Secretary of Defensive Topic

If i just wasted the time of some simple minded morons; who have nothing better to do or can do then to squabble and exchange immature insults like little pigs flopping around in the mud and their own S then I humbly apologize to them.

I assume because I don't know what they post but it was when I did. I will be shocked if I am wrong.
11/29/2024 2:26 PM
Affirmative action is not dead. Look at what Trump is doing for rapists. And he is such a proponent of equality that he will not allow vetting or FBI investigations of some of his favorite rapey candidates. In fact Trump will protectively deny that anything disparaging be said about the noble qualified legitimate rapists.

Zelensky has offered a peace plan. But Putin will have to accept a strong multinational European peace keeping force positioned around the perimeter of Ukraine and weapons being sent to Ukraine from the USA for deterrence and Russia gets the land taken until Ukraine can try to get the illegally confiscated Ukrainian land back diplomatically.
What will Paul Winchell Putin and Jerry Mahoney Trump counter with?
11/30/2024 10:11 AM (edited)
If some of Trumps picks like Kash Patel and RFK and some others get in there is a truly real possibility of unimaginable danger to the country and the world.
The United States will not only be considered by allies as a profoundly dumb ( there are many kinds of dumb - not just low IQ although although we have much more of that then other places ) country. But we will additionally be known as a mentally ill country. Yes. Sorry but that will be what we are.
Some counties will fear us for our weapons and some countries will fear us for our national sickness and decline of moral authority and state intellect.

Bye Bye Miss American Pie.
You get what you pay for and and you get what you ask for.
You cant always get what you want but sometimes you do and it is too late to say no thank you.
12/1/2024 11:59 AM
Boy the way Joe McCarthy played
Revenge that made the hit parade
Guys like him they had it made
Those were the days
The critics sure did know the jail cell then
Mister, we can use a man like J Edgar Hoover again
Those were the days, my friend
Those were the days
12/2/2024 10:05 AM
Trump is criticizing Biden for not pardoning the J6 animals.
If anyone is capable of eating cats and dogs it is those miscreants.

It seems like a conflict of sanity and insane logic for a gigantic tax cheat who refuses to pay back his debt
calling a piker of a tax cheat who voluntarily did pay back his debt a criminal on the order of people - who begged to assassinate the vice president. And did commit aggravated
assault on police officers leading to several of them dying horrible deaths including suicide.

12/3/2024 1:34 PM (edited)

The pardon power is considered a perk of the power of the president. Many have pardoned family members including Trump. Trump pardoned Kushners father who was put into jail by Chris Christie ( that is correct sir ). It involved prostitution and framing people and Christie said he was a disgusting person among other choice comments.

But the pardon was not really unusual. Making him ambassador to France might be.

Based on the historical use of the pardon and the world of today it would have been shocking for Joe to not have pardoned his son.

The way that the mainstream press and idiot dems who are whistling dixie is also disgusting. They do not cover it correctly and misuse context and wrong focus and wrong questions and wrong priorities and gotcha self righteous attitudes. The dems involved are so unrealistic and untethered from the real world that they reinforce how living in the ivory towers is as useful as irrelevant sand castles.

First, they talk about Trumps comments about now he can pardon the J6 animals as the consequences of immoral Biden pardon. Really.
All of a sudden they almost always omit that Trump has literally been promising to pardon the J6 animals for at least 3 THREE years and they are not even the sons of Trump. So treating the Trump pardons as a consequence is such pernicious bullshiit. Again I am talking mainstream media.

The lamestream media is on their white horses in white hats playing a game of gotcha and pushing that the now sullied Saint Joe who is as bad as Trump.
In other words they are both liars.

If Joe had not pardoned Hunter he would have gone down as the worst father in the history of the world or something like that.

To be continued. im a one finger typist and my finger is tired.
To be continued re the ridiculous anger and the accusations of lying. It is about the real world and being a microcosm of the failure to place value on understanding the dynamics of a true human relationship and the priorities of living and governing too and good vs not good and safety from future harm and filial love and understanding basic human nature and what are actual lies and not getting the populist appeal and why it is the whole ball of wax in the politics of today.
12/3/2024 2:04 PM

Cat eating woman sentenced...
I guess the story wasn't THAT fake.
12/3/2024 8:30 PM
Biden Pardon continued part 2

Joe had a very very palpable fear for Hunters liberty and physical safety and based exclusively on Trumps promises to seek revenge on anyone who was a political enemy. And he also put M Cohen in solitary confinement because Cohen was writing a book. So proven.

No criminal charges on Trump for failure to pay 400 million in taxes but Hunter charged for 1-2 million. I compare esp because a president and a presidents son. So very comparable individuals.

Hunter had a guilty plea deal with the republican special prosecutor that he agreed to on the tax issue but it was withdrawn after very very loud and angry prosecution interference by republican members of congress. Political some?

