Rock the Casbah Topic

On the VP sources say it has come down to Vance and Rubio and the Freddy Krueger looking guy who is very rich.
I never took Rubio seriously for his choice because Rubio would be a guardrail and that is anathema to Trumpler. Rubio and Tim Scott have been quiet all of a sudden but the other 2 not. But the Krueger was on the talk shows this weekend. That guy is the horse I am betting on.
6/24/2024 1:26 AM (edited)
Trumpler MAGA as a group is far far more dangerous then illegal aliens as a group.
MAGA is far more likely to murder assault and battery crimes against American institutions violent insurrection financial fraud violence and threats toward political leaders simple assault aggravated assault Hate crimes arson of houses of worship. You name it and it is a proven fact that there is a much much higher incidence of crime in America from MAGA then any other group.

Most of them Support domestic terrorism.They as a group are an existential threat to the survival of democracy in this country.
Just sayin.
6/24/2024 5:34 PM (edited)
When Malcolm X said by any means necessary he was talking about the battle for freedoms against the people who are now called MAGA.

Now it is the deathly dangerous to the state of the union MAGA that operates under Any Means Necessary and that should terrify any decent law abiding good hearted democracy loving constitutional supporting and foes of a Christian nationalist country into vote vote vote vote vote everywhere they can against MAGA.
6/24/2024 5:50 PM (edited)

Five Illegal Aliens Charged With Kidnapping 14-Year-Old Girl
Madeline Leesman

Five illegal aliens were arrested in Missouri in connection with the kidnapping of a teenager in Indiana.

On June 17, officers with the Missouri State Highway Patrol were alerted around 2 a.m. that a 14-year-old girl was reported missing in Cass County, Indiana. The girl’s father had contacted police in Logansport, Indiana. The police department pinged the girl’s phone, which showed her in Missouri.

A Missouri state trooper spotted an SUV that matched the description provided by police in Indiana. When the state trooper pulled over the vehicle, the teen girl was in the back of the SUV. She identified herself as the girl who was missing.

All five men in the car were arrested. They are all in the United States illegally. According to Fox News, they are: Marlon Aguilar, 44, of Honduras; Arturo Eustaquio, 41, of Mexico; Noe Guzman Hernandez, 24, of Mexico; Daniel Ruiz Lopez, 19, of Mexico; and Carlos Funez, 56, of Honduras.

All five men remain in custody without bail on a charge of felony kidnapping. U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) issued a detainer for the five men.

Last week, Townhall reported how two illegal aliens from Venezuela were arrested in connection with the murder of a 12-year-old girl in Houston, Texas. The victim, Jocelyn Nungaray, was found strangled to death in a creek.

According to several reports, the illegal alien suspects were recently caught by Border Patrol and released into the United States. Johan Jose Rangel Martinez, 21, and Franklin Jose Pena Ramos, 26, were charged with capital murder.

This month, in New York City, an illegal immigrant from Ecuador was arrested in connection with the sexual assault of a 13-year-old girl in broad daylight in a park. The suspect, Christian Geovanny Inga-Land, attacked the child and admitted that he recorded the ordeal as he became more “comfortable” during it.

There's an Update About the 12-Year-old Texas Girl Who Was Reportedly Murdered by Illegal Aliens

To recap, the child, Jocelyn Nungaray, was found strangled to death in a creek in Houston, Texas. Two illegal aliens from Venezuela were arrested for her death. They are Johan Jose Rangel Martinez, 21, and Franklin Jose Pena Ramos, 26. Pena Ramos had his bail set at $10 million.

The two illegals reportedly lured the girl under a bridge and assaulted her for hours before she was killed.

On X, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott said that the illegal immigrants deserved the death penalty.

6/24/2024 6:24 PM
I finally watched Harriet on Netflix. For the uninformed it is the story of Harriet Tubman who is every bit of a colorful and exciting iconic hero as Davy Crockett and Wild Bill Hickock from that general era before and after. She was the greatest conductor of the Underground Railroad and was also an important participant in the Civil War itself.

She was the kind of hero for whom mythology is sometimes built around.

The movie was very historically accurate.

It is five stars. The only criticism that I have is that I would have liked better cinematography.

