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Trump Big Lies - the kind that are sleazy and sinister and just flat out scum lies
1. Harris is the border czar. Lie. Not even vaguely true. They have commercials with supporters saying “she is the border czar” as if a voter says it then it is true. She was part of a policy think tank trying to improve life in the countries most of the migrants were coming from in order to keep them happy there and stem the tide. She got federal and private funding for those countries - improve living conditions.
She never had any role with border security. OBVIOUSLY the head of the department of home security is the “czar”.
This is an example of a big lie that is a scumbag or dirtball if you prefer move for a presidential campaign.
2. Abortion - Trump says that he will be great for women's reproductive rights..WOW.....maybe he is saying on the sly that he Only means IVF.
Now his views on abortion are on such a swivel it is like flipping hot cakes on a skittle.
3. Jan 6 should still be an issue - the issue and the big lies come in a torrent.
4. crime rate - he says that he is still the law and order candidate...Bow Wow Wow...he lies like a dog. and if you want stats on crimes that he didnt cause he had the highest murder rate and now Biden has one of the lowest and in fact all felonies are way down,
5.the economy -
6.Abortion - EVIL Big Lie - the criminal murderer of our government insists that democrats want abortion at 9 months. Anyone that believes him should get a new brain transplant.
9/3/2024 5:54 AM (edited)