Savage XI Rosters/Commentary Topic

I made a comment after the first video that not a single one of my players was mentioned in the entire video.
It was there for a while but it was not responded to in any way either, so I deleted it. I get that there is a castle at the top of the hill in this community, but who wants to feel like it doesn't matter when they say something? It's awesome when anybody takes time to share their thought process for drafting or team building. I read them all and appreciate every word. As can be judged by my complete lack of success, me offering my thoughts would serve more like comedy fodder.
For what it is worth, my draft went off the rails in the 6th round. I was hoping to get Westbrook to put behind Harden and when he went I decided to go in the entire other direction.
5/10/2023 12:02 AM
Great eval video's very informative. Thanks for your time and effort. I am trying to become more competitive and not comic relief. lol
5/10/2023 12:28 AM
Posted by 20ks on 5/10/2023 12:02:00 AM (view original):
I made a comment after the first video that not a single one of my players was mentioned in the entire video.
It was there for a while but it was not responded to in any way either, so I deleted it. I get that there is a castle at the top of the hill in this community, but who wants to feel like it doesn't matter when they say something? It's awesome when anybody takes time to share their thought process for drafting or team building. I read them all and appreciate every word. As can be judged by my complete lack of success, me offering my thoughts would serve more like comedy fodder.
For what it is worth, my draft went off the rails in the 6th round. I was hoping to get Westbrook to put behind Harden and when he went I decided to go in the entire other direction.
when it comes to that first video, I'd say that was a good thing. There were very few, "wow, so & so did great" and mostly "wtf was everybody doing reaching?!" Lemme tell you it felt real good being ripped for taking Tyson Chandler and Robert Williams. I have no idea what's to come in this next one.
5/10/2023 12:40 AM
Posted by 20ks on 5/10/2023 12:02:00 AM (view original):
I made a comment after the first video that not a single one of my players was mentioned in the entire video.
It was there for a while but it was not responded to in any way either, so I deleted it. I get that there is a castle at the top of the hill in this community, but who wants to feel like it doesn't matter when they say something? It's awesome when anybody takes time to share their thought process for drafting or team building. I read them all and appreciate every word. As can be judged by my complete lack of success, me offering my thoughts would serve more like comedy fodder.
For what it is worth, my draft went off the rails in the 6th round. I was hoping to get Westbrook to put behind Harden and when he went I decided to go in the entire other direction.
I did not realize we didn’t mention any of your players in the first video and I did not realize you made that comment. However I do know you have felt slighted in the past and it has never been intentional. We make a point for every team to get basically an equal amount of speaking time in the second video although there is a joke about your teams not getting mentioned due to us all remembering your (and another user’s) many previous posts about the topic over the years.

I can’t speak for anyone else, only myself, but there isn’t any gate keeping in my end. I don’t pick some users to talk about and others not to. That imo would be silly.

Your comment about the Harden backup pick is certainly illuminating.
5/10/2023 7:24 AM (edited)
Posted by ashamael on 5/10/2023 12:40:00 AM (view original):
Posted by 20ks on 5/10/2023 12:02:00 AM (view original):
I made a comment after the first video that not a single one of my players was mentioned in the entire video.
It was there for a while but it was not responded to in any way either, so I deleted it. I get that there is a castle at the top of the hill in this community, but who wants to feel like it doesn't matter when they say something? It's awesome when anybody takes time to share their thought process for drafting or team building. I read them all and appreciate every word. As can be judged by my complete lack of success, me offering my thoughts would serve more like comedy fodder.
For what it is worth, my draft went off the rails in the 6th round. I was hoping to get Westbrook to put behind Harden and when he went I decided to go in the entire other direction.
when it comes to that first video, I'd say that was a good thing. There were very few, "wow, so & so did great" and mostly "wtf was everybody doing reaching?!" Lemme tell you it felt real good being ripped for taking Tyson Chandler and Robert Williams. I have no idea what's to come in this next one.
It’s the unfortunate reality of how things shake out… not every team can win. The nice thing is the that I don’t think there was unanimous opinion on any one single team if I recall so every drafter should be able to walk away feeling like at least they have one believer.