Don’t turn off the movie during the credits because there is a song nominated for an Oscar sung by the star Cynthia Evico and co written by her.
It will knock you off of your feet.
Id like to see it sung sometimes instead of the national anthem. It is that uplifting.

Also the popular singer Chanelle Monae has an important role and she has real acting chops.

On Netflix. Watch it.
6/24/2024 7:00 PM (edited)


MSM Hides Migrant Murderers

Illegal immigration is a terrible issue for Dems, so the mainstream media continues to downplay the rapes and murders of American girls and women.

Hard as it might be to believe, tens of millions of Americans have no idea who Mollie Tibbetts was. Or Laken Riley. Or Rachel Morin. Or Jocelyn Nungaray.

But unless Donald Trump says their names on Thursday during his first presidential debate with Joe Biden, those low-information voters will continue to live in blissful ignorance of these four murder victims — two college students, one mother of five, and one precious 12-year-old — each of whom was slain by illegal immigrants. (To this sad list we should add an anonymous 13-year-old girl who was kidnapped and raped 11 days ago in a park in Queens, New York, in a sickening assault that the illegal immigrant “suspect” says he recorded.)

Biden doesn’t want you to know their names because he knows that illegal immigration is among the utmost concerns of the American people as we enter election season, and he knows that the blood of these three women and this one girl is on his hands. And because Biden doesn’t want you to know their names, the mainstream media likewise doesn’t want you to know their names. This includes CNN, which is hosting the debate, and it includes the network’s two reliably left Trump-hating moderators, Jake Tapper and Dana Bash.

While it’s both difficult and unseemly to rank-order a group of murders, this latest one, that of a little girl, is both wrenching and blood-boiling. As the New York Post reports: “Police in Houston have arrested two migrants from Venezuela for the murder of 12-year-old Jocelyn Nungaray, who was lured away from home, then strangled and dumped in a bayou. One of the suspects crossed the border illegally less than a month before the shocking murder, and was released into the US after claiming he feared for his life if he was sent back to his home country, sources told The Post.”

Worse yet has been the mainstream media’s coverage. Take, for example, the Associated Press, which reported the news on Thursday night. As Fox News’s intrepid Bill Melugin noted, “Not only does AP not mention that both suspects are illegal aliens who were both recently caught & released at border, they don’t even mention that they are from Venezuela, which police publicly disclosed.”

This isn’t a one-off. Let’s remember how the AP covered Laken Riley’s murder. Rather than focusing on the fact that her murderer should never have been in this country, the AP’s headline read, “The killing of a nursing student out for a run highlights the fears of solo female athletes.”

No, the fear is of murdering-dog illegal immigrants killing our girls and women. And the outrage is being tamped down by the Democrat-aligned Trump-hating media.

We aren’t imagining this. As NewsBusters pointed out, the networks’ morning coverage spent 15 minutes on Justin Timberlake’s DUI arrest on Long Island, but zero minutes covering the illegal alien murders of Rachel Morin and Jocelyn Nungaray.

Let’s face it: The mainstream media is hiding these murders — and these murderers — from us.

The cable networks are even worse, if that’s possible. On MSNBC, they were actually laughing about Fox News’s insistence on covering the killings. They were laughing, that is, when they weren’t getting triggered by the use of the word “illegal” to describe the murderers.

As Fox News’s Mary Katharine Ham wrote in the wake of Laken Riley’s murder and the AP’s decision to make it a story about women jogging: “What they do is, they take a sample size of two tragic murders, Laken Riley and Mollie Tibbetts in Iowa a couple of years ago in 2018, and then they don’t mention that either one of them — the thread that actually connects those two — is that both suspects, one serving a life sentence, were illegal immigrants. Perhaps you’re missing the story because you’re trying to turn it into another story because you don’t want to deal with the fact that this reflects badly on the policies that are in place during this administration.”

It’s strange, isn’t it, that when our mounted Border Patrol agents were wrongly accused of whipping a group of illegal immigrants, that lie made its way around the world before the truth could get its pants on. Indeed, we all heard about it thanks to the AP and its corrupt co-conspirators. But when a 12-year-old Texas girl is abducted and murdered by a couple of illegal immigrants from a country that keeps popping up in crime reports all around the country, it’s crickets and tumbleweeds.

