Not Of Not For Just Buy The People Topic

Posted by Lennybruce26 on 1/7/2025 7:43:00 PM (view original):
Bad Person - Bad Politics

1. Trump is complaining of a disruptive not smooth transition from Biden. Isn’t Trump the guy who did the Ga call and fake electors and Jan 6 all to literally overthrow the government and break the laws and the rule of law, just sayin. Plus he broke norms by calling for prosecution of Joe and son.

2. He says that he cannot rule out intense pressure on Greenland’s economy - crippling actions taken. OR military action Yes military action to force Denmark and or Greenland to sell it to Trump. That is a Russian move.
It is like enslaving the people of Greenland.

The punk president is just getting started.
If he does either of the above it will have long term disastrous consequences for the country formerly known as the United States. Trust, respect trade and international relationships and cooperation in the toilet. “ The country will be respected again” a joker.
Let’s Call The Whole Thing Off

I omitted to say that the NATO mantra is all for one and one for all. If Trump was to use military force against Greenland then NATO would be obligated to use action including military to protect Greenland which is part of NATO member Denmark.

Even if there is no military action and Trump gives up he will have caused incalculable damage to The USA and NATO. To say that he cannot take military force off the table should shock any genuine supporter of democracy and respect for sovereignty and modern traditional national human values.

And he says he wants to take over the Panama Canal and reserves the option of military force there as well.

He is putting a bullseye on the back of America and contempt for America all around the world from the remaining democracies.
1/8/2025 9:58 AM (edited)
I notice that every time I post, a particular delusional cartoon character who thinks he is a culture warrior, say hello to Dan Quail, puts up a post very shortly after.

I don’t know why but although I have not read a single one of his posts in a year and a half I am 100% certain that they are still products of a feeble mind and a rubbish collector.
He should put them a flea market of worthless posts.

But he does like to be well read and informed by me so Kudos for that.
Such a character.
1/8/2025 3:09 PM
People are saying that Trump wants to get to Palisades so that he can toss out marshmallows.
1/8/2025 5:18 PM
What a horrific and tragic display of incompetence among the leadership in Southern California.
1/8/2025 8:46 PM
By comparison
Chicago Fire - 2,000 acres or 3 miles
Los Angeles - 16,000 acres or 25 miles and not even over.

In addition to super charged hurricanes this has been predicted for years as a consequence of climate change. Climate change creates the environment that would to much much more intense and uncontrollable fire. Much more drier and less water.

Nobody should think this kind of fire won’t happen again just like the emerging consistent catastrophic hurricanes.

People should think of getting out of Los Angeles.
And in my opinion the region of Florida in danger getting hit by the hurricanes almost every year will expand.

Intelligent fidelity to science and truth and resources and human decency needs to prevail.

People who have been willing to pay attention for years are not Nostradamus just people of sufficient intelligence and decency.
1/8/2025 10:44 PM
There is a vomit inducing story about Trump re the fire but I will get to that after the fire is contained. Right now 0% containment.
1/8/2025 10:46 PM
"Much more drier and less water."

Definitely not true in this particular instance, as Southern California has seen rainfall totals soar in the last two years.
If Newsom had built the reservoirs that tax payers voted for and have been paying for over the last decade the water hydrants would actually produce water.
1/8/2025 11:49 PM
Crazy misinformation HERE!!
1/9/2025 8:04 AM
1/9/2025 8:42 AM
Ironic thing about where these fires hit. It is where the celebrities live, not poor people. They may have to move to areas of Los Angeles far away from the extremely dry areas with trees and forests that burn uncontrollably. It ain’t getting better and they have this now every year but now worse then ever before.

The people who contort themselves into puppets screaming hoax hoax should stay put and for their homes I say burn baby burn or at least feel the heat. I don’t want any one to lose their house but they kinda deserve it for electing crazy politicians who are wackos and preventing ways to fight climate change.
1/9/2025 9:33 AM
Posted by Lennybruce26 on 1/8/2025 10:44:00 PM (view original):
By comparison
Chicago Fire - 2,000 acres or 3 miles
Los Angeles - 16,000 acres or 25 miles and not even over.

In addition to super charged hurricanes this has been predicted for years as a consequence of climate change. Climate change creates the environment that would to much much more intense and uncontrollable fire. Much more drier and less water.

Nobody should think this kind of fire won’t happen again just like the emerging consistent catastrophic hurricanes.

People should think of getting out of Los Angeles.
And in my opinion the region of Florida in danger getting hit by the hurricanes almost every year will expand.

Intelligent fidelity to science and truth and resources and human decency needs to prevail.