I also mainly trashed my team and I don’t think Ben was too kind to his team either.

With your team specifically, there was a little bit of confusion that I think of you can clarify it would probably crystallize the feelings.

Outside of trying to shorten the videos and take out the crap (I cut out like 20 minutes of stuff in this one), I spend most of the editing process trying to poke fun of the people involved the making of the video not the people the video is about. So hopefully that at least somewhat demonstrates that none of this has ill intent. It’s no different than any other eval going back until the end of time, just way longer.
5/10/2023 9:13 AM (edited)
Posted by jethroeg on 5/10/2023 12:28:00 AM (view original):
Great eval video's very informative. Thanks for your time and effort. I am trying to become more competitive and not comic relief. lol
As noted you are getting consistently better and building much better teams.
5/10/2023 7:07 AM
I felt like the line early in the second video about if there wasn't enough time you guys would skip 20ks was funny. I took it as a joke anyways.
5/10/2023 7:46 AM
Once Westbrook was taken, I figured a usage guy to back up Harden would still be around late (I was thinking Wall or Iverson as fall back options although I obviously talked myself out of them and took Westphal). Not having control of substitutions is what will be my undoing because my bench usage would be fine if used together. When Harden comes out by himself or worse, with Malone, these teams are going to struggle.
5/10/2023 7:55 AM
Posted by 24kpyrite on 5/9/2023 11:24:00 PM (view original):
Really enjoyed the video fellas, and I appreciate the feedback and kind words. Bob Gross segment was by far my favorite. I was not expecting it, it tickled me and caused me to lose Horse to my son. This was not the best Savage draft for myself, and probably my 2nd least favorite team I have drafted in Savage. Just hate the Simmons pick. Repulled all my teams and did another round of adjustments and yeah it still falls on that Simmons pick. We will see what happens, but I dont see a top 10 finish in my future, maybe 12-15 range. Hopefully I will be able to keep up with lineup adjustments throughout the season because I am going to need to get every win possible out of this squad. After my last adjustments, there is too many minutes from Smart, and suprisingly Rasheed. I would prefer a mulligan on the Bamba pick, I ended up using Sheed seasons to back up the 4 over Bamba. If a CJ season does not perform like I expect, I will end up getting more minutes out of Kyrie.
Player Starts Minutes
Dwight Howard 5 174
Kyrie Irving 2 112
Ben Simmons 4 122
Patrick Ewing 3 165
Al Horford 4 156
Bobby Portis 1 66
Tobias Harris 2 126
CJ McCollum 64
Mo Bamba 17
Gary Payton II 1 15
Marcus Smart 1 70
Rasheed Wallace 2 110
Bob Gross thing was totally organic too. Not a manufactured post-edit pause.

I really like Rasheed even if the rebounding isn’t what you want.
5/10/2023 7:55 AM
Posted by berkelon on 5/9/2023 11:29:00 PM (view original):
Posted by robusk on 5/9/2023 1:12:00 PM (view original):
Okay, couple caveats on Episode 2:
  • it's a long one
  • we wanted to try and hit every team, if some of it seems negative it's because we all wanted to speak on every team and we all can't like every team - we seemed to have mixed views, no unanimous opinions which is good
  • there were things we liked and didn't like about every team
  • I am still very new at editing and filming so cut me some slack, I do not know wtf I am doing
Great stuff, and big thanks for all the insight. I think I'm fairly safe from relegation this season. I didn't try to copy jcred again, so I think my build ended up loads better than that shiite show from last season. Listening to you guys chop it up was really helpful, just in terms of specific thinking about this league.