This week, the list of debate advice for Donald Trump will grow long and complicated and impossible to adhere to. My advice is simple: Say their names.

6/24/2024 7:55 PM
The AMA is using a new diagnostic methodology for grading mental illness :
As mentally Ill as Trump..more mentally Ill as Trump and much more mentally Ill then Trump
Also Less mentally Ill then Trump….Much less mentally IIl then Trump.
6/25/2024 5:41 AM
There is an article in The Hill and probably other news outlets. In a fundraising letter that Trumpler sent in May and June Trumpler is quoted saying that he was tortured in jail before the mugshot.

This is true. That is what the mentally Iii ex el douche wrote to get his crazy sycophants to send him their money.
Money for nothing.

”They tortured me in the Fulton County Jail and TOOK MY MUGSHOT” the exact statement as written.
6/25/2024 6:01 AM (edited)
Some of Trumplers favorite Catastrophes

1. By downplaying Covid and lying about it and then siding with nutcases who wanted to mock Covid and breathe in the face of at risk people - he is responsible for the death of more then 200,000 people.
No leadership and Bad leadership.
Covid was his challenge and he was a stupid moron and got people killed.

2. He caused catastrophic damage to the present and future health of women and the catastrophe is growing and spreading and getting bigger.

3. Because of him the groups trying to make America a Christian nationalist country are getting stronger and stronger and more and more dangerous. On him.

4. He caused Ukraine to be on the ropes because he told republicans not to give Ukraine money. He held it up.

5. He appointed judges and Supreme Court justices who prevent gun control. On him.

6. He set back the fight against climate change.

7. He allowed Iran to build a nuke UNIMPEDED OR MONITORED. On him.

8. He prevented a tough bill on immigration because He said it would be a good campaign issue and instead of stopping illegal immigrants he said don’t let it come to a vote.
If he won the election he could have made it stronger while good things were getting done.

A dangerous man and the worst president anyone could have imagined.
6/25/2024 7:57 AM (edited)
The Supreme Court just expanded their schedule this week for issuing opinions. They have added Thursday and Friday so opinions could be issued tomorrow thru Friday.
No doubt that some of the big cases are coming this week.

6/25/2024 10:05 AM
George Latimer has defeated Jamal Bowman in a New York House dem primary. Bowman is quite the sore loser. :). The squad loses a big mouth. Good stuff.
It wasn’t even close. Good times.
6/26/2024 12:41 AM (edited)
Tomorrow is the debase .. I mean the debate and the rumors that the immunity decision will drop on the same day are looking better and better.

Extremists are dropping at the polls. More likely then not Trumpler supported MAGA candidates lose to “moderate” republicans ( by contrast ) and already a squad member has lost. These are bad signs for Trumpler and let’s hope a harbinger for things to come.
6/26/2024 11:40 AM (edited)
Does anyone remember when Republicans always spoke about American exceptionalism and gave a middle finger to democrats.
Now exceptionalism is a word they never heard of and now they say that democracy is overrated and they give you the 2 handed middle finger.

Exceptionalism as a requirement and responsibility has morphed into exceptionally authoritarian and pro - Putin.

Democracy calling. Phony GOP has bitten the dust.
6/26/2024 5:01 PM

At Least 50 ISIS-K-Related Illegals Are in the U.S. and No One Knows Where They Are


MSM Hides Migrant Murderers

Illegal immigration is a terrible issue for Dems, so the mainstream media continues to downplay the rapes and murders of American girls and women.

6/26/2024 9:12 PM
Posted by DougOut on 6/26/2024 9:12:00 PM (view original):

At Least 50 ISIS-K-Related Illegals Are in the U.S. and No One Knows Where They Are


MSM Hides Migrant Murderers

Illegal immigration is a terrible issue for Dems, so the mainstream media continues to downplay the rapes and murders of American girls and women.

Hey genius of geniuses- they got in during the time that Maga turned down 1,500 more border agents.
So it is all on MAGA. MAGA ceded the right direction to the democrats.
Not relying on media to know what’s what. I have a brain. Not having a brain is not a wonderful thing.
6/26/2024 11:11 PM
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