Crososver 53 Progressive/Regressive League Filled Topic

When someone takes the team they will be allowed to change the keepers as posted if they find anyone not selected in the available players list that they prefer and/or move players from the minors to active and place someone else there. I have one owner who said he would take a look so this team may not last long.
9/16/2024 12:45 PM
I will take the Boston team.
9/17/2024 1:49 AM
Thanks Dan!
9/17/2024 2:32 PM
I cut Clyde Engle, Greg Harris, Rene Arocha, and Rheal Cormier (that one hurt has his best seasons have helped me in a few great seasons)
I drafted Steve Bedrosian, Kirk McCaskill, and 1912 Ad Brennan for innings and added Griffey. So my totals worked; 4 cuts and 4 additions. I activated Julio Franco from the minors and sent down SS Jeff Reboulet to the minors to join Willie McGee and Mark Lewis
9/19/2024 1:51 AM
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Crososver 53 Progressive/Regressive League Filled Topic

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