr. PF D- D- A+ C D A D
Gonzalo Romano Fr. PF F C D- F D+ D- F
Chad Moore So. C F C B F D+ B- D+
Luke Bowling Fr. C C F F F F C- C-
Ryan Davis Fr. C D- F D- C- C D- F
Steven Hall Fr. SF F F C F F C D
Players are graded from A+ to F based on their knowledge of each offense and defense.