Here's my draft recap:

I took Karl Malone at 12 because I made a solemn promise to myself after last season that I would take two big men with my first two picks. I've gotten it into my head that I win when I have take two big men early, and I lose when I don't. Quite a recipe for success, I must admit. Artis Gilmore is a suitable ingredient in that lazy, broke-*** recipe, so there you have it. Plus, I didn't even realize that fouls were a significant part of the WIS game until recently (they aren't on the advanced stats tab, so I basically ignored them). Also, drafting is much easier if you just take fouls out of the equation, so welcome aboard, A-Train!

I figured I now needed guards and 3's and defense, so welcome Manu and Chauncey. I have all these echoes of past critiques I read on various forum posts switling around in my head...Chauncey is overrated? Manu at the point is legit? I remember butchering Manu one year in the ODL with Barkley, but there are already so many memories of hack jobs of the past already in my brief WIS career, I can't let that deter me from my goal of not finishing 24th again.

Faried and Andersen felt like picks I would make if I was Jackedjamie or some ****, so I felt good about them. Plus, if I know one thing for sure about these leagues it's that rebounding is very helpful. Right or wrong, that's been my biggest takeaway of this mediocre run of the past 18 months.

Mookie was a pick I loved when I made it. I got him two rounds later than he usually goes, and I thought for sure it was Moncrief that Rob hated, not Mookie...I knew he hated Cheeks, that one was burned into my melon, but I mixed up Mookie and Moncrief. Welcome, Mookie!

I figured at some point during my builds I would find myself balled up in the corner, cold and shivering, and Green was the type of guy that would make me feel like maybe everything wasn't broken. Korver was just a pick because I got nervous about having enough threes. Brandon and Biyombo were both value picks I took because Rob and Ben took them in previous drafts. Beasley is only playing three minutes total, but when I just double-checked that to confim, I realized I managed to not pick his best year for those three minutes. Wheeeeee!

But how do you say the name?
5/10/2023 8:08 AM
Posted by 20ks on 5/10/2023 7:46:00 AM (view original):
I felt like the line early in the second video about if there wasn't enough time you guys would skip 20ks was funny. I took it as a joke anyways.
Good. It was certainly meant as one.
5/10/2023 8:09 AM
I've enjoyed listening to both videos.
5/10/2023 8:24 AM
First, I enjoyed the videos. I would love to be on one in the future, just to give my misguided take on things. Especially about my love of Boerwinkle.

Second, I feel that I have some 'splaining to do. Since I went low usage defense early I knew I would need some reasonable usage later. Towns and Booker (aka poor man's no-defense Kobe) were part of that. The picks of Hali/Bane are meant to capitalize on two of the three seasons that are higher on usage and then use their rookie years in almost a platoon. This, I believe, is the only time they are on a team together. Rondo is there for the defense, passing, etc...I know you hate him, Rob. He's a Wildcat, what can I say? Aaron Gordon's Denver seasons were interesting to me and would work well at SF. He only sees the court for 7 minutes of his Orlando career. Dantley plays SG/SF and his usage will back up Booker a fair amount and will be good for drawing fouls (which is a specious strategy if I remember correctly. Worthy plays D (most seasons I use are in the '70s), shoots a good percentage, and helps my usage balance as well.

If I had it all to do over again I would've gone a different direction in round 2. I felt that I was chasing the tail for usage and scoring the rest of the draft. If I would've gone Dream and hoped for Rodman next, or Rodman and then Pip, I would've been in a better spot to be flexible in later rounds.
5/10/2023 9:04 AM
Posted by robusk on 5/10/2023 8:08:00 AM (view original):
Posted by berkelon on 5/9/2023 11:29:00 PM (view original):
Posted by robusk on 5/9/2023 1:12:00 PM (view original):
Okay, couple caveats on Episode 2:
  • it's a long one
  • we wanted to try and hit every team, if some of it seems negative it's because we all wanted to speak on every team and we all can't like every team - we seemed to have mixed views, no unanimous opinions which is good
  • there were things we liked and didn't like about every team
  • I am still very new at editing and filming so cut me some slack, I do not know wtf I am doing
Great stuff, and big thanks for all the insight. I think I'm fairly safe from relegation this season. I didn't try to copy jcred again, so I think my build ended up loads better than that shiite show from last season. Listening to you guys chop it up was really helpful, just in terms of specific thinking about this league.

