East Standings
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School Coach Conf. Overall Home Road Top 25 Last 10 STRK RPI SOS
Howard Payne MITchip 14-2 22-8 7-2 13-4 1-4 8-2 L1 30 29
E. Texas Baptist Sim AI 7-9 14-13 7-6 7-6 0-3 4-6 L1 142 126
LeTourneau Sim AI 7-9 14-14 6-7 7-6 0-3 7-3 L1 175 206
Hardin-Simmons Sim AI 6-10 10-18 5-7 4-10 0-4 4-6 L1 171 51
Austin Sim AI 5-11 12-16 6-6 5-9 0-2 3-7 L1 162 86
Concordia, Austin Sim AI 1-15 5-22 4-9 1-12 0-2 0-10 L11 326 93
West Standings
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School Coach Conf. Overall Home Road Top 25 Last 10 STRK RPI SOS
#8 Texas, Dallas utthead 15-1 29-2 12-0 13-1 4-1 9-1 L1 4 17
#9 Texas Lutheran impala1995ss 15-1 29-3 12-0 13-1 3-3 8-2 L1 6 14
Mary Hardin-Baylor Gorangers16 9-7 17-14 8-4 7-9 0-5 5-5 L1 83 50
McMurry Sim AI 7-9 18-12 8-6 10-5 0-4 4-6 L1 69 45
Sul Ross St. bpielcmc 5-11 10-17 5-8 5-8 0-5 3-7 L3 124 16
Schreiner Sim AI 5-11 9-18 3-10 6-7 0-5 2-8 L3 160 31
Collegiate Insider Top 5
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School Coach Record Points Prev Last Game
1. Puget Sound ja_tbfl 34-1 1300 1 W 78-98 v. #2 California, Santa Cruz (2/12)
2. California, Santa Cruz jbohrman 30-5 1284 2 L 78-98 at #1 Puget Sound (2/12)
3. Wisconsin, Oshkosh BKnicksfan17 31-3 1185 3 L 73-107 at #1 Puget Sound (2/11)
4. Trinity (CT) benrudy 29-4 1170 4 L 98-81 v. #5 California, Santa Cruz (2/10)
5. York (PA) dreamteam20 32-1 1164 5 L 84-73 v. #6 Wisconsin, Oshkosh (2/10)
Player Stats
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Name Year Pos School Sn. GP Min Pts Reb Ast Blk Stl FGA FGM FG% 3PtA 3PtM 3Pt% FT%
1. Michael Franks Sr. SG Texas Lutheran 32 29.2 16.3 2.5 3.9 0.0 1.3 10.6 5.6 53.3 6.1 2.8 45.4 78.1
2. Leroy Talty Sr. PG Texas Lutheran 32 28.4 14.4 2.4 5.7 0.0 1.3 10.1 4.9 48.1 9.1 4.2 46.2 61.9
3. Jerry Griffie Sr. PG Texas, Dallas 31 23.9 14.1 2.0 2.1 0.1 1.4 8.9 4.2 47.5 5.5 2.5 45.3 80.2
4. Douglas Erbstein Sr. SF Mary Hardin-Baylor 31 28.5 14.0 4.3 1.0 0.2 0.9 8.5 4.6 55.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 75.8
5. Robert Naumann Sr. PG Austin 28 21.6 13.7 1.4 1.6 0.0 1.6 9.1 4.5 48.8 2.8 1.1 39.0 77.4
* Bolded players are currently active.
Team Stats
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School GP Pts Reb Ast Blk Stl Fls TO FGA FGM FG% 3PtA 3PtM 3Pt% FT%
1. Howard Payne 30 78.7 32.9 15.3 3.1 10.8 20.9 14.4 56.0 26.8 47.9 8.3 3.1 37.2 66.2
2. Austin 28 77.5 36.2 14.4 2.6 9.6 24.4 17.8 60.5 26.9 44.4 21.1 6.8 31.9 73.1
3. Texas, Dallas 31 77.0 34.8 18.5 3.3 8.5 15.9 11.8 51.9 26.1 50.4 11.5 4.6 40.1 71.2
4. LeTourneau 28 73.1 31.5 16.7 1.5 9.4 22.3 14.5 58.4 25.2 43.2 25.1 8.4 33.6 76.9
5. Texas Lutheran 32 72.7 31.6 18.4 3.3 6.6 14.2 11.9 48.8 25.7 52.6 22.6 10.5 46.4 73.0
2/14 8:02 AM There are 336 job openings in Phelan, DIII.
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2/13 5:06 AM There are 331 job openings in Allen, DIII.
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2/12 1:34 PM Login Changes coming 02/19/25. Please see this forum post to see how it impacts you. utthead
2/08 12:43 PM Good luck impala!! utthead
2/08 12:43 PM Well that one really hurt. You just never know. Commissioner
2/08 10:21 AM There are 341 job openings in Tarkanian, DIII.
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2/07 11:38 PM thanks impala impala1995ss
2/06 11:04 PM Wow nice job MIT chip MITchip
2/06 10:14 PM thanks utt, the first of hopefully more than 1 utthead
2/06 4:56 PM @MITchip- Congrats on your title in Allen!!