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Below is a snapshot of what makes HBD the #1 baseball simulation game on any device.
World In Progress
American League
National League
Franchise Owner Titles Season
Crop Circles mrbill99 4 131
Expositors billhowell75 16 855
Primantis tenaciousdx 6 239
Southern Transplants gratefuldawg 3 121
Franchise Owner Titles Season
Admirals tatankawya 2 155
Guerillas TooSmoothMoF 1 69
Pythons eric1214 2 362
Stone Crabs coach_ms 1 22
Franchise Owner Titles Season
Dirt Devils dsmith1995 0 21
MoonShiners yates33 0 96
Pile of Poo peder 4 95
Sound busarider 0 92
Franchise Owner Titles Season
Buffaloes pullmeafredo 12 87
Jaguars rmj97 0 107
Ohtani's jbugg08 2 157
Trappers deanop 3 130
Franchise Owner Titles Season
Expos slayers 6 80
Jake's jokers Jake351977 0 113
Monarchs volk 2 123
Stallions MajesticWitt 0 45
Franchise Owner Titles Season
Borachons raz13 1 71
Orioles Droughns 1 21
Storm ham00020 6 190
Thundering Herd dodgersrays 5 222
Franchise Owner Titles Season
Astros bigalric 1 381
Bats khendrickson 11 138
Cartographers outlaw 6-4-3 24 175
Manglers boogerpride 3 113
Franchise Owner Titles Season
Mental Patients Mike38hh 2 57
Sand Dads clark9jhu 3 135
Tee Bones jrnyfan01 3 147
Warriors sonofthebear 0 248
World Chat
You have the best record in the NL and you lose back to back games to that crappy Buffalo team. Who can’t beat a 6-26
Then you go out there and beat the best team in the NL
Frustrating is losing 3 out 4 to a team with a record of 6-26 coming into the series. Then playing a 3 game series against the team with the best record in the NL…ugh. Nice job Boise!
Ernest Hallman (P) still available in free agency looking for less than K pitched quality innings per season last years.
Agreed, they have changed a bit in the algo, I think they do this often. Only makes sense so it keeps the game fresh and you can’t just “set it and forget it”
I hear ya, Herbert Blume (P) is sporting a + era early on, no bueno.
Only played 26 games, let’s see where you are at the All-star break.
Ottawa top 3 in pitching last season bottom 6 this season. What has changed?
After almost a full year on the DL it’s nice to get Mike Spencer (B) back in the lineup. It’s been days ugh.
Manny Savery (C) is available looking for Bullpen prospect

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