Here's my draft recap:

I took Karl Malone at 12 because I made a solemn promise to myself after last season that I would take two big men with my first two picks. I've gotten it into my head that I win when I have take two big men early, and I lose when I don't. Quite a recipe for success, I must admit. Artis Gilmore is a suitable ingredient in that lazy, broke-*** recipe, so there you have it. Plus, I didn't even realize that fouls were a significant part of the WIS game until recently (they aren't on the advanced stats tab, so I basically ignored them). Also, drafting is much easier if you just take fouls out of the equation, so welcome aboard, A-Train!

I figured I now needed guards and 3's and defense, so welcome Manu and Chauncey. I have all these echoes of past critiques I read on various forum posts switling around in my head...Chauncey is overrated? Manu at the point is legit? I remember butchering Manu one year in the ODL with Barkley, but there are already so many memories of hack jobs of the past already in my brief WIS career, I can't let that deter me from my goal of not finishing 24th again.

Faried and Andersen felt like picks I would make if I was Jackedjamie or some ****, so I felt good about them. Plus, if I know one thing for sure about these leagues it's that rebounding is very helpful. Right or wrong, that's been my biggest takeaway of this mediocre run of the past 18 months.

Mookie was a pick I loved when I made it. I got him two rounds later than he usually goes, and I thought for sure it was Moncrief that Rob hated, not Mookie...I knew he hated Cheeks, that one was burned into my melon, but I mixed up Mookie and Moncrief. Welcome, Mookie!

I figured at some point during my builds I would find myself balled up in the corner, cold and shivering, and Green was the type of guy that would make me feel like maybe everything wasn't broken. Korver was just a pick because I got nervous about having enough threes. Brandon and Biyombo were both value picks I took because Rob and Ben took them in previous drafts. Beasley is only playing three minutes total, but when I just double-checked that to confim, I realized I managed to not pick his best year for those three minutes. Wheeeeee!

But how do you say the name?
However you want! Just a word I made up when I signed up.
5/10/2023 9:25 AM
Posted by PBandJ on 5/10/2023 9:04:00 AM (view original):
First, I enjoyed the videos. I would love to be on one in the future, just to give my misguided take on things. Especially about my love of Boerwinkle.

Second, I feel that I have some 'splaining to do. Since I went low usage defense early I knew I would need some reasonable usage later. Towns and Booker (aka poor man's no-defense Kobe) were part of that. The picks of Hali/Bane are meant to capitalize on two of the three seasons that are higher on usage and then use their rookie years in almost a platoon. This, I believe, is the only time they are on a team together. Rondo is there for the defense, passing, etc...I know you hate him, Rob. He's a Wildcat, what can I say? Aaron Gordon's Denver seasons were interesting to me and would work well at SF. He only sees the court for 7 minutes of his Orlando career. Dantley plays SG/SF and his usage will back up Booker a fair amount and will be good for drawing fouls (which is a specious strategy if I remember correctly. Worthy plays D (most seasons I use are in the '70s), shoots a good percentage, and helps my usage balance as well.

If I had it all to do over again I would've gone a different direction in round 2. I felt that I was chasing the tail for usage and scoring the rest of the draft. If I would've gone Dream and hoped for Rodman next, or Rodman and then Pip, I would've been in a better spot to be flexible in later rounds.
I can't remember his name now but hopefully you aren't related to that super racist Kentucky fan who used to post here all the time.

I think I am in the minority on Haliburton, pretty sure everyone else in the league liked him where you got him but me. And seemingly everyone likes all of Rondo, Rodman and Wallace besides me. So wouldn't put so much weight on the opinion of one person just because my ugly mug is so prominently featured in some amateur production.
5/10/2023 9:38 AM
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