Project 2025 Bans Freedom of Thought Topic

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Lenny, I can't follow you down this path. You're not being rational here.
7/16/2024 12:36 PM
Posted by jmcraven74 on 7/16/2024 12:36:00 PM (view original):
Lenny, I can't follow you down this path. You're not being rational here.
Which part?
do you mean the shooting?
I hold a president to the same standard as a minister or priest or rabbi. Or a police officer. Not the standard of the average citizen.
7/16/2024 1:26 PM (edited)
Let me put it like this.
if all of his family was behind him should he ask only about his shoes? What I say imo is basic common sense about basic human decency.
7/16/2024 1:28 PM
who worries about their shoes when someone is shooting at them? For that matter, who stops for a photo op when someone is shooting at them?
7/17/2024 12:43 AM
Posted by wylie715 on 7/17/2024 12:43:00 AM (view original):
who worries about their shoes when someone is shooting at them? For that matter, who stops for a photo op when someone is shooting at them?
7/17/2024 6:02 AM
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Strange Bedfellows

Gavin Newsome’ ex wife is Kimberly Goyfoil
and she is the fiancé of animal murderer Trump Jr.
If Newsome was on the dem ticket that would be mighty weird.

Fact - Crazy B Mia Farrow married Frank Sinatra when she was 19. After they divorced she moved on with and married Woody Allen. He is still paying for that colossal blunder.
7/18/2024 7:38 PM
Bob Newhart ( Professor Proton) has passed. 94. Big loss.
Lou Dobbs too is gone. He went crazy like Rudy. Not a big loss -
7/19/2024 8:33 PM (edited)
War of the Worlds

MAGA and GOP are as different as apples and oranges.

The GOP wanted limited government and strong foreign policy towards dictatorship countries especially Russia. And trickle down tax structure and philosophy with lesser taxes for the top tier but moderate compared to MAGA and not the elimination of corporate taxes but pared down. ( compared to MAGA )

MAGA wants limited democracy and limited checks and balances and fondness for dictatorship countries especially Russia. And relatively no taxes for the wealthy and big corporations. With virtually no goal of trickle down economy. Just slashing of taxes to serve the very wealthy.

It is very fair and accurate to say that the GOP is dead done and buried.
7/19/2024 11:50 AM (edited)
Safe to say the Rep will be elected this fall.
So sick of the non stop slandering attacks on Trump and his family.
MSNBC are evil to the very core. and Trump's kids are good people, unlike Joe Biden's duds
Never in my life have I seen anything so wicked. Billions spent on 'bringing down' Trump.. but no interest in deporting the some 25 million illegals an securing the borders.

The left is working not for the people, but for the W.E.F, who want to control your whole way of living.. Check them out. Thing is... Donald Trump is standing in their way, and that is why they hate him. Calling for his life to be taken.. Murderers ye are.. and may God have mercy on you all

Open your eyes, You can't miss it.. a plot to destroy the whole country is being played out right in front of our eyes, and refuse to see it.. or are spiritually blind. I don't think you even care, as 'they' have manipulated your collective minds. Anyhow.. again, I wasted another 10 minutes of time.

This is pathetic.. and if they pursued Org Crime they way they did Trump, they would all leave the country. Truth is.. the left cares about POWER and control.. and they do not love America, Trump loves the U.S. and when he was in before, America was SO much better off.. even though they worked overtime to try and stop him from doing his job.

They call him racist, but yet Blacks love the guy... Nobody loves the Biden Administration... for over 15 years, I have seen MSM systematiclly dumb down the country, and brainwash it's people.. and now they can't think straight... and are scared to call a man wearing a dress.. what he is.. = a man in a dress.

the left will not wake up because their minds are numbed.. Such a division.. and them dummies are trying to hang a divided country on Trump, even though they did the whole thing themselves..

Meanwhile Feel free to live and walk in the vanity of your minds.. and you obviously are blinded to the real threats facing your country (and mine, for that matter)

Hope we are all free to chat like this 2 years down the road

Can't spell 'systematicly .. no matter how I try, but you get it
7/21/2024 2:19 AM (edited)
I get how paranoid ye be and what a lunatic ye be BUT please explain just WHO your version of "they" be??

The feared spout the same stuff non-stop, it's always "they"..........them folks...............usually the ones who be darker............

Many of us believe it to be YE who be sick.
Smoke on that awhile ye mindless twit from looneyville B.C.
7/19/2024 7:06 PM
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