TRUMP: Best President ever Topic

Sickening Quote of The Day

I think that I will make this a frequent feature.

Today from Donald Trump.
He was questioned about Judge Cannon and the motion to delay before her.
He says thst she is smart and strong and that she loves her country and that it is important that she loves her country because she will do the right thing.

7/17/2023 10:36 AM (edited)
Posted by Lennybruce26 on 7/17/2023 1:01:00 AM (view original):
Posted by wylie715 on 7/16/2023 10:57:00 PM (view original):
Posted by Lennybruce26 on 7/16/2023 8:24:00 PM (view original):
Posted by wylie715 on 7/16/2023 3:43:00 PM (view original):
Posted by gomiami1972 on 7/16/2023 1:33:00 PM (view original):
England is a Monarchy
France is a Republic

Any others?
isn't he U.S a republic as well?

and as far as the electoral college, I'd worry about the parties putting forth more qualified candidates (if such a thing exist) before I concern myself with the technicalities of how these idiots are elected.
What you said scares the shiit out of me.
That way of perceiving things is how we got to Jan 6 and why the body politic is clinging to life and will flat line unless more standard republicans become independents and dems and more independents become dems.

Right now there are so many smart really talented dems and we have a president that has kept so many promises and produced such prodigious results.

I know this will make you angry Wylie but I wonder why you are not able to draw a wider line between the 2 parties. If you can’t really see what is right before your eyes either open your eyes And your ears or give in to the architecture of fear.
A lot of independents ignore republicans but belittle dems and insist that they be more then perfect even when it is only / only the dems that will protect their way of life.

people calling themselves independents are usually embarrassed republicans or dopes. Sometimes not of those 2 but most of the time yes.
if course IMO.
you know what? I don't really care if my opinion scares the **** out of you. It scares me that you are unable to see that while most democrats are better than most republicans, that's not a very high bar to get over. Yes, there are some dems who are decent. I'm sure there are 1 or 2 republicans who are decent, you just never hear about them. I get you don't agree with me, and that's fine. I don't agree with everything you post either.
And why would it make me angry? I know how you feel about this. We happen to disagree. People disagreeing with my opinions does not make me angry. People with totally closed minds and who can't think for themselves (I'm looking at you, lnf) make me angry.
What you don’t agree with me on is that :

1. Way most dems are way most better then the safest Republican. I would say every fed dem I would have to think hard about 2. You describe the tipping of the scale by an extra pebble. You could not be more wrong.

2. The democrats have a platform ( which you always leave out ) that they ascribe to and legislate to live up to and that agenda is unbelievably modern and productive and helps the country thrive. You ignore it
as if it is non existent and or not tethered to each democrat.

3. Republicans also follow their doomsday let’s go to hell and back agenda which you also ignore and leave out of your comparison.

4. I forgot 4 but I’ll let you know when I remember.
opinions are just that, opinions. I have mine, you have yours. I don't think I have ever told you (or anyone else) that they're opinion is wrong. You obviously have no problem doing that if the opinion in question does not match yours.
7/17/2023 1:46 PM
Posted by wylie715 on 7/17/2023 1:46:00 PM (view original):
Posted by Lennybruce26 on 7/17/2023 1:01:00 AM (view original):
Posted by wylie715 on 7/16/2023 10:57:00 PM (view original):
Posted by Lennybruce26 on 7/16/2023 8:24:00 PM (view original):
Posted by wylie715 on 7/16/2023 3:43:00 PM (view original):
Posted by gomiami1972 on 7/16/2023 1:33:00 PM (view original):
England is a Monarchy
France is a Republic

Any others?
isn't he U.S a republic as well?

and as far as the electoral college, I'd worry about the parties putting forth more qualified candidates (if such a thing exist) before I concern myself with the technicalities of how these idiots are elected.
What you said scares the shiit out of me.
That way of perceiving things is how we got to Jan 6 and why the body politic is clinging to life and will flat line unless more standard republicans become independents and dems and more independents become dems.

Right now there are so many smart really talented dems and we have a president that has kept so many promises and produced such prodigious results.

