With the field of 24 close to set, I think we can safely post some deadlines now. We'll have only two sets this time, and we expect the draft to run until about Aug. 30. If people feel strongly that this is not enough time, please let me know and we can perhaps add a week.
The penalty for being late is 1 point per team, per day late. The penalty points will be cancelled if you get all SIX teams in by the last deadline.
The first deadline to have 3 teams entered is Sunday, Aug. 25
The final deadline to have all 6 teams entered is Sunday, Sept. 8
Site-mail List
_JJP_; 06gsp; barracuda3; beauchamp; buddhagamer; d_rock97; discodemo; doctorcc; duhbigcat; dvorr80; emanes10; gworear; jbohrman; jfranco77; justinlee_24; mildnhazy; MJDSupporter; mjkrunner; RebJebb; redcped; ronthegenius; schwarze; tigerrott; toysboys
8/24/2024 1:14 PM (edited)