People who have been willing to pay attention for years are not Nostradamus just people of sufficient intelligence and decency.
L.A. Is My Lady

It has spread to about 30,000 acres and approximately 45 miles.

Most of the homes and businesses did not have property insurance because insurers dropped coverage such as State Farm like a good neighbor or so unaffordable.

I think that hard hitting climate change got here several years sooner then expected.

California has already lost a lot of residents over the past 5 years. There will be some type of exodus from LA and instead of going to a safer region they could go out of state.

Maybe go to cemented area without parks and trees and a lot of bushes and brushes and maybe stay away from places adjacent to the ocean.

A lot of people have been moving to Texas. They are next to Florida and hurricanes have hitting Southern Texas more over last few years.

Some people will never accept what is happening. They would rather give their middle finger to the “intelligencia” and mock people obviously way smarter with way more common sense and objectivity. Obviously because they insist on refuting the unrefutable.

We all live in a yellow submarine? More likely the titanic.
1/9/2025 4:50 PM
Mel Gibson lost his house Boo Hoo Boo Hoo.
Climate change has led to the conditions for the Los Angeles fires. Almost zero precipitation since October and dry conditions unlike ever before in an area ripe for fires.

I’m case you do not know it there was a person found with a tool for arson. It is believed that he might have set off one of the fires - The Kenneth Fire which has destroyed about 5% of the destruction.
Whatever he did or did not do it was caused long after the Los Angeles fires began.

No law enforcement or authorities or fire experts has entertained the idea that the Los Angeles fires was caused by arson.

The fire started during California’s fire season. But the combination of atypical dry conditions on the ground and very very unusual powerful winds creates a super spreader.

Even regarding the post Kenneth fire the climate change conditions created a platform for a faster spreading fire and it was started long after the Los aAngeles fires by the time that the Kenneth Fire there was a severe lack of water. Is someone tries to justify the belief that climate change is a hoax, we’ll have fun.
1/10/2025 10:33 AM

1/10/2025 10:34 AM
High temps very very low precipitation and drought causes trees and limbs to get dried out and “primed “ for wildfire. Unusual high winds cause spreading.
The dry drought conditions that existed prior to the Los Angeles fires was unprecedented.

source - NewsNation

The day before the mayor went on vacation which was the day before the fires she received a memo concerning anxiety that there could be an imminent wildfire because of the the extreme and unprecedented atmospheric condition and the unusual dryness of trees and bushes and vegetation which created a perfect storm.

Statistic - 10% of wildfires are caused by arson.
But when you have climate change conditions the chance for a powerful explosive fire occur much worse then previous arson fires.
1/10/2025 11:03 AM

Millions of acres of California forest have been blackened by wildfires this summer, leading to the usual angry denunciations from the usual quarters about climate change. But in 1999, the Associated Press reported that forestry experts had long agreed that “clearing undergrowth would save trees,” and that “years of aggressive firefighting have allowed brush to flourish that would have been cleared away by wildfires.” But very little was done. And now fires of unprecedented size are raging across the Western United States.

“Sen. Feinstein blames Sierra Club for blocking wildfire bill,” reads the provocative headline on a 2002 story in California’s Napa Valley Register. Feinstein had brokered a congressional consensus on legislation to thin “overstocked” forests close to homes and communities, but could not overcome the environmental lobby’s disagreement over expediting the permit process to thin forests everywhere else.

Year after year, environmentalists litigated and lobbied to stop efforts to clear the forests through timber harvesting, underbrush removal, and controlled burns. Meanwhile, natural fires were suppressed and the forests became more and more overgrown. The excessive biomass competed for the same water, soil, and light a healthier forest would have used, rendering all of the trees and underbrush unhealthy. It wasn’t just excess biomass that accumulated, but dried out and dead biomass.

What happened among California’s tall stands of Redwood and Ponderosa Pine also happened in its extensive chaparral. Fire suppression along with too many environmentalist-inspired bureaucratic barriers to controlled burns and undergrowth removal turned the hillsides and canyons of Southern California into tinderboxes.

In 2009, after huge blazes wiped out homes and forced thousands to evacuate, Los Angeles County Supervisor Mike Antonovich observed: “The environmentalists have gone to the extreme to prevent controlled burns, and as a result we have this catastrophe today.”

In 2014, Republican members of Congress tried again to reduce the bureaucracy associated with “hazardous fuel projects” that thin out overgrown forests. True to form, the bill got nowhere thanks to environmental lobbyists who worried it would undermine the 1969 National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), the law that requires thorough impact assessments ahead of government decisions on public lands.

In a blistering report published in the California Globe on how environmentalists have destroyed California’s forests, investigative journalist Katy Grimes interviewed Representative Tom McClintock, a Republican who represents communities in and around the Sierra Nevada mountains of Northern California. McClintock has worked for years to reform NEPA and other barriers to responsible forest management.

