Rock the Casbah Topic

The Lincoln Project
Never Trumplers
Conservatives supporting Biden
Former Republicans
People like Judge Ludic - a longtime superstar of The Federalist Society
Lynne Cheney and Adam Kinzinger - very red meat conservatives who have brains and heart and insist upon country first - friend of hateful autocrats not them

Prepare for lots and lots of people who will be well known in the conservative world who will implore and exhort intelligent people who remember when character was king to join the coalition of Team America.

Sorry to be so extreme imo that almost everyone that is still willing to vote for Trumpler never learned American history or civics classes because no patriotic American would vote for an evil psychiatrically damaged dangerous person who will do untold harm to our country if not the world order.

I have untold respect and admiration for them and if they help prevent a catastrophe from happening they will have their place in the history books.

Funny how the people always jumping up and down about religion and morality must think that their antonyms are the way to go.
I never liked those yahoos and in my mind I was definitely proven right about them.
They could cause incalculable damage to the country.
6/26/2024 11:32 PM (edited)
On Steve Bannon.
He stole millions from middle class and below MAGA supporters and this fall he will be convicted and serve a stint in jail. His scheme makes me recall Trump University. Both schemes were hatched by evil men who get their jollies by committing crimes of fraud.

Now Johnson and the sickophants are asking the Supreme Court to stop his 4 month sentence in prison for contempt of Congress. He reports on July 1.
But the term ends next Tuesday so they should do some math.
6/26/2024 11:50 PM (edited)
Posted by Lennybruce26 on 6/26/2024 11:32:00 PM (view original):
The Lincoln Project
Never Trumplers
Conservatives supporting Biden
Former Republicans
People like Judge Ludic - a longtime superstar of The Federalist Society
Lynne Cheney and Adam Kinzinger - very red meat conservatives who have brains and heart and insist upon country first - friend of hateful autocrats not them

Prepare for lots and lots of people who will be well known in the conservative world who will implore and exhort intelligent people who remember when character was king to join the coalition of Team America.

Sorry to be so extreme imo that almost everyone that is still willing to vote for Trumpler never learned American history or civics classes because no patriotic American would vote for an evil psychiatrically damaged dangerous person who will do untold harm to our country if not the world order.

I have untold respect and admiration for them and if they help prevent a catastrophe from happening they will have their place in the history books.

Funny how the people always jumping up and down about religion and morality must think that their antonyms are the way to go.
I never liked those yahoos and in my mind I was definitely proven right about them.
They could cause incalculable damage to the country.
It is people who DON'T believe in God, who are destroying your country. It is the believers who built the country. but they no longer teach that in your indoctrination centers.

Joe Biden is the most wicked, most evil and perverse man you have ever had in the White house. You are losing your country, and don't even know it

9-11 is NOTHING compared to what could happen in the next 15 or so months. Take a look at England, for eg.
6/27/2024 4:59 AM
Posted by Lennybruce26 on 6/26/2024 11:11:00 PM (view original):
Posted by DougOut on 6/26/2024 9:12:00 PM (view original):

At Least 50 ISIS-K-Related Illegals Are in the U.S. and No One Knows Where They Are


MSM Hides Migrant Murderers

Illegal immigration is a terrible issue for Dems, so the mainstream media continues to downplay the rapes and murders of American girls and women.

Hey genius of geniuses- they got in during the time that Maga turned down 1,500 more border agents.
So it is all on MAGA. MAGA ceded the right direction to the democrats.
Not relying on media to know what’s what. I have a brain. Not having a brain is not a wonderful thing.
Ummm....they got in during our current BIDEN regime. They got in after BIDEN signed 93 executive orders. They got in after BIDEN dismantled the TRUMP era border policy. They got in after the Democrats in the Senate ignored and shelved HR-2, the House Bill that would have solved the problem. I'm glad to have this opportunity to correct you.

And please remember what we talked about before. Follow your doctors orders. Don't say "well, I don't feel right when I do" so and so. If you're uncomfortable, talk to him or get a second opinion. Don't self medicate. And try not to get over excited or upset. It's not good for you.

I'm saying a little prayer for you now. I'll endeavor to remember you in my morning devotion and prayers. Take care and feel better.

6/27/2024 5:35 AM
Condescending much? Uppity Christians...................gotta love em.................NOT!!
6/27/2024 8:58 AM
Posted by lostnfound74 on 6/27/2024 4:59:00 AM (view original):
Posted by Lennybruce26 on 6/26/2024 11:32:00 PM (view original):
The Lincoln Project
Never Trumplers
Conservatives supporting Biden
Former Republicans
People like Judge Ludic - a longtime superstar of The Federalist Society
Lynne Cheney and Adam Kinzinger - very red meat conservatives who have brains and heart and insist upon country first - friend of hateful autocrats not them

Prepare for lots and lots of people who will be well known in the conservative world who will implore and exhort intelligent people who remember when character was king to join the coalition of Team America.

Sorry to be so extreme imo that almost everyone that is still willing to vote for Trumpler never learned American history or civics classes because no patriotic American would vote for an evil psychiatrically damaged dangerous person who will do untold harm to our country if not the world order.

I have untold respect and admiration for them and if they help prevent a catastrophe from happening they will have their place in the history books.