There are never charges brought on the gun issue with the exact circumstances. Operative word never often because of possibly dubious constitutionality argued by second amendment people. But when Hunter was involved the very same people wanted him charged. Political and selective some?

On the tax issue in view of the fact that the tax debt was paid back voluntarily before being charged most legal experts say that that charges are not brought the vast majority of the time. Sometimes yes but usually no. And the extenuating circumstances would decrease the likelihood of charges.

With Trump control over the bureau of prisons he could put Biden in difficult dangerous jails and make sure there would be no secret service protection.
Would any father permit that. If Biden permitted that he would be the worst father in the world.

An Aside - the final house seat is resolved and the house will be 220 t0 215. And i think Gaetz leaves and will be 219-215 or so until April.
Johnson will have the narrowist margin in generations and even 1 no show could sink his agenda.
12/4/2024 3:00 PM (edited)
Biden pardon and democrats criticism and what it says about those democrats and what the silence to those criticisms by the rest of democrats members of congress says about the party.
Part 3 to be continued.
12/4/2024 2:56 PM
One of the main reasons that Harris lost and several senators like Casey lost is that Dems can speak only one language, that being the language of the more educated people and the disposition that goes with it.
MAGA also speaks one language, that being a angry rant filled mostly dishonest guttural reminiscent of the lowest forms of human communications. There is a symbiotic sympatico.
The Dems will not be able to capture some peelable MAGA and the lazy idiots who cannot comprehend priorities because they haven't engaged in much critical thinking their entire lives. They are the people who can march in the streets over a 20 cent increase of the price of bread and could care less about Matt Gaetz running FBI because that does not effect them. The kind of people that could say that Hitler was good for the German economy.

The Dems make no effort to get some of those people. They get some but MAGA gets more.
And it is all about the margins.
So the dems need to get lazy thinkers and couch potato voters.

They need to be loudmouths sometimes and at other times the intelligent thoughtful neighbor. They must forcefully smash lies about them and smash the people saying them. Too many people love the aggressor even when they are horrible people. When someone hammers away with big lies you call it out loud and clear and then give as well as you take...Make it a strategic mistake for MAGA to lie. And tell people exactly what people who sow division through lying are. Don't be afraid to say it.
And say it in a way that makes the lazy thinkers and the couch potato voters and true dems that could give up. Angry.

There is a type of acquiescence in ignoring lies. Harris absolutely did not fight back.
Michele was wrong when she said when they go low we go high. No you go high enough to land a punch in the gut and a punch in a face.
Hasn't that always been effective to stop bullies.

Which brings me to the idiots who reveled on tearing down Biden for doing what he had to do. There was more outrage from dems then from MAGA.
MAGA got it. Ironically.
Even right of right senator Tommy Trumperville said he would have done the same. Most people from both parties understood.
The cabinet picks solidified the need for the pardon. Even if Harris won and then lost the prosecution wet dreams would never go away.

Even if the original deal with Hunter held up and he got probation and a fine and no incarceration Biden would still have had to issue a pardon and especially after Trump won. Biden may have initially believed he would not pardon but that was when it looked like Hunter would be treated as people not related to Joe would have.

Yes I do think that at some point Joe was lying. But what if he just told the truth. It could have destroyed Harris.
So once all of that is understood who cares.

Dems that are so tone deaf as well as blind deaf and dumb to basic human behavior and concern for loved ones that does exist thank goodness in the real
world are putty in the hands of MAGA and Trumpism.

So to those uncaring unrealistic effete elitist snobs grow up and grow a pair and shut up until you do.

12/5/2024 12:01 PM
Trumpism spreads to S Korea. The conservative president announced martial law in the dead of night and was quickly forcefully rebuffed and he withdrew it.
Impeachment proceedings have already begun.
Maybe he was using Trump logic. Become a dictator and join the club. Fall in love with Kim Jong - Un and form a peace alliance.
Bring peace to the peninsula through dictatorship.

Something tells me that if the prez in S Korea stays in office that it will be the start of a beautiful friendship between him and Trump and Kim.
Three strange bedfellows.
12/6/2024 12:19 AM
On Preemptive Pardons

What I have been saying about pseudo intellect and pandering promises and lazy thinking and wishful thinking is playing out again after Hunter with these possible preemptive pardons.

First of all do the opponents from the dems and people like John Kasich even consider the cost of defending one's self in matters of self preservation in criminal courts. Easily in the several hundreds of thousands of dollars. Most congressman do not have that kind of dough. They also have to pay a PR firm.
Imagine spending your saved up tuition money or the down payment of a new house on truly bogus malicious bull shiit.

I was stunned to see a man who I have immense respect for his extremely high intellect and having the best values spouting idiotic stuff about negative problems he has about preemptive pardons. He himself has a strong possibility of getting criminally indicted.
Why in the name of the god of common sense would anyone not take Trump at his word that he will prosecute.
Adam Schiff knows that after Trump won in 16 that he demanded that Barr indict Clinton and a few others but Barr would not do it. That alone is proof that one should believe Trump. Trump is an honest criminal. Gaetz and Patel are slobbering about indicting pollical opponents.

