TRUMP: Best President ever Topic

Dislike lists?
is it a newfangled phobia or just a flat out dislike for that method of organizing thought.

Would it be non offensive if the info was contained in paragraphs instead??

I can do that just for you if you want.
It would be my privilege to do this for you my liege.

BTW - I never take a list when I go food shopping.
I just go up and down the aisle and see what looks good.
7/11/2023 10:34 AM (edited)
Posted by Lennybruce26 on 7/11/2023 10:34:00 AM (view original):
Dislike lists?
is it a newfangled phobia or just a flat out dislike for that method of organizing thought.

Would it be non offensive if the info was contained in paragraphs instead??

I can do that just for you if you want.
It would be my privilege to do this for you my liege.

BTW - I never take a list when I go food shopping.
I just go up and down the aisle and see what looks good.
You ever get back home, and then realize the one thing you meant to buy, you forgot?? Never? (hogwash)
7/12/2023 6:36 AM
and unlike the rest of the parasites, he paid himself a dollar a year, an financed his own campaign.

You’re completely full of ****. mango mussolini didn’t do dick but play GOLF and LIE for four years. All while secret service paid top dollar for “accommodations” at his OWN properties. Now he’s trying to dodge accountability for being a CRIMINAL TRAITOR with another farcical campaign of bullshit.

You’re in a CULT my dear canadian idiot, and you should get mental help.
7/12/2023 1:17 PM
Posted by lostnfound74 on 7/8/2023 10:44:00 PM (view original):
Posted by Lennybruce26 on 7/8/2023 3:15:00 PM (view original):
Now this is the god fearing truth.
You posted one of your no brains no imagination posts trying to taunt me about meds
so I decided to give you all of the ammunition to display exactly what the quality of your character is.

I do not suffer fools especially religious fakes.
I knew what you would do with the information and i let you.

I think it has been established beyond a shadow of a doubt that you are a really creepy guy and you have been outed in several ways and I’m sure of that.

you have never posted anything that brings you any kind of joy.
Why do you think he was taunting you? Asking you if you are fat? You seem to take everything as a personal attack. Every wonder why that is?
Who taunted me?
who asked if I was fat?
7/12/2023 1:31 PM
Posted by lostnfound74 on 7/11/2023 6:34:00 AM (view original):
Posted by Lennybruce26 on 7/10/2023 4:06:00 PM (view original):
One Man’s Opinion on What the Trump Appeal Is

My opinion - concise and precise and TRUE

1. He makes certain average to below average people
think that if he can do it that they can do it so they love him at the same time not considering him to be really really smart just like them.

2. He hates authority and they look up to people who hate authority.

3. He hates highly intelligent people and see #1.

4. He hates non whites unless they are from Saudi Arabia and they are joyfully with him on that.

5. He loves Nazis and KKK and they hate blacks and Jews who take their jobs and the Jews killed their lord
si gung ho.

6. They hate socialism because they heard some people say it is evil.

7. They hate science because scientists are really smart and some are Jewish.

8. They do not want to live better if blacks and other minorities will also live better. Some minorities do join in but go back to #1.

9. They love fire and fire works and what’s better then a good book burning.

10. They hate college because they hate the totalitarian regime of higher education where parents can’t control curriculum and go back to #1.

11. They hate the LBGTQ community because it would force them to be humanists.

12. They prefer fascism and autocracy because they can think for themselves only to a point and want somebody like them to make their decisions.

I can go on.
Not one shred of truth in that comment. and if you think Trump is racist, you are of all people, willingly dumb

and Socialism IS evil. Look what it did to Venezuela

He tells the truth, and is the only one who really knows what s going on

He has no problem with authority, but he hates the power tripping lefties.. and is the only president in modern history who has the guts to stand up to the 'mob'

and unlike the rest of the parasites, he paid himself a dollar a year, an financed his own campaign.

Too bad you lack the insight to see what that says about the man
“Unlike the rest of the parasites”
So at least you admit that he is a parasite.

I think I won that battle of wits.
7/12/2023 1:38 PM (edited)
Posted by rsp777 on 7/12/2023 1:17:00 PM (view original):
and unlike the rest of the parasites, he paid himself a dollar a year, an financed his own campaign.

You’re completely full of ****. mango mussolini didn’t do dick but play GOLF and LIE for four years. All while secret service paid top dollar for “accommodations” at his OWN properties. Now he’s trying to dodge accountability for being a CRIMINAL TRAITOR with another farcical campaign of bullshit.

You’re in a CULT my dear canadian idiot, and you should get mental help.
Who in this world does not need some “mental” help…to some degree. Yours is no disgrace.
7/12/2023 1:37 PM
Posted by Lennybruce26 on 7/12/2023 1:38:00 PM (view original):
Posted by lostnfound74 on 7/11/2023 6:34:00 AM (view original):
Posted by Lennybruce26 on 7/10/2023 4:06:00 PM (view original):
One Man’s Opinion on What the Trump Appeal Is

My opinion - concise and precise and TRUE

1. He makes certain average to below average people
think that if he can do it that they can do it so they love him at the same time not considering him to be really really smart just like them.

2. He hates authority and they look up to people who hate authority.

3. He hates highly intelligent people and see #1.

4. He hates non whites unless they are from Saudi Arabia and they are joyfully with him on that.

5. He loves Nazis and KKK and they hate blacks and Jews who take their jobs and the Jews killed their lord
si gung ho.

6. They hate socialism because they heard some people say it is evil.

7. They hate science because scientists are really smart and some are Jewish.

8. They do not want to live better if blacks and other minorities will also live better. Some minorities do join in but go back to #1.

9. They love fire and fire works and what’s better then a good book burning.

10. They hate college because they hate the totalitarian regime of higher education where parents can’t control curriculum and go back to #1.

11. They hate the LBGTQ community because it would force them to be humanists.

12. They prefer fascism and autocracy because they can think for themselves only to a point and want somebody like them to make their decisions.

I can go on.
Not one shred of truth in that comment. and if you think Trump is racist, you are of all people, willingly dumb

and Socialism IS evil. Look what it did to Venezuela

He tells the truth, and is the only one who really knows what s going on

He has no problem with authority, but he hates the power tripping lefties.. and is the only president in modern history who has the guts to stand up to the 'mob'

and unlike the rest of the parasites, he paid himself a dollar a year, an financed his own campaign.

Too bad you lack the insight to see what that says about the man
“Unlike the rest of the parasites”
So at least you admit that he is a parasite.

I think I won that battle of wits.
It wasn't a battle
7/13/2023 8:31 AM
Posted by lostnfound74 on 7/13/2023 8:31:00 AM (view original):
Posted by Lennybruce26 on 7/12/2023 1:38:00 PM (view original):
Posted by lostnfound74 on 7/11/2023 6:34:00 AM (view original):
Posted by Lennybruce26 on 7/10/2023 4:06:00 PM (view original):
One Man’s Opinion on What the Trump Appeal Is

My opinion - concise and precise and TRUE

1. He makes certain average to below average people
think that if he can do it that they can do it so they love him at the same time not considering him to be really really smart just like them.

2. He hates authority and they look up to people who hate authority.

3. He hates highly intelligent people and see #1.

4. He hates non whites unless they are from Saudi Arabia and they are joyfully with him on that.

5. He loves Nazis and KKK and they hate blacks and Jews who take their jobs and the Jews killed their lord
si gung ho.

6. They hate socialism because they heard some people say it is evil.

7. They hate science because scientists are really smart and some are Jewish.

8. They do not want to live better if blacks and other minorities will also live better. Some minorities do join in but go back to #1.

9. They love fire and fire works and what’s better then a good book burning.

10. They hate college because they hate the totalitarian regime of higher education where parents can’t control curriculum and go back to #1.

11. They hate the LBGTQ community because it would force them to be humanists.

12. They prefer fascism and autocracy because they can think for themselves only to a point and want somebody like them to make their decisions.

I can go on.
Not one shred of truth in that comment. and if you think Trump is racist, you are of all people, willingly dumb

and Socialism IS evil. Look what it did to Venezuela

He tells the truth, and is the only one who really knows what s going on

He has no problem with authority, but he hates the power tripping lefties.. and is the only president in modern history who has the guts to stand up to the 'mob'

and unlike the rest of the parasites, he paid himself a dollar a year, an financed his own campaign.

Too bad you lack the insight to see what that says about the man
“Unlike the rest of the parasites”
So at least you admit that he is a parasite.

I think I won that battle of wits.
It wasn't a battle
I was being facetious.

There are those who say I will believe it when I see it ( actual evidence ).
And there are those who say if I believe it then I can see it.
7/13/2023 11:17 AM
If there is pro life and pro choice it is about time that the parties of pro democracy and pro autocracy be born.
And the pro autocracy are like vampires sucking the blood dry from democracy.
Blood suckers.
Fox should title their shows Interview With A Vampire.

How many Foxers have been fired In ignominious defeat.
Off the top of my mind - I remember - The Mother Tucker…..O’Reilly…..Dobbs…..those are 3 biggies.Are there others?

