Posted by laramiebob on 7/12/2023 2:11:00 PM (view original):
Hardly. Just a cranky writer and a lover of the wild places.
Whatever you read is an opinion and VERY misinformed.
I don't mind standing corrected. I can get behind anarchy and I don't mind environmentalism to a point.
Violence is a different matter and this gem from Wikipedia.
In an essay called "Immigration and Liberal Taboos", collected in his 1988 book
One Life at a Time, Please, Abbey expressed his opposition to immigration ("legal or illegal, from any source") into the United States: "(I)t occurs to some of us that perhaps ever-continuing industrial and population growth is
not the true road to human happiness, that simple gross quantitative increase of this kind creates only more pain, dislocation, confusion and misery. In which case it might be wise for us as American citizens to consider calling a halt to the mass influx of even more millions of hungry, ignorant, unskilled, and culturally-morally-genetically impoverished people. At least until we have brought our own affairs into order. Especially when these uninvited millions bring with them an alien mode of life which—let us be honest about this—is not appealing to the majority of Americans. Why not? Because we prefer democratic government, for one thing; because we still hope for an open, spacious, uncrowded, and beautiful—yes, beautiful!—society, for another. The alternative, in the squalor, cruelty, and corruption of Latin America, is plain for all to see."
If that is not racist and White Supremacist, I'd love your definition.