BIDEN: Damn Fine President Today Topic

No paranoia there.................
Just a pile of horsesh*t.

Our atmosphere has changed.
Full stop.
99.9% of all knowledgeable climatologists will tell you that.

Now. No one will take away your personal gas/diesel vehicle.
Though the price you pay for fuel will still be global and still be sold for profit.
Your own price estimates are likely as good as mine.

BUT, the problem will remain unless something is done globally to address it.
Either more carbon capture OR less spewing must occur.

Without accomplishing that mankind is literally doomed.............eventually.
I won't see it likely.
Prolly not you either.

But my grandkids might be dealing with it.

So save your paranoid rhetoric for the "conspiracy nutjobs"...........
Global ecology doesn't have much to do with conspiracy theories.
It's real science, as is Climatology.

They don't make sh*t up willy nilly.
You should follow their lead.
And PLEASE..............STFU with the conspiracy crap.
There's already more than enough misinformation spewed round these parts............
7/10/2023 11:09 AM
Posted by gomiami1972 on 7/10/2023 10:45:00 AM (view original):
Can't do that. Climate Change/Gobal Warming is a belief system, not science...a religion with Environmentalism as its God.

Totalitarians always have some cause where they claim "extreme measures" are justified. I'm not saying you are a totalitarian but the cabal of elitists pushing this garbage certainly are. All they want is power, wealth and absolute control. There is an army of intelligent, compassionate people out there, like you, who are, as Ludwig von Mises described, acting like useful idiots...pushing these Climate Change "extreme measures" tenets and, at the same time, pushing all of us right into bondage.

The elites will never stop burning oil, will never stop eating meat, will never adopt any of the "extreme measures" that will be enacted into law. That will be for the rest of us, the new serfs.

burn / drown / get sucked into dorothyland

because you resent the richies
7/10/2023 11:13 AM
are you nuts?

why cannot environmentalism be a god

instead you adopt this dry old herder who whipped his wives his kids and his sheep three thousand years ago

aspire to a better god
7/10/2023 11:23 AM
Posted by gomiami1972 on 7/10/2023 10:45:00 AM (view original):
Can't do that. Climate Change/Gobal Warming is a belief system, not science...a religion with Environmentalism as its God.

Totalitarians always have some cause where they claim "extreme measures" are justified. I'm not saying you are a totalitarian but the cabal of elitists pushing this garbage certainly are. All they want is power, wealth and absolute control. There is an army of intelligent, compassionate people out there, like you, who are, as Ludwig von Mises described, acting like useful idiots...pushing these Climate Change "extreme measures" tenets and, at the same time, pushing all of us right into bondage.

The elites will never stop burning oil, will never stop eating meat, will never adopt any of the "extreme measures" that will be enacted into law. That will be for the rest of us, the new serfs.
I do not relate the issue to politics or some kind of competition.
You live with science and die without it just like medical science.
The naysayers choose science they like and ignore science they take for granted and challenge science that has become a flash point from politically motivated reasons like anything that seems like government intervention.
Unfortunately it is part of life in the real big world of life shattering problems.

BTW - calling people with opposing views totalitarians is a big no no.
7/10/2023 11:30 AM (edited)
Posted by laramiebob on 7/10/2023 11:09:00 AM (view original):
No paranoia there.................
Just a pile of horsesh*t.

Our atmosphere has changed.
Full stop.
99.9% of all knowledgeable climatologists will tell you that.

Now. No one will take away your personal gas/diesel vehicle.
Though the price you pay for fuel will still be global and still be sold for profit.
Your own price estimates are likely as good as mine.

BUT, the problem will remain unless something is done globally to address it.
Either more carbon capture OR less spewing must occur.

Without accomplishing that mankind is literally doomed.............eventually.
I won't see it likely.
Prolly not you either.

But my grandkids might be dealing with it.

So save your paranoid rhetoric for the "conspiracy nutjobs"...........
Global ecology doesn't have much to do with conspiracy theories.
It's real science, as is Climatology.

They don't make sh*t up willy nilly.
You should follow their lead.
And PLEASE..............STFU with the conspiracy crap.
There's already more than enough misinformation spewed round these parts............
I don’t agree with much of what you say but this I agree with.
7/10/2023 11:38 AM
Environmentally conscious people think - climate change vs everyone.

Antisocialists paranoia think them vs believers
and it always comes down to a personal battle calling people who accept science as totalitarians and fascists and the like. And a lot of these people are really smart and could do a lot of good.

7/10/2023 11:43 AM
Posted by Lennybruce26 on 7/10/2023 11:30:00 AM (view original):
Posted by gomiami1972 on 7/10/2023 10:45:00 AM (view original):
Can't do that. Climate Change/Gobal Warming is a belief system, not science...a religion with Environmentalism as its God.

