Project 2025 Bans Freedom of Thought Topic

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Meanwhile several major legal matters converging with politics over next 45 days.

1. Possible immunity ruling
2. Around June 22 big hearing on the documents case
3. June 27 - debate
4. July 5 - MAGA convention
5. July 11 - Sentencing

Trump will attempt to delay sentencing. No way.
Wadda country we have now since Trump got into politics. His followers causing the national IQ to plummet. Before Trump it was all about socioeconomic class issues.

Now the class issues are smart vs dumb and science vs crazies and righteous indignation vs hateful irrational fueled rage and not to leave out protectors of democracy vs those who love and approve of autocratic leaders and autocratic systems of government.
6/2/2024 11:34 AM (edited)
Posted by Lennybruce26 on 6/2/2024 11:34:00 AM (view original):
Meanwhile several major legal matters converging with politics over next 45 days.

1. Possible immunity ruling
2. Around June 22 big hearing on the documents case
3. June 27 - debate
4. July 5 - MAGA convention
5. July 11 - Sentencing

Trump will attempt to delay sentencing. No way.
Wadda country we have now since Trump got into politics. His followers causing the national IQ to plummet. Before Trump it was all about socioeconomic class issues.

Now the class issues are smart vs dumb and science vs crazies and righteous indignation vs hateful irrational fueled rage and not to leave out protectors of democracy vs those who love and approve of autocratic leaders and autocratic systems of government.
Your final paragraph is about as perfect a description of the situation in the U.S as anything I have read. Well said.
6/2/2024 12:12 PM
Thank you!! Very much.
That means a lot coming from you.
6/2/2024 1:50 PM
The OG Lenny Bruce woulda been proud...
6/2/2024 1:58 PM
Posted by contrarian23 on 6/2/2024 1:58:00 PM (view original):
The OG Lenny Bruce woulda been proud...
We both know where he would stand and how loud he would be yelling if he was here today. He would be Bill Mahaar on comedy PEs. The overlooked Mort Sahl too.

Elvis was the Big Bang of rock and roll.
Lenny Bruce was the Big Bang of modern stand up comedy.

I was a fan as a kid of Lenny Bruce before I started taking music seriously.
6/2/2024 6:30 PM
now that there are i believe 54 felony counts left

54 felony counts on the board
54 felony counts
take one down and convict the clown
53 felony counts on the board

There could be more future charges. Arizona for sure.
It is a slim chance but maybe IRS tax evasion. reports by a real news source says that the IRS has determined that because of wholly fallacious and improper accounting efforts Trump owes over 100 million in taxes.
And he has some extremely dangerous civil trials out of Jan 6 upcoming that will make the E Jean Carrol damages look like small potatoes.

Make no mistake about it. he is in for a world of pain.

Someone who would have a giant civil case against Trump although it wont happen is Pence and his family that was with him.
That would be one juicy case.

6/2/2024 6:55 PM
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goldwater said Abortion is up to the woman not the pope

reagan said Tear down that wall

trump said Give ukraine portable anti-tank weapons

politics is not a as-the-crow-flies proposition

these guys wanna win

they walk a long and winding road full of starts stutters and stops

road apples sheep dip and bull sh*t
6/3/2024 12:16 AM
Posted by contrarian23 on 6/2/2024 10:57:00 PM (view original):
The devastating truth for Rethuglicans is that this the path the party has been on since (at least) Goldwater. The delusion of Reagan was just that, a delusion. The GOP has been on a path to fascism since at least the early 60s. Trump is not an aberration. He is the true identity of the American right wing. This is your rethuglican party, America. The worst traits of all the 20th century dictators and genocidists come to fruition
I think mainly since Reagan the religious right incrementally gained power and influence over the party and in lower court judiaries. Also state government. The group organizing the disgusting attempt to erode the secular state clothed in the first amendment and any other means has never been neutered.

Even after Bush 1 the Supreme Court was getting to be a religious choir steadily and the pernicious weeds were popping up everywhere.

Gingrich with the tea party was the one who weaponized his party and alienated moderate republicans who were normal on domestic policies but gop on fiscal issues. Guys like Arlen Spector and like Michael Steele today found that they had to become Democrats or independents. Today the Lincoln Project is leading the resistance.

By the time Trump came on the scene I believe that the ultra conservative voters who were mainly fearful of secular reasoning in any area had hijacked and evolved the party formerly called the GOP and they were groomed and trained and stirred up to a frenzy and ready willing and chomping at the bit to push its angry agenda down everyone’s throat and willing to accept an autocratic who was more then supportive of their aims was the messiah.

He is clearly a religious figure to them placed in the seat of power by God. If God put him there then God forgives him for his flaws and trusts him.

When religion gets too much power and leverage in government you get autocracy. It is a dominant way for authoritarian regimes to take hold.

So bottom line I think that Trump is the de facto religious leader of a messianic cult called MAGA.
He was the messiah they were waiting for.
Yes there are normal people tax break voters but they vote Trump for that alone because they are single issue voters. They find themselves trying to rationalize the things Trump is trying to do.
6/3/2024 2:51 AM (edited)
When Trump says to the basest of the base I am your retribution and I am your revenge and they are going through me to get to you it has real religious meaning to them.

They are a hyped up angry cult of a messianic leader.
Trump is the Embodiment of their anger and disappointment and hopes and revenge.
Basically he is to them the suffering servant allowing himself to be crucified on a daily basis for them.

They think that they represent ( they might ) the values of the country through a fire and brimstone lens wishing they could stone to death all of the evil democrats who want to help the poor ( black and brown people ) and refuse to install the true judaeo Christian ethos. The Dems also insist upon respecting the rights of people who violate Leviticus and that of course makes them evil. And etc this and etc that …..,

Houston we have a big big problem.
6/3/2024 3:05 AM (edited)
Gargantuan Story Flying Under The Radar

There are a lot - I really mean a lot - of states that bar convicted felons from running for office. Some permit restoration of the right to seek elected office after all terms of the sentence have been complied with. That would be impossible for der Trumper.

This is way bigger then the Insurrection cases.

It is going to jump up to the “Supreme” Court.The texts in each state is crystal clear. Some of the states are Texas and Pennsylvania and Washington and Illinois and Florida.

I suppose the legal issue will revolve upon 3 issues.
1. Do the states have the constitutional right to apply the law to candidates seeking federal office.
2. Are the laws vague on whether federal election candidates are included if decision on 1 says states can hypothetically bar federal candidates.
3. Is it constitutional to bar a candidate from seeking office before the appeal process if one is initiated runs its full course.

The Court will have to be an activist court to agree with Trump on the 3rd issue as the state laws are clear on their face.

Percolating and on the boil.
I might be wrong but I don’t think so.
6/3/2024 8:50 AM (edited)
Yes Houston we do have a problem. Hope you don't mind me inserting this here Dino.

Yesterday, at my local Arizona grocery store, while shopping I encountered a woman with a brand new brightly colored T-Shirt.

It Read in Giant letters. TRUMP is my President. Jesus is my Savior.

My reply was Yes, and Ignorance is your trumpet.
She didn't like my response much. Kept sputtering and spitting.
I just smiled at her and walked away.
6/3/2024 8:59 AM
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