East Standings
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School Coach Conf. Overall Home Road Top 25 Last 10 STRK RPI SOS
#21 Howard Payne kyjack 7-0 13-4 4-3 9-1 1-1 9-1 W9 34 40
Austin Sim AI 5-1 14-2 7-2 7-0 0-0 9-1 W4 44 115
Hardin-Simmons Sim AI 4-2 14-2 7-0 7-2 0-0 8-2 W3 53 256
Concordia, Austin Sim AI 3-3 9-7 3-5 6-2 0-0 5-5 L2 87 42
E. Texas Baptist Sim AI 3-4 9-8 4-5 5-3 0-2 5-5 W1 83 28
LeTourneau Sim AI 1-5 6-10 3-6 3-4 0-2 4-6 L3 215 103
West Standings
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School Coach Conf. Overall Home Road Top 25 Last 10 STRK RPI SOS
#19 McMurry brip87 7-0 12-5 3-0 9-5 3-5 8-2 W8 7 8
Texas Lutheran Sim AI 4-3 9-8 3-5 6-3 0-3 5-5 W2 150 158
Schreiner Sim AI 3-4 9-8 4-6 5-2 0-1 5-5 L4 180 188
Texas, Dallas Sim AI 2-5 6-11 3-5 3-6 1-6 4-6 L1 132 25
Sul Ross St. Sim AI 1-6 6-11 2-5 4-6 0-2 2-8 L3 280 284
Mary Hardin-Baylor Sim AI 0-7 2-15 2-5 0-10 0-2 1-9 L9 305 48
Collegiate Insider Top 5
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School Coach Record Points Prev Last Game
1. Beloit xulapaul 15-1 1213 1 W 63-115 v. Carroll (2/16)
2. Mississippi College StrikeMike 16-1 1181 2 L 75-62 v. #7 Cornell (2/16)
3. Palm Beach Atlantic coachucla 17-0 1176 3 W 70-34 at Piedmont (2/16)
4. Finlandia ejectgoose 15-2 1176 4 W 70-81 v. #17 Calvin (2/16)
5. Cornell benrudy 16-0 1161 7 W 75-62 at #2 Mississippi College (2/16)
Player Stats
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Name Year Pos School Sn. GP Min Pts Reb Ast Blk Stl FGA FGM FG% 3PtA 3PtM 3Pt% FT%
1. Willis Jordan Jr. PG Hardin-Simmons 16 27.0 13.8 2.1 4.6 0.0 1.2 9.6 5.1 53.6 3.7 1.4 39.0 70.8
2. Luis Coyle Sr. C Howard Payne 17 21.2 13.7 5.8 0.3 1.2 0.9 10.1 5.4 53.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 59.0
3. Herman Massie Sr. PG E. Texas Baptist 17 24.6 13.7 2.5 4.4 0.0 1.5 9.1 4.5 49.0 6.6 3.1 47.3 68.3
4. Stephen Silcox Sr. PF Howard Payne 17 24.6 13.4 7.2 0.9 0.8 0.8 11.6 5.5 47.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 59.7
5. Lynn Holm Sr. SF Austin 16 21.3 13.3 4.3 2.6 0.6 1.4 8.8 4.8 54.3 0.4 0.1 33.3 84.1
* Bolded players are currently active.
Team Stats
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School GP Pts Reb Ast Blk Stl Fls TO FGA FGM FG% 3PtA 3PtM 3Pt% FT%
1. Austin 16 84.6 35.4 17.3 3.2 11.1 23.5 16.6 59.4 29.6 49.7 18.2 6.9 37.8 74.8
2. Howard Payne 17 81.1 33.9 17.9 4.6 11.8 21.8 14.1 59.3 29.4 49.5 7.5 3.3 43.8 64.4
3. McMurry 17 72.6 35.3 13.8 3.8 8.6 18.2 15.9 52.6 24.6 46.9 17.5 6.5 37.0 72.8
4. Concordia, Austin 16 70.9 38.3 13.2 4.7 5.6 17.0 17.1 54.2 24.3 44.8 20.5 7.3 35.4 68.8
5. Hardin-Simmons 16 70.4 30.3 18.6 2.9 7.8 16.1 11.5 53.6 25.2 47.0 23.1 9.3 40.3 66.2
2/14 8:02 AM There are 336 job openings in Phelan, DIII.
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2/13 5:06 AM There are 331 job openings in Allen, DIII.
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2/12 1:34 PM Login Changes coming 02/19/25. Please see this forum post to see how it impacts you. Commissioner
2/08 10:21 AM There are 341 job openings in Tarkanian, DIII.
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2/01 5:14 AM There are 316 job openings in Knight, DIII.
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2/01 5:06 AM There are 328 job openings in Rupp, DIII.
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1/30 7:37 PM Right back at ya. You'll be tough as well. brip87
1/30 2:32 PM Good luck Ky. Your team is looking good. Especially next season! Commissioner
1/27 3:18 PM There are 334 job openings in Wooden, DIII.
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1/22 9:45 AM There are 314 job openings in Naismith, DIII.
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