I'll take 1989.
1/27/2025 7:06 AM
Please switch me to 2018, and I’ll stick with that one.
1/27/2025 11:50 PM
Posted by andricecakes on 1/27/2025 11:50:00 PM (view original):
Please switch me to 2018, and I’ll stick with that one.
1/28/2025 9:56 PM
Give me 1999 if I understand this correctly. I use all the HOFers in the SIM database voted in the year 1999 and then anyone also to fill out my roster in the SIM data base?
1/28/2025 10:31 PM (edited)
I'll give this a go with 2023
1/29/2025 7:12 AM
Posted by pick1or2 on 1/28/2025 10:31:00 PM (view original):
Give me 1999 if I understand this correctly. I use all the HOFers in the SIM database voted in the year 1999 and then anyone also to fill out my roster in the SIM data base?
You would create your team only from players that appeared on the 1999 HOF ballot, and must include all players elected that year: Brett, Yount, Ryan, and Cepeda.

Make Sense?
1/29/2025 8:21 AM
Posted by Got_Worms on 1/29/2025 8:21:00 AM (view original):
Posted by pick1or2 on 1/28/2025 10:31:00 PM (view original):
Give me 1999 if I understand this correctly. I use all the HOFers in the SIM database voted in the year 1999 and then anyone also to fill out my roster in the SIM data base?
You would create your team only from players that appeared on the 1999 HOF ballot, and must include all players elected that year: Brett, Yount, Ryan, and Cepeda.

Make Sense?
Ok but I only see the top 10 players. How do I fill out the rest of my team? Is there another place I can find the entire ballot and I guess u need to hope a t LEAST there are many more to fill your 25 man roster. Maybe I am still missing out on your rules, if so sorry
1/29/2025 11:33 AM
Are you looking at the HOF ballot from 1999 on the link in the main forum thread? I see 28 players plus Orlando Cepeda from the veterans committee.

What I haven't been able to find is a complete VC ballot from 1999. I'll keep digging!
1/30/2025 9:55 AM
I'll take 1981
1/30/2025 7:19 PM
Posted by calnah on 1/30/2025 7:19:00 PM (view original):
I'll take 1981
Good choice!

I'm working on my team and hope to have the league number over the weekend.
2/1/2025 1:14 AM
I am going to drop out. I cannot get this team to work out missing certain positions. Sorry and good luck
2/1/2025 8:36 PM
Do you want to try a different year? Most of the 2010s ballots are loaded with stars.
2/2/2025 10:57 AM
I'll play - 1979
2/2/2025 5:29 PM
Ben, put me down for 2003. Thanks!
2/2/2025 6:58 PM
Thanks for joining guys. I'm still trying to decide on a year before I get the league started. Leaning towards 2017 or 2020.
2/2/2025 11:28 PM
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