Posted by lostnfound74 on 7/8/2023 7:10:00 AM (view original):
Posted by wylie715 on 7/7/2023 9:54:00 PM (view original):
okay...whatever, dude. You don't think people interpret the Bible differently? If not, you are delusional.
Well, Wylie. Your first have to read it
Also, it is a very immature person who continually casts insults or innuendos like you do.
Time to grow up
If I don’t read it I am thusly immature
If I do read it but don’t believe most of it does that make me evil?
What if a kid is raised some kind of Christian and is thoroughly exposed to the gospels and is let’s say 13 y.o does not believe it and never does believe it.
are there rules for that? Does he get a mulligan until 18 and on the day after 18 he does he go to hell but 17 and 365 days it is not hell?
who makes up the rules and who enforces it.
who reads the paperwork and the warranties.
Do people growing up in India and Pakistan have a different set of rules applied to them?
It all seems like something that makes no rational sense but that’s me.
im not picking a fight. First I stand up for Wylie and second for anyone that thinks it is ok to bring up religion don’t cry about someone else’s opinion or life style.
7/8/2023 7:49 AM (edited)