TRUMP: Best President ever Topic

Funny maybe I’m the only one but I would like to see a sit of your favorite comedy movies.
7/27/2023 5:23 PM
I doubt there is anything Doug posts that I want to see.
7/27/2023 5:51 PM
You and "Rosie" far too busy I'd bet.
7/27/2023 6:53 PM
the last movie i watched was cold mountain

zellweger cracked me up

last movie in a theater i cain rem

prolly my gf picked it and i was all about the popcorn and the ipa

7/27/2023 7:56 PM
maybe that tom hanks movie otto

that was prolly the last one

lemme tell you bout that theater

old lumpy couches, little foot stools and tiny table tops, top dollar food, waiters expecting tips

average movie, terrible experience

give me a lazyboy in the last row of a megacinema any day o the week
7/27/2023 8:12 PM
If DJ Trump is the mother and father of the Republican potty
then maybe Dan Quayle is the grandfather.
wasn’t it sage Dan who was creating infantile culture wars out of whole cloth when he was VP.
He is one of the antecedents of modern Republican hate and harassment.

Now it can be known that Eric Salwell and McCarthy had a Gomer Pyle Sgt Carter nose to nose moment and it was no Eskimo kissing.
Salwell said and it was witnessed by several - You - Are - A - Puddy (cat ). Very Clint.
7/29/2023 1:11 AM (edited)
The LNF is MIA. I hope he is OK.
I hope his health is ok.
He may be a crazy goofball who doesn’t know Putin from Churchill but he is our goofball.
I hope he is just on a break.
7/29/2023 5:18 PM
Posted by Lennybruce26 on 7/29/2023 5:18:00 PM (view original):
The LNF is MIA. I hope he is OK.
I hope his health is ok.
He may be a crazy goofball who doesn’t know Putin from Churchill but he is our goofball.
I hope he is just on a break.
Still hanging in there. thanks for the thought. Spend too much time here, so pulling in the reins a little

How would you rate Joe Biden's presidency so far?
Why does his son get a pass??
7/30/2023 4:18 AM (edited)
Glad LNF is well, also. He needs more time...............

How can one person be so wrong so often?
Listening to the wrong sources, I suspect.

BTW, There's a phone caller on the line for you. Says his name is Clint and He wants to know what your problem is.
7/30/2023 9:28 AM
Posted by lostnfound74 on 7/30/2023 4:16:00 AM (view original):
Clint Eastwood died. I think on Friday. 93 y.o. He seemed to stay out of the Hollywood scandal pit

Was he really a good actor? Or was it his 'charisma' ?

Maybe it was his pet Chimp, named A--hole.


"Feel lucky, punk? well Do ya" *click*
'A man's got to know his limitations'
Bad karma. You don’t know Clint Eastwood from Tony Bennett.

The problem with talking about rating Biden is that one party will hate anything that he does even if they would have done it themselves if they could.
Take Trump out of the equation and you have 85% aligned with Biden on Ukraine for example.

The only way Biden can be ranked is by fellow dems who are trying to be objective or by independents.
The humongous percentage of republicans are too Doug in.

And then there is philosophy of life very well put and I think very honestly and accurately of what I call the smart more traditional republicans - of which most should have left the Republican Party - the survival of the fittest belief - funny - having a Darwinist policy -

I get that - people who did it on their own - parents did not pay student loan - had to work full time in college etc. Resentment toward “handouts “ etc.

Who is going to going to say putting money into ways to fight climate change is great if you don’t believe there is climate change.
Who will appreciate the vaccine second third and 4th shots if you think vaccines were bad.

Who will say that we still need affirmative action if you support the aFkoruda history curriculum and think there is nothing wrong with saying that slavery and the holocaust had good points too.

Who can say they believe in a criminal Justice system if they say it should be selective in how it is used and that crimes are not crimes when committed by someone who is entitled to commit them.

who can be fair when a DOA picks a Republican special counsel to investigate the greatest crimes against our democracy since it all began and an entire party calls it weaponization. AND that is our system.