“The U.S. Forest Service used to be a profitable federal agency,” McClintock told Grimes. “Up until the mid-1970s, we managed our national forests according to well-established and time-tested forest management practices. But 40 years ago, we replaced these sound management practices with what can only be described as a doctrine of benign neglect. Ponderous, Byzantine laws and regulations administered by a growing cadre of ideological zealots in our land management agencies promised to save the environment. The advocates of this doctrine have dominated our law, our policies, our courts and our federal agencies ever since.”

But these zealots have not protected the forests. They have destroyed them. The consequences are far-reaching.

Decimating the Timber Industry, Disrupting the Ecosystem

Few people, including the experts, bother to point out how overgrown forests reduce the water supply. But when watersheds are choked with dense underbrush competing for moisture, precipitation and runoff cannot replenish groundwater aquifers or fill up reservoirs. Instead, it’s immediately soaked up by the trees and brush. Without clearing and controlled burns, the overgrown foliage dies anyway.

A new activist organization in California, the “California Water for Food and People Movement,” created a Facebook group for people living in the hellscape created by misguided environmentalist zealotry. Comments and posts from long-time residents of the Sierra foothills, where fires have exploded in recent years, yield eyewitness testimony to how environmentalist restrictions on forest management have gone horribly wrong. Examples:

“I’m 70, and I remember controlled burns, logging, and open grazing.”

“With the rainy season just ahead, the aftermath of the Creek Fire will challenge our water systems for years to come. Erosion will send toxic debris and sediment cascading into streams, rivers, and reservoirs, reducing their capacity to carry and hold water. Dirty air, dirty water, and the opposite of environmentalism are on full display right now, brought to us by the environmental posers who will no doubt use this crisis to unleash a barrage of ‘climate change did it’ articles.”

“Many thanks to Sierra Club and other environmental groups. You shut down logging/brush removal and had a ‘don’t touch’ approach to our forests. You shut down access roads and let them get overgrown, so now they can’t be used for fire suppression and emergency equipment. You fought ranchers for grazing, which helped keep the forest floors clean. You made fun of Trump when he said we need to rake the forest. Trust me these forest rakes and logging would have prevented the devastating fires we see now.”

The economics of responsible forest management, given the immensity of America’s western forests, requires profitable timber harvesting to play a role. But California has no commercial timber operations on state-owned land. And since 1990, when the environmentalist assault on California’s timber industry began in earnest, its timber industry has shrunk to half its former size. Reviving California’s timber industry, so the collective rate of harvest equals the collective rate of growth, would go a long way towards solving the problem of catastrophic fires.

Instead, California’s environmentalists only redouble their nonsense arguments. Expect these fires to justify even more “climate change” legislation that does nothing to clear the forests of overgrown tinder, and everything to clear the forests, and the chaparral, of people and towns.

Expect these fires to fuel a new round of legislation containing urban growth while mandating suburban densification, with increased rationing of energy and water.

Expect the “climate emergency” to accelerate in synergistic lockstep with the pandemic emergency and the anti-racism emergency. Expect all three of these emergencies to become issues of public health, thereby eliminating inconvenient constitutional roadblocks to swift action.

Misdirected Union Priorities

Meanwhile, tragically, expect California’s politically powerful firefighters’ union to do little or nothing to support the timber industry or rural inhabitants who don’t want to move into urban condos.

As Steve Greenhut explained in a recent column in the Orange County Register: “Frankly, union power drives state and local firefighting policies. The median compensation package for firefighters has topped $240,000 a year in some locales. California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection firefighters earn less, but their packages still total nearly $150,000 a year. The number of California firefighters who receive compensation packages above $500,000 a year is mind-blowing.”

No wonder firefighters are overwhelmed during California’s wildfire season. The state can’t afford to hire enough of them.

And when these firefighter unions could have been pushing for legislation to clear the forests back in 2019, where instead did their leftist leadership direct their activist efforts? They marched in solidarity with the striking United Teachers of Los Angeles. The teachers’ unions have done to California’s public schools what environmentalists have done to California’s forests.

If an honest history of California in the early 21st century is ever written, the verdict will be unequivocal. Forests that thrived in California for over 20 million years were allowed to become overgrown tinderboxes. And then, with stupefying ferocity, within the span of a few decades, they burned to the ground. Many of them never recovered.

This epic tragedy was the direct result of policies put in place by misguided environmentalist zealots, misinformed suckers who sent them money, and the litigators and lobbyists they hired, who laughed all the way to the bank.

1/10/2025 11:24 AM
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