Totalitarians always have some cause where they claim "extreme measures" are justified. I'm not saying you are a totalitarian but the cabal of elitists pushing this garbage certainly are. All they want is power, wealth and absolute control. There is an army of intelligent, compassionate people out there, like you, who are, as Ludwig von Mises described, acting like useful idiots...pushing these Climate Change "extreme measures" tenets and, at the same time, pushing all of us right into bondage.

The elites will never stop burning oil, will never stop eating meat, will never adopt any of the "extreme measures" that will be enacted into law. That will be for the rest of us, the new serfs.
I do not relate the issue to politics or some kind of competition.
You live with science and die without it just like medical science.
The naysayers choose science they like and ignore science they take for granted and challenge science that has become a flash point from politically motivated reasons like anything that seems like government intervention.
Unfortunately it is part of life in the real big world of life shattering problems.

BTW - calling people with opposing views totalitarians is a big no no.
Totalitarianism - Of, relating to, being, or imposing a form of government in which the political authority exercises absolute and centralized control over all aspects of life, the individual is subordinated to the state, and opposing political and cultural expression is suppressed.

That is a textbook definition of the word. The US government does not have any authority to do anything that is not expressly granted to it by the Constitution, but that aside, please list out the "extreme measures" that would need to be taken to ensure that we all survive this climate crisis and then the following questions can be answered

1. do the "extreme measures" constitute a form of absolute control or can free citizens opt out of them?
2. are the "extreme measures" under a centralized control or can free citizens opt out of them?
3. will the "extreme measures" impact all aspects of life or can free citizens opt out of them?
4. will the "extreme measures" require the individual to be subordinate to the rules of the state or can free citizens out out of them?
5. Once the "extreme measures" are enacted, can free citizens politically and culturally express their opposition to them or will that activity be suppressed?

If your "extreme measures" do not fall under 1-5, I will apologize for inferring that you have totalitarian leanings. So, what are they? You are an intelligent and articulate individual. Let's hear them out in detail.
7/10/2023 9:41 PM
I do not want to get into semantics. It is a distraction from reality.

I am interested in identifying problems and trying to resolve or solve them in our system.

And in some cases before it is too late.
7/10/2023 10:08 PM (edited)
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Posted by Lennybruce26 on 7/10/2023 10:08:00 PM (view original):
I do not want to get into semantics. It is a distraction from reality.

I am interested in identifying problems and trying to resolve or solve them in our system.

And in some cases before it is too late.
Details are not semantics.

You call for extreme measures and then will not say what they are.

Do we need to pass the legislation before we get to see what's in it?
7/11/2023 12:55 AM
Global Population is certainly a contributor to the climate issue. Or over-population to be more precise.

However, global population is (it seems to me) only the ROOT of all our human foibles.
Men/Women make mistakes. We err. Use poor judgment (ie Trump!), etc.
More folks, more problems. More trash, more human waste, etc.

BUT, those issues are fixable. Heck, even the population rates change, In Asia the birthrate has fallen drastically.
AND, humans can learn. We can produce less garbage, handle our waste properly, etc.

Global climate change---------caused by humans machines (primarily) like T. Swift's Jets can be altered to use less (or NONE) fuel.
But planetary warming past a certain point is irreversible. Full stop.

Doing NOTHING because the rapture is imminent............or some other such notion about the futility of our ability to solve the issue is NOT defensible.
You're basically declaring the globe to be yours to use up and destroy for those who come after.
I want my Grandchildren to have the life and FREEDOM I have enjoyed.

Certainly, in this Country, we can all come together and recognize that we MUST leave our campsite better than we found it!
You know, clean up the trash less thinking folks left behind.
Otherwise....................crispy critters might be referring to your offspring.
7/11/2023 8:12 AM
Smokey the Bear has always been right - don’t forget to put out you forest fires.

I will always go back to those people who had such a great time mocking Al Gore like he was the kid in 7th grade that the bullies would pick on and stomp on his lunch and put it in the trash can - every day.
Al Gore was a world class citizen of the world.
But surrounded by savages with their loud bellowing and constant state of flatulence.

So what that what he was reporting based on scientific evidence and prognostication kept turning out and even more rapidly and intensely then foretold.

There will be no gleeful I told you so.
My mantra and I will beat it to death is we have a dumb country and planet.

It comes down to a mixture of greed and classic antisocial behavior. Can any - rational person doubt that Trump ad the maga core are clinically antisocial.
That they have psychiatric problems and severe in numbers totaling millions. From Trump to the thousands defiling and deficating in the capitol and elected reps like Jim Jordan and Cruz and MJG to name a few. They are brainless mentally I’ll people and they have the power of real barbaric heathenry.
We lost so much time because unfit people took over and paused and set back the fight. And personally I think it is too late to set back what has taken over.
And other countries are also helping to destroy the world.

