TRUMP: Best President ever Topic

And to use an analogy to the disgrace of refusing to allow people to change and to welcome said change;
after the USA Israel does not have a better friend in the world then Germany.
And Israel never forgets to acknowledge the warm friendship it has with Germany.
Under the Gomiami way to think Israel would have turned its back on the new Germany and said once you are evil you can never make that up
and the new Germans of new generations must be burdened by the sins of the fathers and grandfathers.
7/22/2023 4:05 PM

who is this guy?
7/22/2023 4:12 PM
OH here it is!

Report: Hunter Biden’s Lawyer Seen Smoking Bong During Client’s Visit

Found it on the Drudge Report - good stuff over there
7/22/2023 5:06 PM (edited)
Posted by laramiebob on 7/22/2023 12:05:00 PM (view original):
Doubt you'll get censored round here. Certainly I have no issues with your "history".
All true from my view.
But your "paranoia" still comes thru.
Why do you feel so persecuted?

What exactly have the Democrats taken from you............done to you? Be specific please.

I CAN make such a list about Republican governance. It's not short!
But I generally agree with your attitude towards the two Parties.

However, it's what we have and the result (IMO) of the many flaws in human behavior and specifically personal ethics and honesty.
Greed certainly comes in as well!

The 1800's were a LONG time ago.
The two Parties have essentially swapped places with regard to race and tolerance.
Perhaps hypocriticism as well.

I used to hold my nose and vote Republican quite a bit...............
Now I hold my nose and often vote Democrats. Like Hobbs in AZ.

But I can NO LONGER cast a single vote for a Republican.
That Party (Historically) doesn't exist.

It's NOW the Party of thieves and stupid humans who enjoy getting fleeced while believing in mirages!
Folks still voting for Republicans are blind or contemptible or both in my view!
Censorship - Log out and look at the forums without logging back in. You will see posts that are "hidden" and need an extra click to show. The message says something like "this post falls below the minimum threshold" meaning a bunch of people have clicked the thumbs down and the program automatically suppresses the post. It happens every time I write something that Marxists can't stand. Freedom of speech only applies to them (in their minds.) Anyway, that evidence is right in plain sight. It's the new redlining, since that practice has effectively been banned by WIS.

What exactly have the Democrats taken from you............done to you? Be specific please.

Let's just say I grew up in a modern day deep south plantation. Florida was controlled by the Democrats, like most former Rebel states up until recently...meaning when I was a child. They threw the poor, like my family, into these haciendas. They were everywhere in southern Florida. Poisoned water supplies...and that's no joke. The one I lived in was shut down by the EPA 20 years ago. Cancer rates 20 times higher than the surrounding communities around us. Water supply was fine for the richer (democrat) areas. There was constant flooding due to broken sewers and since the sewers were broken, guess what was floating around with the standing flood water. Sewers were working just fine in the richer (democrat) areas. I could go on. It was all intentional by the local (county) government, which is still democrat today.

We were sub-human in their eyes and skin color no longer mattered. We were a source of income and they hated us...hated the fact that we existed in their precious state as free citizens. They hated us because we were there, crowding their state with undesirables, deplorables as Clinton would say. They charged outrageous rent for the scrap of land we lived on, tying us to the housing project (knowing we couldn't afford to go anywhere else because living in south Florida is very expensive) and ground us into the dirt. Most of the kids I grew up with are either dead or incarcerated. There was crime, violence, drugs, gangs, prostitution...and they didn't care. No policing. The police did more to keep us in rather, like prison guards, than come into the neighborhood to stop the lawlessness.

I escaped when I graduated high school with two lasting gifts from my time there - serious health problems from the poisoned water and my lack of love for the lovely Democrat Party. The KKK used to hold their rallies across the street in an open field. I still can see the burning cross in my memory and the leader dressed in red to look different that the rest in their white satin. It was all democrat, the Imperial Wizard was one of the local politicians responsible for our living conditions.

