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Below is a snapshot of what makes HBD the #1 baseball simulation game on any device.
World In Progress
American League
National League
Franchise Owner Titles Season
Jets hcohenmb 0 113
Kitchen Doctorbenway 3 41
U F O s buddy996 4 310
Wise Guys billyray32 5 61
Franchise Owner Titles Season
Beermen bones44 5 125
Flamingoes SeaSkull 0 18
Showboat drewster0 0 189
Yankdawgs erbgotti 13 150
Franchise Owner Titles Season
Cartel Arthur42 1 23
Jaxx burk 2 258
Knights rcf106 1 173
Yellowhammer Flucie 8 352
Franchise Owner Titles Season
Casino gnocc 0 217
Condors editor21 4 296
Lumberjacks vandydave 5 258
Shotgun Messiahs Iceman67 1 454
Franchise Owner Titles Season
Diamonds holmes44 0 0
Fargo Red Hawks rbjb 0 147
Stars KPMcClave 10 160
Storks hcross22 3 76
Franchise Owner Titles Season
Buzz Kill AJ8981 0 17
Hot Chicken jaylien1 3 206
Otters Schafer59 0 13
Warlocks ukwildcats 5 284
Franchise Owner Titles Season
Biscuits 2_black_dogs 5 182
Flamingos bobbyj7 5 250
Spitfires stonewalter 1 858
Wranglers billhowell75 16 855
Franchise Owner Titles Season
Bobo’s gogogadget 13 105
Donuts jstnklly 6 144
Draft Dodgers bradriddell 1 120
Volunteers timstautberg 6 78
World Chat
That’s easy answer for me, I have none when it comes to pitchers, I have throwers! Haha!
I had 3 ML Pitchers injured this year, all for 30+ days each, and 2 for 150 days. Guess that 85 health kept him from dying!
Why are we going through so many pitchers ????
4 ML Ps injured at one time is I think a record for me
OK thanks!
Two. Playoffs have four division winners and 2 WC spots in each league.
how many Wild Card spots are there again? It's been a while.
My closer if you want to call him that has a whopping 3 saves!
all ERA's over 5, hmmmmmmm, that sounds elite.
Don’t look my way then! All my guys have ERAs over 5! Haha!

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