Funny how the people always jumping up and down about religion and morality must think that their antonyms are the way to go.
I never liked those yahoos and in my mind I was definitely proven right about them.
They could cause incalculable damage to the country.
It is people who DON'T believe in God, who are destroying your country. It is the believers who built the country. but they no longer teach that in your indoctrination centers.

Joe Biden is the most wicked, most evil and perverse man you have ever had in the White house. You are losing your country, and don't even know it

9-11 is NOTHING compared to what could happen in the next 15 or so months. Take a look at England, for eg.
Great post Glen. You changed my mind.
6/27/2024 9:04 AM
Posted by DougOut on 6/27/2024 5:35:00 AM (view original):
Posted by Lennybruce26 on 6/26/2024 11:11:00 PM (view original):
Posted by DougOut on 6/26/2024 9:12:00 PM (view original):

At Least 50 ISIS-K-Related Illegals Are in the U.S. and No One Knows Where They Are


MSM Hides Migrant Murderers

Illegal immigration is a terrible issue for Dems, so the mainstream media continues to downplay the rapes and murders of American girls and women.

Hey genius of geniuses- they got in during the time that Maga turned down 1,500 more border agents.
So it is all on MAGA. MAGA ceded the right direction to the democrats.
Not relying on media to know what’s what. I have a brain. Not having a brain is not a wonderful thing.
Ummm....they got in during our current BIDEN regime. They got in after BIDEN signed 93 executive orders. They got in after BIDEN dismantled the TRUMP era border policy. They got in after the Democrats in the Senate ignored and shelved HR-2, the House Bill that would have solved the problem. I'm glad to have this opportunity to correct you.

And please remember what we talked about before. Follow your doctors orders. Don't say "well, I don't feel right when I do" so and so. If you're uncomfortable, talk to him or get a second opinion. Don't self medicate. And try not to get over excited or upset. It's not good for you.

I'm saying a little prayer for you now. I'll endeavor to remember you in my morning devotion and prayers. Take care and feel better.

Your flat earth logic defies logic. Biden was the first president to get a bipartisan deal out of the senate since the days of the caveman.

Trumpler and Johnson would not let it be voted on - MAGA democracy in action.

Trumpler and Johnson rejected and spit on and ****** on 1500 Border agents and drug sniffing republicans.

Trumpler said don’t vote because it will make Biden look good.

Crime committed by newly illegals is on Trumpler and Johnson. It is on them. They put the Dems on high ground - naturally.

Violent crime is way down under Biden.
White nationalists are the most dangerous group in the USA.

6/27/2024 12:07 PM (edited)
I agree with every one of those points . Bigly!
All true............ and nice post Dino!
6/27/2024 11:23 AM
Re Glen comments
I know full well about the bizzare Christian fundamentalist beliefs about heaven and hell.
Bizzare from my standpoint.
It needs to be understood that any belief that is taught to you with something threatening attached that threatening thing has never been proven or demonstrated or has evidence of existing - is suspect.
A person whose open mind about religion is never influenced by anxiety or worry or statements or threats about hell is the advantaged one.
6/27/2024 12:58 PM
I’m dreading the debate. It is excruciating to have to listen to Trumpler for more then 10 seconds. The seething hatred he exudes and his vile personality is punishing to listen to and watch.
To each their own, unfortunately.

I expect that the Biden team has consultants and Biden will be ready with some stuff to push Trumpler’s buttons. Red buttons.

Please O god of American politics let Trumpler humiliate himself horrendously. And provide him with a full metal diaper.
6/27/2024 6:20 PM (edited)
I couldn’t watch more then 7 or 8 minutes. I had to turn it off. Biden sounded like he had laryngitis and he looked very very tired and could not communicate. He had no zip and no fastball.

I am very very concerned.
I have now joined the chorus saying he needs to step away from running for the sake of the country.

Gavin Newsome is waiting in the wings.
Please Joe. Let Gavin run instead.
6/28/2024 7:40 AM
That was ugly. White Sox Steve Carlton ugly.
6/28/2024 8:09 AM
Posted by The Taint on 6/28/2024 8:09:00 AM (view original):
That was ugly. White Sox Steve Carlton ugly.
Yep. Steve Carlton end of career yeah.
For a sports analogy I would say I felt the way I did after Rocky lost to Clubber Lang. Sadness and despair.

Trumpler could not beat Newsome in a million years.
Newsome is not only smart but he has way more charisma and charm and is way more good looking.

The physical attributes may seem superficial but there is a long-standing pattern called the shirt sleeve in the sun where the presidential candidate who looks better wearing a short sleeve shirt and facing the sun while waving always wins.
6/28/2024 8:39 AM (edited)
Imagine the woman vote which is already solidly against Trumpler. If Gavin Newsome was running, they would vote for reproductive rights while dreaming of being impregnated by Newsome. Even little old ladies.

Fascist salutes won’t beat good old American Elvis style movie star sex appeal.
6/28/2024 8:36 AM (edited)
Reflecting on this some more, although I would love to see Newsome get the nomination it has to be K. Harris who I like a lot as well. Obviously Biden would give the nod to her and she is too important to the woman vote and the African American vote.

Passing her by would be a huge insult to her and a large part of the electorate.

She will make history.
6/28/2024 12:47 PM
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