On Preemptive Pardons
What I have been saying about pseudo intellect and pandering promises and lazy thinking and wishful thinking is playing out again after Hunter with these possible preemptive pardons.
First of all do the opponents from the dems and people like John Kasich even consider the cost of defending one's self in matters of self preservation in criminal courts. Easily in the several hundreds of thousands of dollars. Most congressman do not have that kind of dough. They also have to pay a PR firm.
Imagine spending your saved up tuition money or the down payment of a new house on truly bogus malicious bull shiit.
I was stunned to see a man who I have immense respect for his extremely high intellect and having the best values spouting idiotic stuff about negative problems he has about preemptive pardons. He himself has a strong possibility of getting criminally indicted.
Why in the name of the god of common sense would anyone not take Trump at his word that he will prosecute.
Adam Schiff knows that after Trump won in 16 that he demanded that Barr indict Clinton and a few others but Barr would not do it. That alone is proof that one should believe Trump. Trump is an honest criminal. Gaetz and Patel are slobbering about indicting pollical opponents.
Schiff also knows that Patel has already threatened prosecution of Olivia Troy in a letter sent to her lawyer unless she retracts things she has said on MSNBC.
So, Adam do not let ivory tower pie in the sky unrealistic values cloud your judgement.
And John Kasich who is a decent man also, says don't pay attention to what Trump says. Kasich says that Trump will not have time because of foreign policy and tariffs. Quote - He has bigger fish to fry. HELLO. John - prosecuting people who disagree with him IS THE BIGGEST FISH for him to fry.
And even in a Trump government people can walk and chew gum.
The FBI is not involved with foreign policy with Ukraine and middle east and China and Russa. Nor is DOA. And Trump is putting in people who have his mindset to delegate to. Trump would not be filing criminal complaints and such. Be real.
So Kasich showed off his utter lack of common sense.
Let Biden and his people make a list and check it twice and then offer pardons for those on the list. If they do not want it then fine. And let people who have a realistic opinion that they are in the cross hairs reach out.
The very least that one can do for people who put their neck on the line tp preserve democracy is to protect them from prison,
And Adam: you were a shing light about what a second Trump term would mean. you were one who described it as an existential threat.
So you were either lying or you wear rose colored glasses and have lost your mind. ( the last 2).
I get it. You think that a class of blanket pardons is bad for democracy. Grow up. To Trump heads in the sand is just what he wants. Adam, you can refuse a pardon but you should no more try to prevent them being given to those who know that they need them then to have reproductive choices prosecuted.
Don't turn stupid on us now.
And I definitely get it when some says that taking a pardon is sililar to an admission of guilt. If that is important then turn down a pardon.
Patel looks like a wild maniac with those way way wide open sunny side up egg eyes. He looks like Charles Manson.