The world needs a world war 2 United States to lead in the war to save the world but democracy can be a double edged sword. We needed a Rocky 4 world and USA but instead we got Contract on America and a tea party and maga and our brains got smashed in and intelligence here and elsewhere got stifled by the anti social forces and the total greed of some uncooperative stupid countries…. Countries not living up to Paris Accord standards because of their conservative forces.

Too little too late.

I am not a scientist but IMO we are watching the world lose the war. This time the Nazis are going to win.

There is still a very - yes very - narrow window.
I see no chance of success.
The species still has one leg in the cave just like as in our country.

The evolution does not get televised. The hottest days and months are happening and sure there will seem to be a pendulum effect to some but I put my trust in the esteemed scientists and scientific community that our murderers are gladly still mocking until the day the music dies and we start to run out of ideas for catastrophe movies because we live in one.
7/11/2023 9:30 AM (edited)
Posted by laramiebob on 7/11/2023 8:12:00 AM (view original):
Global Population is certainly a contributor to the climate issue. Or over-population to be more precise.

However, global population is (it seems to me) only the ROOT of all our human foibles.
Men/Women make mistakes. We err. Use poor judgment (ie Trump!), etc.
More folks, more problems. More trash, more human waste, etc.

BUT, those issues are fixable. Heck, even the population rates change, In Asia the birthrate has fallen drastically.
AND, humans can learn. We can produce less garbage, handle our waste properly, etc.

Global climate change---------caused by humans machines (primarily) like T. Swift's Jets can be altered to use less (or NONE) fuel.
But planetary warming past a certain point is irreversible. Full stop.

Doing NOTHING because the rapture is imminent............or some other such notion about the futility of our ability to solve the issue is NOT defensible.
You're basically declaring the globe to be yours to use up and destroy for those who come after.
I want my Grandchildren to have the life and FREEDOM I have enjoyed.

Certainly, in this Country, we can all come together and recognize that we MUST leave our campsite better than we found it!
You know, clean up the trash less thinking folks left behind.
Otherwise....................crispy critters might be referring to your offspring.
Bob, thank you for answering.

You say people are doomed if we do not do something, that offspring will be crispy critters. Fine. What do we have to do? Lenny says extreme measures need to be taken. Fine. What extreme measures need to be taken?

At some point, the generalities need to be replaced with specifics and the talk needs to be replaced by action.

You say using less fuel (or none) would help. OK, what will we replace fuel for transportation, home heating, industrial and agricultural with? How does the transition happen?

What else besides energy needs to be done...the food we eat, the lifestyles we live? What else needs to change?

How do you get China, India, Iran and Russia on board? They contribute more people and as much emissions as Western Europe and America. If it needs to be a global effort, you don't have the globe on board. How do you get them on board? War?

These are not unreasonable questions. As kooky as Doug and Lost are, when they make their damnation threats, they offer a specific solution. What is your solution to climate change?
7/11/2023 9:30 AM (edited)
Give me a minute or two...............
7/11/2023 9:26 AM
Posted by Lennybruce26 on 7/11/2023 9:24:00 AM (view original):
Smokey the Bear has always been right - don’t forget to put out you forest fires.

I will always go back to those people who had such a great time mocking Al Gore like he was the kid in 7th grade that the bullies would pick on and stomp on his lunch and put it in the trash can - every day.
Al Gore was a world class citizen of the world.
But surrounded by savages with their loud bellowing and constant state of flatulence.

So what that what he was reporting based on scientific evidence and prognostication kept turning out and even more rapidly and intensely then foretold.

There will be no gleeful I told you so.
My mantra and I will beat it to death is we have a dumb country and planet.

It comes down to a mixture of greed and classic antisocial behavior. Can any - rational person doubt that Trump ad the maga core are clinically antisocial.
That they have psychiatric problems and severe in numbers totaling millions. From Trump to the thousands defiling and deficating in the capitol and elected reps like Jim Jordan and Cruz and MJG to name a few. They are brainless mentally I’ll people and they have the power of real barbaric heathenry.
We lost so much time because unfit people took over and paused and set back the fight. And personally I think it is too late to set back what has taken over.
And other countries are also helping to destroy the world.

The world needs a world war 2 United States to lead in the war to save the world but democracy can be a double edged sword. We needed a Rocky 4 world and USA but instead we got Contract on America and a tea party and maga and our brains got smashed in and intelligence here and elsewhere got stifled by the anti social forces and the total greed of some uncooperative stupid countries.

I am not a scientist but IMO we are watching the world lose the war. This time the Nazis are going to win.

There is still a very - yes very - narrow window.
I see no chance of success.
The species still has one leg in the cave just like as in our country.

The evolution does not get televised. The hottest days and months are happening and sure there will seem to be a pendulum effect to some but I put my trust in the esteemed scientist that our murderers are gladly still mocking them until the day the music dies and we start to run out of ideas for catastrophe movies because we live in one.
What is your solution to the problem?

If we have a very narrow window, then the answer to defeating climate change is a known quantity. What is it?
7/11/2023 9:27 AM
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