Project 2025 Bans Freedom of Thought Topic

Here is a perfect example of why Trump is truly evil and an American Hitler. He isnt committing genocide but he is evil and sick and only technically a human being.

His sick demented hate filled crazy talk about the pets has Haitians staying in their homes because of violence and their homes and cars are being vandalized.

Remember when he insisted on calling covid the Chinese virus instead of the China virus. He knew the difference and that evil walking excrement incited violence against Asian people and he knew exactly what he was doing.

Now it is happening with Haitians. Don’t hold your breath that he will tell his violent Trumpers to stop.

How can any normal decent person still be supporting that vicious racist criminal violent evil walking excrement ?

BTW the vast vast vast number of Haitians have temporary status granted by the federal government.
In other words they are legally here.
9/12/2024 7:21 PM (edited)
correct me if i'm wrong

the governor of ohio ran a charity in haiti

hence ergo thus

the haitians that could afford a plane ticket

went to where they thought they were welcome

when you bring in foreigners you bring in foreign culture

correct me if i'm wrong

9/12/2024 7:44 PM
Dog Eat Dog

To some extent what Trump said about the dogs and cats is humorous for its absurdity and the disbelief that a man who is the candidate from one of the 2 major parties can spew such stuff and seemingly believes it.

But nobody should be distracted and not focus on the most extreme racism and hatred that anybody from one of the 2 parties running for president has ever had.
Despite bomb threats and violence and intense discrimination and hatred he has caused he will never back down or tell his people to stop.

On the contrary that “person “ who is pure evil trash has been doubling down.
9/13/2024 12:59 PM (edited)
I have known people - well - from about 25 countries and every continent - many religions every color - their culinary choices and I can tell you truthfully and honestly that people from Haiti that I have known which are many are the nicest and most moral people I have ever known. The ones I have known are Catholic. They live the substance of idealized Christianity and the Golden Rule more then anyone I have known.

The attacks on them are so malicious and sickening and truly do come from a place of evil.
9/14/2024 12:02 PM (edited)
Hillary had it right in 2016: Deplorable.
9/14/2024 10:14 AM
To the most deplorable people of MAGA - the ones more then happy to torture innocent human beings because you can and because it gives you joy - why not shift your fear/hate mongering white man’s burden onto Donald J Trump.

Make that your scapegoat. Move your gripes and grievances and conspiracy theories and pizza gate revelations onto him. I think you will enjoy it.
Make him the source of all of your problems.
This is something that you can do for your country.

Because Trump is in a conspiracy with Satan and the ghosts of Hitler and Genghis Kahn and Lee Harvey Oswald to take away your guns and give them to the liberals. It was the secret plan all along. You were being manipulated by space laser mind bending rays.

You have your orders and your mission.
9/15/2024 8:10 AM (edited)
Flushed With Hate

Just when you thought that the soldiers of MAGA, the genius free stylers of hate, could not sink below the sewers that they inhabit, the hitler from another mother ( this guy has even more hate in him then daddio ) Trump Jr sets a new standard.

Talk about the new normal. The people who actually understand the nuclear bomb of hatred nazism they are won’t accept normalizing nazi like hatred.

Trump Jr was talking about the danger of having Haitians being allowed in the country and dumbing down the country because of their low IQs and that is ruining the country. Sounds a lot like when Senior talks about immigrants poisoning the blood of the country but even more explicit.
It also sounds like Hitler types talking about the master race and vermin. ( their word not mine ).

In 50 days we will find out if we will be governed by hatred like nobody in this country has ever seen before.
9/15/2024 8:31 AM (edited)
Posted by contrarian23 on 9/14/2024 10:14:00 AM (view original):
Hillary had it right in 2016: Deplorable.
She is a witch. Trump is NOT on China's payroll. Biden is

She hates America. So does the whole deep state
9/15/2024 8:30 AM
Why do you do these posts??

It just makes you appear stupid, creepy, and loonier than Laura L.

There is NO deep state. There are no THEY's.
In the U.S. WE are the people. WE have the power. WE vote.

You can't.
So STFU!!!

9/15/2024 9:18 AM
Another assassination attempt yesterday from 400 yards at one of Trump’s golf courses. This time the guy is a mercenary who was in Ukraine but had a gripe with Ukraine not allowing as many foreign fighters as he suggested to them.