Schiff also knows that Patel has already threatened prosecution of Olivia Troy in a letter sent to her lawyer unless she retracts things she has said on MSNBC.
So, Adam do not let ivory tower pie in the sky unrealistic values cloud your judgement.

And John Kasich who is a decent man also, says don't pay attention to what Trump says. Kasich says that Trump will not have time because of foreign policy and tariffs. Quote - He has bigger fish to fry. HELLO. John - prosecuting people who disagree with him IS THE BIGGEST FISH for him to fry.
And even in a Trump government people can walk and chew gum.

The FBI is not involved with foreign policy with Ukraine and middle east and China and Russa. Nor is DOA. And Trump is putting in people who have his mindset to delegate to. Trump would not be filing criminal complaints and such. Be real.
So Kasich showed off his utter lack of common sense.

Let Biden and his people make a list and check it twice and then offer pardons for those on the list. If they do not want it then fine. And let people who have a realistic opinion that they are in the cross hairs reach out.
The very least that one can do for people who put their neck on the line tp preserve democracy is to protect them from prison,
And Adam: you were a shing light about what a second Trump term would mean. you were one who described it as an existential threat.
So you were either lying or you wear rose colored glasses and have lost your mind. ( the last 2).

I get it. You think that a class of blanket pardons is bad for democracy. Grow up. To Trump heads in the sand is just what he wants. Adam, you can refuse a pardon but you should no more try to prevent them being given to those who know that they need them then to have reproductive choices prosecuted.
Don't turn stupid on us now.

And I definitely get it when some says that taking a pardon is sililar to an admission of guilt. If that is important then turn down a pardon.
Patel looks like a wild maniac with those way way wide open sunny side up egg eyes. He looks like Charles Manson.
12/6/2024 4:07 PM
I think that there will be a scaling down of the military.
Again because of losing trillions ( correct ) of tax revenue because of the mortal sin of lowering the taxes of very very wealthy people.
Our military defense will likely be degraded in some way. It will make our enemies happy.

Every time you hear about school lunches cut or Medicaid funding cut or eligibility for social security raised or attempted or tariffs causing higher prices ( the trillions lost given to the favored rich causes an emergency and Trump knows it necessitating a big experiment with tariffs that is doomed for failure just like trickle down economy ) be morally and intellectually honest as to the linkage of trillions squandered to cuts affecting poor people.

Musk is involved also to cut waste ( programs for poor people and veterans etc.).

An aside - half of the country that calls itself the better people were ok about calling WW2 combat dead suckers and losers. The comments from the actual better and more moral people is of shock and outrage of course.

But nobody links those comments to Trump's isolation policy called America First. It was called America First before the USA got into WW2 and especially before we fought for democracy and survival in Europe. Coincidence ? Of course not.
So it is extremely fair to say that a WW2 era Trump would be against fighting Germany in Europe and he would have probably said he is the peace candidate and we could not even afford to spend money sending weapons not men to Europe. His ranting would have also emboldened Americans to choose cowardice. His ranting would have been an official platform giving permission to be stupid and cowards. We should all be so humbly grateful for those great souls who went so many that were killed.

We are in grave danger ahead. We are an immature barbaric species. Trump elevates nobody and he just foments hate and chaos among the most ignorant and un enlightened people here and abroad.
12/8/2024 7:46 PM
As soon as i saw 'Defund the Military' I belched. You are incapable of even thinking. Want a list of them who would LOVE it if the US had no military? I might start with your friends in the W.E.F. but I don't want to confuse you with the simple stuff
12/9/2024 1:44 AM (edited)
Is It Better To Be Feared Or Loved

In the history of the country has there ever been a president who for reasons other than draft issues was feared by a huge percentage of the country.
By feared I'm saying worry of being victims of assault or even death because of presidential statements and policies involving their ethnicity or sexual orientation or general political views

AND victims being targeted for actual assassination and or imprisonment because of exercise of normal freedom of speech and press in no way even defamatory under our laws

OR execution by firing squad or prison because of partisan defiant political views 9 that is celebrated by our constitution and traditions

OR execution or prison because of undisputedly integral and responsible investigations into serious crimes that frankly the morons of this country oppose such investigations or don't even know what is going on because they are busy trying to learn how to tie their shoes OR attempts to deport actual citizens and lawful permanent residents

OR empowering of the worst hate groups in the country like Nazis and KKK and White Nationalists who glorify martial law and dictatorship and the punishment of those who do not share their religious views while they try their best to indoctrinate and reeducate the children of those non believers into their IMO thoroughly bunk and bonkers distorted beliefs.

The answer to the initial question is never never never. Not in the USA that only evil regimes opposed.

Why must I be surrounded by idiots?
12/9/2024 12:40 PM (edited)
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