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Below is a snapshot of what makes HBD the #1 baseball simulation game on any device.
World In Progress
American League
National League
Franchise Owner Titles Season
Blind Ducks MattWinks 1 55
Ted Mosbys mrincubus 5 175
Twinkie Eaters cj_hackett 0 29
Underachievers zhbuchanan 2 41
Franchise Owner Titles Season
Devil Dogs aflax19 3 54
Fatboys aarongleeman 27 104
Fightin' Wawa nutmeg2315 0 15
Men TedBerg 0 17
Franchise Owner Titles Season
Bulldogs jfeldy93 0 16
Crabbers wulfman611 0 12
Hey Heys MattMartell 0 3
Pistoleros nickpiecoro 8 57
Franchise Owner Titles Season
Dead Heads jsn1642 18 128
Haboobs tjzuppe 8 91
Handbaskets zmeisel 12 73
Trappers stephennesbi 1 14
Franchise Owner Titles Season
American Giants justindoom 11 79
Argonauts pimpbotlove 30 305
Baldomeros wetherjenius 1 92
Traders djhzehayes 0 54
Franchise Owner Titles Season
Blazers magelb 1 29
Cougars lemiracle 2 56
Redbirds irrigator 4 88
River Horse ajc14 0 19
Franchise Owner Titles Season
Charlatans amccarron 0 167
Shockers Thiger 0 34
Space Cowboys YopleKata 0 31
Torcedores Lemmiwinks53 0 20
Franchise Owner Titles Season
Axolotls tsawchik 4 38
Golden Spikes ddnesbitt 0 0
Microbrews standupbob 1 74
Pioneers theom99 0 8
World Chat
Anyone want James Drew (DH) ?
Wonder if it's because I hit yes in the "bribe a buscone" dropdown.
Pretty sure I offered him that too. Still, a spring training offer would trump $1.8M bonus difference?
Fine, I'll move back to Portland....Oh, wait....
He got the spring training invite he wanted.
Just another pro athlete concerned with the homelessness problem in San Francisco smh
Wait a minute. I offered Ernesto Rondon (CF) $.M, he tells me he loves the offer but won't sign yet. Next thing I hear is he signs with someone else for less. WTF?
To be fair, I signed Acquillino a few weeks ago and then lost him by failing to assign him to a team. So not sure how much credit I can really claim.
Logs back on to find a 16-8 team. Immediately signs the best FA still available. Well done

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