One would think that he is also angry at Trump and Republicans for blocking military aid
to Ukraine and rooting for Russia. Had an AK style rifle with a scope. So what else is new.

It seems like a lot of people have anger and grudges against Trump and hold him responsible for things that are upsetting these people enough to try and shoot him.

No matter how low of a person Trump is and he is lower then what is possible for low, these sets of circumstances are totally unacceptable and they becomes contagious. It seems like the secret service is no longer effective and I think that assault weapons make more protection necessary and more difficult. More agents are required. Many more actually for any high level protectee.

This thwarted unhinged maniac was captured. Trump does not like people who get captured.
9/16/2024 1:58 PM (edited)
LMAO!!! Good one Dino!
9/16/2024 11:45 AM
Face The Music and Dance

Read the Magatromitor and weep.

YouGov is the third ranked polling company regarding the presidential election polls in the county.
They have a new poll about - essentially just how brain damaged is the core of MAGA.

Some findings - from Republicans :

52% believe that Haitians are eating the pets - what Trump said and 22% are not sure.

28% think that public schools are providing transgender sex change operations.

42% think that in many states a healthy baby past 9 months can be aborted.

Some incredibly high percentage thinks that if Trump loses it would be because of rigging and massive cheating even if no evidence.

Dont forget that all during the Obama years 75% of republicans said he was not born in the United States. ( and some were not sure ).

I am sorry if I offend some tender hearts but about 1/3 of the voting electorate is crazy stupid and IMO so delusional and easily persuaded of any extreme crackpot thing that they are told as to fall into the category of mentally ill.
Debate my conclusion if it will salve the wounds that come from rational realization. Sometimes the truth hurts.

BUT we cannot put our heads in the sand.
That is why smart republicans and democrats must defeat Trump and every MAGA candidate.
9/17/2024 10:46 AM (edited)
An Eye For An Eye

The Iranian ambassador to Lebanon lost one eye and had the other seriously injured in the glorious genius pager attack.

Another First from the World’s Finest Mossad.

If you don’t follow events check it out and be amazed.
9/18/2024 9:52 AM (edited)
Posted by Lennybruce26 on 9/12/2024 7:21:00 PM (view original):
Here is a perfect example of why Trump is truly evil and an American Hitler. He isnt committing genocide but he is evil and sick and only technically a human being.

His sick demented hate filled crazy talk about the pets has Haitians staying in their homes because of violence and their homes and cars are being vandalized.

Remember when he insisted on calling covid the Chinese virus instead of the China virus. He knew the difference and that evil walking excrement incited violence against Asian people and he knew exactly what he was doing.

Now it is happening with Haitians. Don’t hold your breath that he will tell his violent Trumpers to stop.

How can any normal decent person still be supporting that vicious racist criminal violent evil walking excrement ?

BTW the vast vast vast number of Haitians have temporary status granted by the federal government.
In other words they are legally here.
Total nonsense. All media generated b.s. What you think of some of the democraps who said 'Too bad he missed" OR as for Biden : "Time to put a target on Trump" Are you thinking that saying stuff like that is ok?? harmless? People are suggestible. I hope you see this for what it is. They are wanting to murder him. Nothing less.

Trump wants to deport the 15-20 million illegals. You have a problem with that?? He also ants to secure the Southern borders. You have a problem with that?? It is fact that over 400 ISIS terrorists have entered the US through the Mexican border. Do you believe that Harris gives a **** about this? Trump is the only one in the whole race who actually cares about the country. The rest are out for POWER

Your problem, if you don't already know it, is that you are suckers for the media to manipulate. Try to think for yourself. It will be a brand new experience.

Calling him nazi is totally ignorant. Calling him racist is a blatant lie. In 15 years that he has been highly visible, I have yet to hear him utter a racial slur. Can't say for Harris or Biden. Your collective halos are on crooked

9/18/2024 10:43 AM
Posted by laramiebob on 9/15/2024 9:18:00 AM (view original):
Why do you do these posts??

It just makes you appear stupid, creepy, and loonier than Laura L.

There is NO deep state. There are no THEY's.
In the U.S. WE are the people. WE have the power. WE vote.

You can't.
So STFU!!!

I tell the truth and don't give a rip what you or the rest might think of me.

Just for fun, read the post to Lenny i made 3 minutes ago.I tell the truth there, too
9/18/2024 10:45 AM
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