Kino Avalon is Up (you don’t have to wait until your time slot)
2nd rd Results
25. 10 AM rmarsh915: Billy Cunningham, F
26. 10:30 gerryred: Dan Issel, C
27. 11:00 rubnsly: Dave Cowens, C
28. 11:30 cem6989: Wes Unseld, C
29. NOON thomcat: Elgin Baylor, F/G (TBD)
30. 12:30 TheRebel: Red Robbins, PF
31. 1:00 Poddy: Zelmo Beaty, C
32. 1:30 redbooda: Elvin Hayes, C/PF
33. 2:00 Jr2325: Tom Boerwinkle, C
34. 2:30 Petroff: Jimmy Jones, G
35. 3:00 cmcafeeky: Willie Wise, SF
36. 3:30 coachcroft: Swen Nater
37. 4:00 riftonapple: Gus Johnson
38. 4:30 KinoAvalon: UP NOW
39. 5:00 amerk1180: On Deck
40. 5:30 chewy3344:
41. 6:00 jethroeg: