Site Update Topic

Posted by cdawg76 on 3/25/2024 4:45:00 PM (view original):
I still dream of a day where we can incorporate live game sims. I know the programming and logistics part of it would be tough, but it can be done.
I’ve thought about this a lot as well. Even to the point of using the Simulation in tandem with a video game platform to generate a watch your game option instead of a box score. I would totally run that on my TV while eating breakfast and drinking coffee each morning.
3/25/2024 10:45 PM
If goallineblitz can do it, dont know why it cant be done here.
3/25/2024 11:10 PM
Posted by uglyskunk3 on 3/25/2024 2:44:00 PM (view original):
Get rid of baseline prestige in HD. It benefits top tier D1 programs the most. And the coaches that get those jobs need those benefits the least to compete. BMX bandits don't need training wheels. Institute the firings update that never happened. Too many mediocre-bad coaches hogging prime D1 jobs. That should be first up.
Do not get rid of baseline prestige. That is the fun of D1. Proudest moments of my career are getting low D1s into Top 10/sweet 16 and competing with the big guys.
3/25/2024 11:16 PM
I don't know if you guys are gonna read through all of these comments, but I appreciate all you guys do. I know when I need to make changes to one of the HBD worlds I am commish in, the response rate is great. Thanks for the update!
3/25/2024 11:16 PM
I like HBD & Gridiron overall & played em off & on for years. My biggest dislike is system seems skewed toward favoring ome offenses or defenses in HBD & passing WAY more in Gridiron. Needs to be more balanced. Also don't like spending tons of $ & it looks like I'll sign a guy only to lose out. We need better feedback or a way to let us know if we're really still in running to sign recruits. Also would like better background info. Not an issue lately but I've signed some only to get a 'red flag' mentioned after signing.
3/25/2024 11:18 PM
Hoops Dynasty does not need to have baseline prestige eliminated. IF firings were to be applied as promised years ago, there is no need. If you play well and win over a long period of time AND CONTINUE TO WIN you deserve the basline prestige.

I think early entries are a much bigger issue. Far too hard to recruit late after early entries...there are many ways to fix this.
3/25/2024 11:19 PM
If AI keeps these worlds running, I’m all in. I’ve been playing HBD since 2014 and I really don’t want to stop!
3/25/2024 11:52 PM
Posted by alleyviper on 3/25/2024 4:53:00 PM (view original):
I would decidedly prefer the site focus on bolstering the player base than updating games at the moment. At least where HBD is concerned, worlds are getting increasingly harder to fill and the player base is steadily dwindling. All the game updates in the world won't matter if there's nobody around to play the game.
I agree. I personally think the #1 way to improve it is to make the game more interactive. It's a very isolated game on its own. There is not a lot of opportunity for interaction. Even when you win a championship, it's pretty much an underwhelming experience. I think the site could use more features that encourage friendly competition and engagement. When people feel a personal stake/connection to other coaches, they will stick it out longer. To me it's the biggest problem with the platform.

Everything else is just tactics. Firing more coaches so we can free up jobs (to me) is not important if 90% of the schools are SimAIs anyway. We need more users and more engagement. Then we can tinker around the margins.
3/26/2024 1:00 AM
I think when you take over a rebuild situation (C or lower prestige), there needs to be a fix to allow you to assume the school in time to recruit in period 2. There's literally no incentive to rebuild a program if I can avoid it. I pay to sit and wait for a season with little to no power to change anything. It is not reflective of real life anymore. You take over a program and should be able to recruit a team not be stuck with the last guys teams. It's the biggest reason I have not been interested in adding any more teams. I don't find building from a D to an A fun anymore. It's arduous. And again, if the goal is to increase the number of users, this is another big one that will help encourage more people to join
3/26/2024 1:02 AM
Posted by kobo on 3/25/2024 11:19:00 PM (view original):
Hoops Dynasty does not need to have baseline prestige eliminated. IF firings were to be applied as promised years ago, there is no need. If you play well and win over a long period of time AND CONTINUE TO WIN you deserve the basline prestige.

I think early entries are a much bigger issue. Far too hard to recruit late after early entries...there are many ways to fix this.
Agreed 100%. Also what is the point in the last 1-2 days in the second period? It's just a waste. There is nothing happening. I think more players should recruit get late to add intrigue to the game. Not a lot but a few ... otherwise I see everything past Day 1 in the 2nd period as a waste of time. If you have not got in on a guy by then it's over 99% of the time.
3/26/2024 1:05 AM
Thanks for the update and the transparency. Appreciated.
3/26/2024 1:42 AM
I've been paying to play this game for 19 years and never once have i had a "Thanks appreciate your business here's a comp 5 pack", Maybe try that once in a while to your loyal customers.
3/26/2024 2:11 AM
It would be nice to get an update to recruiting in Gridiron Dynasty. HD has a far and away better system for recruiting. GD seems like it has the same recruiting system it's had since I started playing back in 2003.
3/26/2024 2:39 AM
We have recently pushed updates for Hoops Dynasty and Gridiron Dynasty as we continue to bring in quality of life updates

What the hell does this even mean?
3/26/2024 6:57 AM
My 2 cents. The injury thing is the greatest problem in HBD by far. NOBODY under 30 should suffer career altering drops in numbers for an injury, most people in MLB come back better these days. I would love to see the ability to put instructions on each player. Directing things like stealing, bunting, pinch hitting etc. by player would massively improve the experience.
3/26/2024 7:14 AM
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