I left out the odious sick freak Glen Beck. He was fired too.
7/13/2023 11:53 AM (edited)
If someone who spoke English and woke up from a 20 year coma and had to judge the level of intelligence and sophistication of MSNBC hosts and Fox hosts it would be like the 1962 Wilt 100 point game.

The poor quality and low intelligence and non existent class on Fox is jarring compared to the extremely intelligent erudite informed witty and entertaining students of history who do not condescend to their audience.

I did not even mention the lying sos issue on Fox.
7/13/2023 12:02 PM (edited)
And the quality and stature of guests and experts on Fox is 1/10.

Interview of a Jackass With A Vampire
around the clock.
7/13/2023 12:06 PM (edited)
Wokeness Cokeness

There are people in congress saying that the FBI and Secret Service are covering it up.
first a coverup could not live for one day and the numbers of conservatives in both is high.

Can you imagine people who have never to this day said anything or done anything about Jan 6 screaming about a cover up on this.

7/13/2023 10:45 PM
" He tells the truth, " - the fact that you said this about Donald Trump is probably the most ridiculous statement you've made here (and that is saying something). After reading your post saying that anyone with half a brain would tend to doubt anything else you say.
7/14/2023 12:49 AM
If you are formed to think in the way that if you believe in something first in desperation then it will follow that your belief becomes your evidence.

Some people want to believe in the goodness of truly evil people. They are believers without evidence. They believe despite evidence that would destroy what they believe. When you wish upon a star…..

Trumpism does demonstrate how Nazis gained power and remained a state religion.

There are at least 30 to 40 million people here that are literally incapable and incapacitated from ever seeing or feeling truth and are actually brainwashed.
These 30-40 million believed the big lie immediately and don’t need the repetition. They believe and then accept whatever someone says in support of the big lie.

The guy I wish was around to really explain it all would be Carl Jung. It is a mass hysteria and a mass of a tumor of the body politic of a political party that does not have a tether to reality that goes way back to the Contract on America from Newt Gingrich. I’m sure that Jung could explain through archetypes and group cult attraction.

The different ways of becoming religious and staying religious is the Petrie dish for how some people gravitate to what they think is a messianic figure or at least an ultimate big daddy.

In all seriousness other then banning abortion from conception what are the Republican goals and aspirations.
There is economic - gigantic tax welfare gifts to the most wealthy and their corporations . Even though it literally delivers pain to them. Why - that is so easy - racism and owning a group of people who are much more educated and aware.
Otherwise - zero interest in economy or any particular program.

There is immigration but only in the sense of embracing a scapegoating mentality with a passion called hate.

Anti woke - It equals nothing more or less then anti social in a group hysteria. And a way to be in a group larger then their individual selves.

They salivate over the boogeymen whose pictures they draw on the walls of their caves.

These people are incapable of real honest rational thought and believe that they are entitled to lie and accept lies for the greater good.
These are the peoples in any country that rot out democracy. And they revel in it.
It is part and parcel that those who love autocrats will take delight in destroying democracy because the people who would die for democracy are the antithetical group.

So it follows that they go after each institution that their antithesis wants to defend to weaken the protectors of the institutions.

What better way to cancel the eggheads and their culture then to cancel democracy.
Kill the head and the body will follow.

Trickle down economy - the sham of all time leads to trickle down IQ. - academic and emotional and institutional and constructive.

Remember the Bannon mantra back in 2015 about deconstruction of the american institutions.

it was the worst of times and it is the worst of times.

We are going to see tens of thousands of Americans die from climate change over the next 60 days. The carnage already started.
The conservatives will have the blood of murder on their hands for disabling the country from going wartime vs climate change.
They are a one trick pony - mock. Mock with a sneer from ear to ear.

Death from a thousand stab wounds and a constant effort to decapitate the rational leadership.
7/14/2023 5:21 AM (edited)
Up Up and Away

88% of democrats want airline ticket prices to show all of the taxes and fees. And
90% of republicans want it too.

Most of the reduced ticket agencies like want the full price of the ticket transparent.

So, what’s the problem?
There is a bipartisan airline and all things flying and piloting etc at the senate and republicans want to roll back the Obama law forcing airlines to provide the entire ticket price.
What they demand is the public gets only the base price and if they want to know the rest they have to go to a website.

A small microcosm of a party out of touch with reality and uncaring as to what what the public wants and showing suspicious intentions.
7/14/2023 2:30 PM (edited)
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TRUMP: Best President ever Topic

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