TRUMP: Best President ever Topic

Posted by DougOut on 7/25/2023 8:23:00 PM (view original):

BOMBSHELL: Longtime Biden Aide Worked for U.S. Attorney Weiss During Hunter Investigation

Oh, So That's Who Bought Hunter Biden's Art
Katie Pavlich

NEW: Grassley and Comer Had the Biden Bribery Form Before Wray Admitted it Existed; Grassley Says FBI Redactions Are 'Obstructive Conduct'
Fortunately Weiss is begging to testify PUBLICLY before congress but he can’t get an invitation.

re Grassley Knoll - unfortunately his stuff was debunked but why should truth and facts ever matter in an investigation run by the modern Republican Party.

If the republicans wish to impeach Hunter nobody will stop them.

Garland - slow as friggin molasses on Trump and that’s why it should be called weaponization.
Jack Smith - well known as a Republican
Atty Weiss - well known as a Republican

but by not selecting Maga that’s weaponization.
OH - I forgot erstwhile maga Barr selected Weiss thank you very much.

Please solve the mystery of the Doug doo in the capitol.
7/25/2023 8:55 PM (edited)
Fortunately Weiss is begging to testify PUBLICLY before congress but he can’t get an invitation.?

It Looks Like U.S. Attorney David Weiss Is Going Before the Judiciary Committee
7/26/2023 8:13 AM
Yes - he has been trying to set it up for a few weeks in order to set the record straight Under Oath.
7/26/2023 8:20 AM
Posted by Lennybruce26 on 7/26/2023 8:20:00 AM (view original):
Yes - he has been trying to set it up for a few weeks in order to set the record straight Under Oath.
REALLY? You might want to read the news release again.

From the article:

In a letter sent to House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan (R-OH), Assistant Attorney General Carlos Uriate explains that the DOJ is making Weiss available to testify before the Committee "shortly after Congress returns from the August district work period." Later, the letter specifically mentions options of September 27, September 28, October 18, and October 19.

The letter in question references a July 21 letter that Jordan, along with House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer (R-KY) and House Committee on Ways and Means Chairman Jason Smith (R-MO) sent to Attorney General Merrick Garland. At the conclusion of the letter, the chairmen again requested that DOJ officials and FBI agents meet with them for transcribed interviews, threatening to use their subpoena power if need be, since they had asked previously, back in June.

The date in question indeed comes after the August recess. In addition to such a timeline, though, and the matter of open versus closed investigations, Garland will be testifying one week prior. As the Washington Examiner's Sarah Bedford pointed out, "Garland will not have to answer directly for any inconsistencies Weiss may bring up in a hearing."

While the letter offers Weiss as the appropriate person, Garland plays his own role in causing confusion.

According to IRS Whistleblower Gary Shapling, Weiss did not actually have the full authority to bring charges and that he told six witnesses he did not. Garland had indicated last month that Weiss did have such authority, however.

Garland has something of a habit giving confusing testimony, and not just to do with the matter of Weiss' authority. He's also raised further questions when it comes to the FBI's targeting of Catholics and the targeting of concerned parents at school board meetings.

Dear DINO: Please try to read and comprehend before comment. As you can see, the Weiss testimony is being delayed until after Garland appears. Weiss could appear next week if he wanted to. He doesn't. The dirty trick Hunters lawyers just pulled is quite telling.

7/26/2023 8:45 AM

POLITICS · JUL 26, 2023 · 78
Secret Service Says Bag Of Cocaine Found In Courtroom Chair Hunter Was
Sitting In Probably Left By Tour Group

WILMINGTON, DE — A strange cocaine-like substance discovered at a federal court Wednesday definitely did not belong to Hunter Biden despite it being found on his courtroom chair. The Secret Service detail charged with protecting the president's son says the illegal-like substance was probably left by "a tour group or something."

"Courtrooms have tours, right? From kids on a field trip, maybe? I bet it was one of them," said Special Agent Phil Quench.

Hunter, who appeared in court to plead not guilty to charges he was guilty of, has emphatically denied possessing the illicit substance. "I don't do drugs," Hunter said before excusing himself to use the restroom for the fifth time that morning. "Stay in school, kids!"

Secret Service agents performed a preliminary investigation before opening the courtroom to local authorities with strict instructions to not look into the matter further. "The powder-like substance came from somewhere, but we'll probably never know who left it. So don't bother," Agent Quench said.

"Besides, the cameras weren't working for some reason and one of the guys forgot to have people sign the log-in book."

At publishing time, Hunters lawyer couldn't be reached for comment as he was last seen in the parking lot hitting on a bong.

7/26/2023 7:07 PM
so, seeing from the Doug posts that get quoted, he still just posts stupid memes and other peoples' articles.
7/26/2023 10:42 PM
Other peoples articles? That's the same thing DINO/Lenny says. It's almost like you're the same person.
7/27/2023 7:38 AM
What is happening is that you copy an entire article that does not meet the standards of real journalism.
And you do not read it or figure it out. I think I referred to a specific article1 or 2 times. Otherwise I discuss News and information in my general comments.

It does not appear that you even read the articles that you post.

7/27/2023 8:15 AM
Why is Hunter Biden Hated

As far as I know he has never been political.
He doesn’t take shots at any Republican as far as I know.
He failed to pay some taxes ( but unlike some actually really rich people e did pay taxes ).
He was never charged with evading taxes.
After he was investigated he ended up paying the rest of the taxes in full.
There were true mitigation reasons why he did not pay his taxes. Severe drug addiction and sex addiction and again no tax evasion.

The truth is that most people in his fact pattern would not have gone to jail. A person fully cooperative with his facts having paid it all back would not have gone to jail. It does depend on the judge and the prosecutor but usually in this situation the defendant would not go to jail.
7/27/2023 9:35 AM
I don’t understand the scary vindictive hate.
Why is he propped up into something he is not.
So he did barter off of his name and make money with actual business skills. Why the massive undeserved hate.

The Trump sons who spend quality time with Nazis don’t get such hate.

The answer is why did they hate Obama just for being Obama unrelated to policy.

It is all there.
They love to hate.
7/27/2023 9:40 AM
Posted by Lennybruce26 on 7/27/2023 8:15:00 AM (view original):
What is happening is that you copy an entire article that does not meet the standards of real journalism.
And you do not read it or figure it out. I think I referred to a specific article1 or 2 times. Otherwise I discuss News and information in my general comments.

It does not appear that you even read the articles that you post.


You show me how.

You post a whole story. One that meets your standards. Maybe try something from DRUDGE?
7/27/2023 12:41 PM
What? You can't post a news story from the internet?

That's too bad.

I don't think I should have to stop just because you can't do it.

That's fair.

7/27/2023 1:58 PM
Posted by DougOut on 7/27/2023 1:58:00 PM (view original):
What? You can't post a news story from the internet?

That's too bad.

I don't think I should have to stop just because you can't do it.

That's fair.

I never said that you can’t do it.
My comment is that you don’t do anything else.

where is your comedy movie list.
7/27/2023 2:27 PM
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