I know this will make you angry Wylie but I wonder why you are not able to draw a wider line between the 2 parties. If you can’t really see what is right before your eyes either open your eyes And your ears or give in to the architecture of fear.
A lot of independents ignore republicans but belittle dems and insist that they be more then perfect even when it is only / only the dems that will protect their way of life.

people calling themselves independents are usually embarrassed republicans or dopes. Sometimes not of those 2 but most of the time yes.
if course IMO.
you know what? I don't really care if my opinion scares the **** out of you. It scares me that you are unable to see that while most democrats are better than most republicans, that's not a very high bar to get over. Yes, there are some dems who are decent. I'm sure there are 1 or 2 republicans who are decent, you just never hear about them. I get you don't agree with me, and that's fine. I don't agree with everything you post either.
And why would it make me angry? I know how you feel about this. We happen to disagree. People disagreeing with my opinions does not make me angry. People with totally closed minds and who can't think for themselves (I'm looking at you, lnf) make me angry.
What you don’t agree with me on is that :

1. Way most dems are way most better then the safest Republican. I would say every fed dem I would have to think hard about 2. You describe the tipping of the scale by an extra pebble. You could not be more wrong.

2. The democrats have a platform ( which you always leave out ) that they ascribe to and legislate to live up to and that agenda is unbelievably modern and productive and helps the country thrive. You ignore it
as if it is non existent and or not tethered to each democrat.

3. Republicans also follow their doomsday let’s go to hell and back agenda which you also ignore and leave out of your comparison.

4. I forgot 4 but I’ll let you know when I remember.
opinions are just that, opinions. I have mine, you have yours. I don't think I have ever told you (or anyone else) that they're opinion is wrong. You obviously have no problem doing that if the opinion in question does not match yours.
When I am so certain that I consider what I say is fact proven over and over and over then it is not opinion to me.

Thats what we have - you consider your statements to be opinion while my statements are fact which cannot be disputed. Literally and truly. There is overwhelming data to uphold what I say.

That is just the way it is.
What I say isn’t fact because I say it is.
It is fact because it is proven way beyond a shadow of a doubt.

Going back to my statements there are about 3-4 people in congress that are dems that I don’t trust and throw them in with the republicans even though they are far far superior then any Republican.
7/17/2023 2:21 PM (edited)
When it comes to politics in 2023 everyone should make a clear decision.
7/17/2023 2:20 PM
yes, but you seem to be so certain about most of your opinions.I don't completely trust any elected official . There are some I trust more than others (for instance, I trust AOC far more than I trust MTG or Boebert) but I don't trust any of them completely. You disagree? Fine. I don't care. You want to call your opinions fact? Fine, go ahead. I'm not going to argue with you anymore about this. You know how I feel, and I know how you feel. Just leave it at that.
7/17/2023 4:22 PM
If you say you don’t trust anyone 100% that is fine and a normal stance to take but that doesn’t lead to putting everyone in the same boat
If you do not think that the country is literally fighting to not be turned into an autocracy then you will never ever be able to understand fact from opinion or the danger that the country is in.

Nobody is able to have an intellect without intelligence and no one can have intelligence without common sense and the instinctive ability to realistically compare and contrast 2 extremely different things.
7/17/2023 5:20 PM
for probably about the 10th time, I never said everyone was "in the same boat". Obviously, not every politician (or person) is the same. Some are awful, some are decent, but none of them are completely honest.
7/17/2023 10:17 PM
Posted by wylie715 on 7/17/2023 10:17:00 PM (view original):
for probably about the 10th time, I never said everyone was "in the same boat". Obviously, not every politician (or person) is the same. Some are awful, some are decent, but none of them are completely honest.
Meaningless - totally -
Is there a person in the history of mankind completely honest. Kindergartners know that so why say it as if it means something.

You have never directly compared the parties and their members.

You just keep saying no one in either party is perfect.
Im sorry Wylie but Duh
7/17/2023 10:32 PM
Posted by Lennybruce26 on 7/17/2023 10:32:00 PM (view original):
Posted by wylie715 on 7/17/2023 10:17:00 PM (view original):
for probably about the 10th time, I never said everyone was "in the same boat". Obviously, not every politician (or person) is the same. Some are awful, some are decent, but none of them are completely honest.
Meaningless - totally -
Is there a person in the history of mankind completely honest. Kindergartners know that so why say it as if it means something.

You have never directly compared the parties and their members.

You just keep saying no one in either party is perfect.
Im sorry Wylie but Duh
* Is there a person in the history of mankind completely honest. *

All mankind has sinned and

has fallen short of the Glory of God.