This wasn't the 1800s I'm talking about. It was the 1960-1970s. If you didn't grow up in the post-reconstruction South, you might not have a clue about what the Democrat Party was like in RECENT history. George Wallace was from Alabama in the 1960s. Robert Byrd, that great Democrat Senator from West Virginia was an Imperial Wizard in the KKK and served in Congress from 1959 until he died in 2010. That's not the 1800s. The Southern Baptist Convention, the dominant church down there, a complete racist democrat affair when I was a child, was still a segregated church even after segregation had been outlawed. You should have heard the racist hate coming from the pulpit every Sunday during the sermon and in bible study afterwards. That was not the 1800s.

So, forgive me for not believing that the Democrat Party has changed from the hell I lived through from birth until 18. A LOT of the same phrases I heard at church and from local politicians back in the day are the SAME phrases the Democrat Party still uses to this very day. I lived through what that reality was like. Meet the new Boss, same as the old Boss as the Who sang so eloquently. And people outside of Florida wonder why the Cuban population voted heavily for the republicans in the 2022 election, why Desantis won in a landslide. People who grew up down there have a somewhat different impression of the lovely Democrat Party compared to the national media coverage. The memories of the recent, not 1800s Democrat Party, has done damage that will take a LOONG time to undo, assuming the democrats ever change their tune.

If it's any consolation, I can't stand the Republican Party either...a bunch of bible thumping hypocrites who want to enslave the populace for different reasons. The difference is, I didn't live through a republican ghetto and wasn't treated like a sub-human by a republican local county executive. My feelings towards that cesspool party (the republicans) is more abstract, based on what I have read, rather than what I personally witnessed. "What exactly have the Democrats taken from you............done to you?" They took my health, they physically and psychologically destroyed my family (the impact of that hell hole on my father, mother, brother and sister...I'll just skip it, let's say it was not good.

I hope that answers your question, bob.
7/23/2023 3:59 AM
1960-70s dems in southern states.
Go to the political antique store cause they have been eradicated from the Democratic Party and now it is just one unified Democratic Party. Some people think once racist always racist but it just ain’t so.

You know history. But how many white people that are dems and under 40 living anywhere even know anything about the 2 democratic parties and I’ll betcha they don’t even know that during the 50s and 60s most dem pols down south were racists.

The transformation is so complete that to those worried about keeping democracy it is ancient history and no one is building any statues of George Wallace or Strom Thurmond to worry about.
7/23/2023 5:34 AM
TY for the original response Jay!

I get your feelings/attitude.

I have a cousin who says virtually the same thing (in reverse of course) about growing up in Lincoln, Nebraska...........course it was an all Republican local Gov't!

I did notice in your story how it was the FEDERAL Gov't who finally stepped in and tackled the water problem.
Liberal Gov't in action solving a problem?

Or should they just have left it to "States Rights"??
7/23/2023 9:10 AM
Posted by Lennybruce26 on 7/23/2023 5:34:00 AM (view original):
1960-70s dems in southern states.
Go to the political antique store cause they have been eradicated from the Democratic Party and now it is just one unified Democratic Party. Some people think once racist always racist but it just ain’t so.

You know history. But how many white people that are dems and under 40 living anywhere even know anything about the 2 democratic parties and I’ll betcha they don’t even know that during the 50s and 60s most dem pols down south were racists.

The transformation is so complete that to those worried about keeping democracy it is ancient history and no one is building any statues of George Wallace or Strom Thurmond to worry about.
Bob asked, I tried to answer.

Perhaps what you say is true of Democrats from California and New York. But, the old power base in the South is still there. One ran for President not too long ago (Hillary Clinton) and you voted for her. We who lived down there, remember how proud as a peacock she and her then Arkansas Governor husband were then they erected a Confederate statue in Little Rock.

It wasn't that long ago, my friend. When the last of the hate generation dies out and their power is gone, I'll re-assess. For now, any party that includes that kind of racist garbage can kiss my a$$.
7/23/2023 9:20 AM
7/23/2023 9:27 AM
Posted by laramiebob on 7/23/2023 9:10:00 AM (view original):
TY for the original response Jay!

I get your feelings/attitude.

I have a cousin who says virtually the same thing (in reverse of course) about growing up in Lincoln, Nebraska...........course it was an all Republican local Gov't!

I did notice in your story how it was the FEDERAL Gov't who finally stepped in and tackled the water problem.
Liberal Gov't in action solving a problem?