Reoublicans and Democrats cannot debate what Biden has done because it is impossible.

how about infrastructure - republicans all voted no. Because it cost money and they won’t spend money for any reason. So how can a Republican who is dead set against spending anything for any reason admit it it important and landmark.

it goes on for everything.
7/30/2023 11:12 AM (edited)
Posted by lostnfound74 on 7/30/2023 4:18:00 AM (view original):
Posted by Lennybruce26 on 7/29/2023 5:18:00 PM (view original):
The LNF is MIA. I hope he is OK.
I hope his health is ok.
He may be a crazy goofball who doesn’t know Putin from Churchill but he is our goofball.
I hope he is just on a break.
Still hanging in there. thanks for the thought. Spend too much time here, so pulling in the reins a little

How would you rate Joe Biden's presidency so far?
Why does his son get a pass??
If you say Hunter Biden got a pass you 1. Forget about pleading guilty to a federal crime and 2. And Disregard the way most tax cases for a first offender are handled when all of the tax is paid back and there is zero evidence of evasion which is extremely important.
And 3 - there are real and true mitigating circumstances of drug addiction and other addictions which further disprove evasion and show inability to reign in spending.

As a good human being Shirley you would not want him to go to jail as punishment for being a Biden.
7/30/2023 11:27 AM
Posted by lostnfound74 on 7/30/2023 4:18:00 AM (view original):
Posted by Lennybruce26 on 7/29/2023 5:18:00 PM (view original):
The LNF is MIA. I hope he is OK.
I hope his health is ok.
He may be a crazy goofball who doesn’t know Putin from Churchill but he is our goofball.
I hope he is just on a break.
Still hanging in there. thanks for the thought. Spend too much time here, so pulling in the reins a little

How would you rate Joe Biden's presidency so far?
Why does his son get a pass??
mainly because his son has nothing to do with politics. If Hunter Biden (or Joe Biden, for that matter) broke the law he should fcae the consequences, just as Trump should.
7/30/2023 3:00 PM
Posted by lostnfound74 on 7/30/2023 4:16:00 AM (view original):
Clint Eastwood died. I think on Friday. 93 y.o. He seemed to stay out of the Hollywood scandal pit

Was he really a good actor? Or was it his 'charisma' ?

Maybe it was his pet Chimp, named A--hole.


"Feel lucky, punk? well Do ya" *click*
'A man's got to know his limitations'
Clint Eastwood is alive and well.
7/30/2023 3:02 PM
Posted by wylie715 on 7/30/2023 3:02:00 PM (view original):
Posted by lostnfound74 on 7/30/2023 4:16:00 AM (view original):
Clint Eastwood died. I think on Friday. 93 y.o. He seemed to stay out of the Hollywood scandal pit

Was he really a good actor? Or was it his 'charisma' ?

Maybe it was his pet Chimp, named A--hole.


"Feel lucky, punk? well Do ya" *click*
'A man's got to know his limitations'
Clint Eastwood is alive and well.
Looks like I got sucked in by fake news. i will remove that post
7/30/2023 4:38 PM
Posted by Mwett on 7/30/2023 8:20:00 AM (view original):
Posted by lostnfound74 on 7/30/2023 4:18:00 AM (view original):
Posted by Lennybruce26 on 7/29/2023 5:18:00 PM (view original):
The LNF is MIA. I hope he is OK.
I hope his health is ok.
He may be a crazy goofball who doesn’t know Putin from Churchill but he is our goofball.
I hope he is just on a break.
Still hanging in there. thanks for the thought. Spend too much time here, so pulling in the reins a little

How would you rate Joe Biden's presidency so far?
Why does his son get a pass??
Y'all and your whataboutism diversion distraction attempts. Neither Joe nor Hunter will have anything to do with murderer Trump getting his arse handed to him both politically and criminally. If anything comes back against Joe, ok that's fine, but that's apples. The orange is that while I'm an old white guy with a slight slant toward republican and all-in on survival of the fittest rather than enabling hand-outs, thank God there's some of us not fooled by an a-hole despite a lot of brain-dead trash around us.
Whatever, bub. Thought you said you were a spirit filled Christian. You sound ,more like the enemy. I guess it's beneath you to say anything upbeat.
7/30/2023 4:42 PM
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TRUMP: Best President ever Topic

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