East Standings
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School Coach Conf. Overall Home Road Top 25 Last 10 STRK RPI SOS
#15 U. of Indianapolis babyj1 6-1 14-3 8-1 6-2 2-2 9-1 W5 24 58
Lewis Sim AI 5-2 10-7 5-4 5-3 0-2 7-3 W3 68 45
N. Kentucky scudder25 4-2 10-6 5-1 5-5 1-4 7-3 W2 35 21
Kentucky Wesleyan Sim AI 3-3 8-8 5-3 3-5 0-1 6-4 W1 184 239
Missouri, St. Louis Sim AI 3-3 7-9 5-4 2-5 0-1 4-6 L2 149 96
Bellarmine Sim AI 1-5 8-8 4-5 4-3 0-1 3-7 L4 113 68
West Standings
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School Coach Conf. Overall Home Road Top 25 Last 10 STRK RPI SOS
Wisconsin, Parkside kb22 7-0 13-4 9-2 4-2 1-1 9-1 W9 41 71
#10 S. Indiana simpleton 6-1 14-3 3-1 11-2 4-3 8-2 W4 11 28
Mercyhurst cbryant31 3-4 7-10 2-6 5-4 0-4 4-6 L1 79 12
St. Joseph's (IN) Sim AI 1-6 5-12 4-4 1-8 0-3 3-7 L4 238 196
S. Illinois, Edwardsville Sim AI 1-6 4-13 2-5 2-8 0-2 2-8 L5 204 94
Quincy Sim AI 0-7 3-14 2-8 1-6 0-1 1-9 L9 270 244
Collegiate Insider Top 5
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School Coach Record Points Prev Last Game
1. West Georgia tmacfan12 17-0 1170 1 W 100-76 at #11 Henderson St. (2/16)
2. Franklin Pierce eric9930 15-1 1144 2 W 45-86 v. Bentley (2/16)
3. New Mexico Highlands swany623 16-1 1129 3 W 53-75 v. Winona St. (2/16)
4. Mansfield thickman 15-2 1117 4 W 91-48 at Millersville (2/16)
5. Metropolitan St. mdried 15-2 1110 5 W 67-48 at Colorado St., Pueblo (2/16)
Player Stats
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Name Year Pos School Sn. GP Min Pts Reb Ast Blk Stl FGA FGM FG% 3PtA 3PtM 3Pt% FT%
1. Carlton Means Sr. PG Mercyhurst 17 26.4 17.6 2.0 1.5 0.1 1.2 14.7 6.2 42.0 3.8 1.3 33.8 67.3
2. Rudolph Anderson Jr. PG U. of Indianapolis 17 26.9 16.3 2.3 3.8 0.0 0.9 12.9 5.5 42.9 8.4 3.2 38.0 79.5
3. William Finch Sr. SG Kentucky Wesleyan 16 24.3 16.1 1.6 1.5 0.0 0.9 10.6 5.4 51.2 7.6 3.4 45.5 85.3
4. Blake Bently Sr/5 PF S. Indiana 17 25.2 15.1 8.6 1.1 1.2 0.6 10.6 5.8 54.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 73.2
5. Mark Morano Jr. SG S. Illinois, Edwardsville 17 29.1 14.8 1.6 0.9 0.1 1.5 10.6 5.0 47.2 7.9 3.2 41.0 65.9
* Bolded players are currently active.
Team Stats
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School GP Pts Reb Ast Blk Stl Fls TO FGA FGM FG% 3PtA 3PtM 3Pt% FT%
1. U. of Indianapolis 17 76.8 34.7 16.2 3.7 6.6 15.8 13.5 54.4 26.5 48.8 22.4 9.6 43.2 72.5
2. S. Indiana 17 74.5 35.6 16.5 3.9 6.9 16.0 13.0 52.4 25.5 48.6 10.1 4.2 41.3 69.7
3. Lewis 17 73.5 30.5 16.5 1.8 9.6 21.8 14.1 56.8 25.5 44.8 21.7 7.8 36.0 67.8
4. Kentucky Wesleyan 16 69.5 31.8 13.9 4.1 6.8 17.3 12.9 54.8 24.1 43.9 21.8 7.8 35.6 74.1
5. Quincy 17 68.6 28.9 16.1 2.6 6.1 21.0 13.8 54.1 25.2 46.6 22.6 8.8 39.0 66.8
2/14 8:02 AM There are 336 job openings in Phelan, DIII.
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2/13 5:06 AM There are 331 job openings in Allen, DIII.
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2/12 1:34 PM Login Changes coming 02/19/25. Please see this forum post to see how it impacts you. Commissioner
2/08 10:21 AM There are 341 job openings in Tarkanian, DIII.
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2/07 4:19 PM It's going to be a long season. I really screwed up my roster. I have 4 guards, yes just 4. I was recruiting a SG that was ineligible, I got the message that he passed. Only it wasn't the same guy I offered. I should have looked a little ... kb22
2/07 4:19 PM ...closer. This might take 2 or 3 seasons to correct. I really F'ed this up. Commissioner
2/01 5:14 AM There are 316 job openings in Knight, DIII.
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2/01 5:06 AM There are 328 job openings in Rupp, DIII.
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1/31 7:20 PM I've got a really young team but i like the pieces we have. please just no Sim L's this season haha simpleton
1/31 7:32 AM We are extremely overrated. We’ll come crashing back to earth by game 5 if not sooner.