Franchise Draft 1969-2024 Topic

Miguel Tejada
2/13/2025 1:21 PM
Gotta go with one of my favorites... Eddie Murray
2/13/2025 1:22 PM
Posted by schwarze on 2/13/2025 1:22:00 PM (view original):
Gotta go with one of my favorites... Eddie Murray
Mine too. Loved it when he played for the Dodgers, even though Lasorda didn't.
2/13/2025 1:25 PM
Austin Hays
2/13/2025 1:25 PM
Via proxy, PedroCerrano selects Brian Roberts.
2/13/2025 1:26 PM
Jim Poole
2/13/2025 1:59 PM
Roberto Alomar
2/13/2025 2:40 PM
Manny Machado - Headed out to a meeting, could someone sitemail for me? Thank you!
2/13/2025 6:10 PM
sitemails sent
2/13/2025 6:14 PM
Matt Wieters
2/13/2025 6:17 PM
Zack Britton
2/13/2025 7:34 PM
Todd Frohwirth
2/13/2025 7:43 PM
Merv Rettenmund
2/13/2025 8:43 PM
Sorry everyone but I'm taking....

Wayne Garland
2/13/2025 8:54 PM
Felix Bautista
2/13/2025 8:58 PM
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Franchise Draft 1969-2024 Topic

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