East Standings
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School Coach Conf. Overall Home Road Top 25 Last 10 STRK RPI SOS
#23 W. Chester (PA) stamps 6-1 15-2 7-1 8-1 0-2 8-2 W4 18 62
Slippery Rock Sim AI 5-1 13-3 7-2 6-1 1-0 8-2 L1 62 205
S. New Hampshire Sim AI 4-2 10-6 5-3 5-3 0-1 8-2 W2 52 39
UMass, Lowell Sim AI 3-3 11-5 6-2 5-3 0-1 6-4 W1 63 133
W. Virginia Wesleyan Sim AI 3-3 10-6 6-2 4-4 0-1 4-6 L2 117 212
Stonehill Sim AI 1-6 8-9 4-4 4-5 0-1 2-8 W1 161 189
West Standings
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School Coach Conf. Overall Home Road Top 25 Last 10 STRK RPI SOS
#18 W. Oregon dcy0827 6-1 15-2 8-0 7-2 3-1 9-1 W1 13 74
Alaska Fairbanks Sim AI 4-3 6-11 3-5 3-6 0-3 4-6 L1 140 48
Tiffin Sim AI 2-5 5-12 3-6 2-6 0-2 3-7 L2 216 147
W. Washington Sim AI 2-5 4-13 2-6 2-7 0-1 2-8 W1 226 140
Central St. Sim AI 2-5 4-13 1-6 3-7 0-1 2-8 L1 249 230
Alaska Anchorage reigny 2-5 4-13 0-8 4-5 0-2 2-8 L1 220 160
Collegiate Insider Top 5
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School Coach Record Points Prev Last Game
1. West Georgia tmacfan12 17-0 1170 1 W 100-76 at #11 Henderson St. (2/16)
2. Franklin Pierce eric9930 15-1 1144 2 W 45-86 v. Bentley (2/16)
3. New Mexico Highlands swany623 16-1 1129 3 W 53-75 v. Winona St. (2/16)
4. Mansfield thickman 15-2 1117 4 W 91-48 at Millersville (2/16)
5. Metropolitan St. mdried 15-2 1110 5 W 67-48 at Colorado St., Pueblo (2/16)
Player Stats
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Name Year Pos School Sn. GP Min Pts Reb Ast Blk Stl FGA FGM FG% 3PtA 3PtM 3Pt% FT%
1. Fredrick Morgan Jr. PG W. Oregon 17 24.9 15.1 1.3 3.7 0.0 0.5 10.7 5.1 47.3 5.1 2.1 41.9 79.0
2. Wallace Bullock Jr. PG Alaska Anchorage 17 31.4 14.5 2.0 3.4 0.0 1.1 11.5 5.0 43.4 4.8 1.7 35.4 68.6
3. Timothy Tidwell Jr. SF S. New Hampshire 16 22.7 14.5 5.7 0.9 0.3 0.9 10.8 5.1 47.1 4.8 1.9 39.0 69.0
4. Michael Grayson Sr/5 PG Alaska Fairbanks 17 28.9 14.2 3.6 4.1 0.0 1.4 9.9 4.6 46.4 3.2 1.2 36.4 76.7
5. James Phillips Sr. SG Alaska Anchorage 17 35.0 14.0 4.7 3.3 0.1 0.7 11.5 4.5 38.8 6.4 2.2 33.9 77.8
* Bolded players are currently active.
Team Stats
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School GP Pts Reb Ast Blk Stl Fls TO FGA FGM FG% 3PtA 3PtM 3Pt% FT%
1. Slippery Rock 16 79.2 35.4 15.0 4.3 8.9 20.1 16.5 54.4 26.1 48.0 17.3 5.9 34.1 68.6
2. W. Virginia Wesleyan 16 74.2 32.1 17.4 2.9 7.6 18.6 14.8 51.4 26.0 50.6 12.6 3.9 30.7 70.8
3. S. New Hampshire 16 73.1 34.1 14.1 2.6 8.1 20.9 14.2 56.4 25.0 44.3 18.9 6.5 34.4 70.9
4. W. Chester (PA) 17 72.6 33.9 13.6 2.9 7.0 16.1 13.9 53.9 25.2 46.8 24.8 9.4 37.8 68.1
5. UMass, Lowell 16 72.5 28.9 17.9 3.9 6.6 16.6 11.2 51.9 24.3 46.9 20.7 8.3 40.2 74.3
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