Only One has ever been totally honest, and wicked man spiked him to a cross

He was guilty of nothing ever, and so therefore took the rap for us all
7/18/2023 10:31 AM
Posted by lostnfound74 on 7/18/2023 10:32:00 AM (view original):
Posted by Lennybruce26 on 7/17/2023 10:32:00 PM (view original):
Posted by wylie715 on 7/17/2023 10:17:00 PM (view original):
for probably about the 10th time, I never said everyone was "in the same boat". Obviously, not every politician (or person) is the same. Some are awful, some are decent, but none of them are completely honest.
Meaningless - totally -
Is there a person in the history of mankind completely honest. Kindergartners know that so why say it as if it means something.

You have never directly compared the parties and their members.

You just keep saying no one in either party is perfect.
Im sorry Wylie but Duh
* Is there a person in the history of mankind completely honest. *

All mankind has sinned and

has fallen short of the Glory of God.

Only One has ever been totally honest, and wicked man spiked him to a cross

He was guilty of nothing ever, and so therefore took the rap for us all
Did you see those bedazzled sandals he used to wear .He was definitely guilty of bad taste.
7/18/2023 11:55 AM
7/19/2023 12:20 AM
what i see here is israel becoming iran

amendment hating conservatives

for what is a new testament but an amendment to an old testament

monkey poking change

yall best get on the right side of the lord

his name is progress
7/19/2023 4:31 AM
Isreal and Iran are both concerns. There's been very high militancy and nationalism in that part of the world sice recorded history began.

That entire area has been f*cked since long before the Balfour Declaration of 1917, since the "Sick Man or Europe" Ottoman Empire collapsed a few years later, since the British and French screwed the pooch on the partitioning, the 1948 Arab-Isreali War and so on.

You want to blame a political ideology of today for those problems, try reading a history book or two.
7/19/2023 9:56 AM
Let’s start at 1947-8 because if we are going to deal strictly in reality that’s where we start and go to the Palestinian right of return since the first war and see very very clearly how one demand has destroyed every attempt of peace. Especially the Clinton effort that was finished - yes there was a peace agreement until Arafat demanded the totally impossible right of return of scores of millions at the very end after everything else including Jerusalem was tied up. If it wasn’t finished it was 99% done.
Clinton was ready to be crowned savior until that happened and thus his comments about how Arafat made him humiliated and feel like a fool.

Same ever since until Israel just ended up snapping ( a bad thing ) when the right wing took control and now the chances of a peace process is like one of us winning the power ball.

I think it was 2008 when the Palestinians were warned
that it was the final opportunity before the right wingers took over and it was literally the honest truth that they were told.

I am a big detester of Netanyahu and the whole FU right wing mentality and I won’t defend him and the settlers BUT it takes 2 to tango and the Palestinians were warned repeatedly with sincerity what was going to happen and they rejected the advice of the United States and other democracies around the world.

I commend the Wikipedia article on the Palestinian right of return.
some who are not familiar with it I will give this terse verse of the curse of the worst idea any peacemaker could ever devise.

Here it is - somewhere in the neighborhood of at least 5 million Palestinians including those that settled in other countries would be able to enter Israel and become automatic citizens. Obviously they would take over the country.

There are those who agree with glee that they should be able to physically and religiously and militarily destroy the Jewish state and I will sit back and let them have their go at it.

But it cannot be argued that there could ever be peace if that remains a demand.
At various times Israel was willing to let I think it was 250,000 mostly older Palestinians return as full citizens.

The right of return remaining extant is the - reason why the peace process is dead.

It is the dirty stinkin secret of the real story.

typed but not read
dog can find spelling errors and typos.
7/19/2023 11:12 AM (edited)
I do not have the patience or the desire to face off against Israel hyper critics. Especially those who think that Netanyahu and the empowered settlers arrived in a vacume and the Palestinians are these poor innocent people.
They still by a good majority dispute the existence of Israel.

And their leaders since Begin/Sadat including Arafat - he said it - fear assassination if they were to compromise on the right of return. Call it cowardice if you will but they would be murdered if they agreed to peace without the 5 million or whatever the number is now.
7/19/2023 11:20 AM (edited)
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TRUMP: Best President ever Topic

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