Or should they just have left it to "States Rights"??
Sorry, not quite. It was the Florida EPA, not the national EPA. Jeb Bush (of all people) was Governor of Florida in 2000 when all this went down.

That's not an endorsement of Jeb Bush. They literally buried it to avoid a scandal, to protect their democrat partners. It was kicked up to the national EPA when Clinton was still running the country and the national EPA buried it as well. Lawsuits were dismissed and the land was quickly plowed under to remove all traces.

It is now a large and sprawling luxury condominium complex...for rich democrats (ok, some sarcasm there, I have no idea what the political affiliation is of the people who live on top of that graveyard.) Republocrats and Demipublicans.
7/23/2023 9:30 AM
Nobody talks about states rights it used to be republicans but now they just want to gerrymander in excess and make it so difficult to vote that they will have to keep expanding mail in voting.
the Supreme Court just tried states rights to the chagrin of most but then the republicans wanted no rights in any state or City or hamlet or giblet.

I see an attempt desperate but not serious to go back to false equivalency but it is a fool’s errand.
Just ask that kid in jail in Nebraska about which state party instead of natural law interpreted to be a constitutional right ;; she wants to protect her reproductive rights or right to vote or whether Medicaid should be expanded.

Talking policy - try 2023 policy and get Less chaos and having to interpret revisionist and forgetfall history and misfirgotten history.
Condemn Nation looking for an example.

Is Ron DeSantis not a Prissy priss prig ? I mean what a pri<> I mean prig.
Mr. Prig.
Look at the mess that prig is in today. Trying to say that slavery wasn’t all bad. You developed transferable talents like being a butler or a nurse or a Cottin pickin fool or his example ( a blacksmith ) interesting word play to use ya think ?

every friggin thing out of that fool’s pie hole is cancel this and censor that and screw this group and demonize that one. Let him grow a pair - of horns - they would become him.

big suit little head nut job squirrel.

btw - when a post fall below a value whoever does that it is wasting their time. You can’t see that unless you are not logged in… so that would constitute a critiscm and not a censor.

pornography is becoming obscenity again.
the Supreme Court threw that back to the states in the day with redeeming values and community standards so now states like Florida are regaining their spunk by labeling drag shows obscene and trans rights to be privileges.
Florida is the Time Machine state. Go into the state from the state that you are in at your own peril. You might get pushed into a black hole and end up in 1955.
7/23/2023 10:30 AM (edited)
Or cutting cane with E.J. Watson.
7/23/2023 11:38 AM
All3 Memorial Cancel People Convention

If a business could refuse service to members of a group because of religion then hypothetically that group could be refused service 24/7 everywhere by everyone except members of that group itself.

For example, gay people could only eat in restaurants owned by gay people if the exclusion was 100%.
Gay people would live a don’t say don’t tell life in order to eat.
same principle for all people in the LBGTQ community and what if it is medical care?

what if a law gets passed that one religion could exclude any religion believed to be anti true god.

It is a big can of worms opened up by some ignorant people who think they are superior.
The Supreme Court was not Supreme. They gave in to base values I mean one step above burn the witches at the stake mentality.

They could have walked in light but chose darkness.
That case will spawn problems.

Very simple - business owners cannot use religion to to deny a group to be able to seek and and pursue and receive happiness thru a service available to members of other groups.
LBGTQ must be explicitly protected from all discrimination not aimed or allowed to be aimed at others.

So simple but obviously too complex for 6/9.
The Supreme Court did bad - very very bad because they permitted the weaponization of religion whether personal or organized.

If a court finding can be used to open season on a discriminated group it is obviously fundamentally wrong and cannot stand.

Maybe those bigot cake makers would draw a line with same sex civil unions being ok but gay marriage and Boston marriage no. It would not surprise me if some would.
7/23/2023 11:59 AM (edited)
All3 Memorial? Did he pass away?
7/23/2023 1:03 PM
Posted by gomiami1972 on 7/23/2023 1:03:00 PM (view original):
All3 Memorial? Did he pass away?
Yes many years ago.
7/23/2023 1:21 PM
The Georgia indictment should be this week.
The intriguing part of it is whether she will use a Rico type of statute - an expansive racketeering statute like is usually used in organized crime.

Lets get ready to rumble.
7/24/2023 11:02 AM
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