Savage XI Rosters/Commentary Topic

Posted by dh555 on 5/3/2023 10:19:00 PM (view original):
bad harden tonight

kinda wish they would have waited until game 3 to bring joel back...celtics were never losing this game
Really predictable that Harden would be terrible and yeah made no sense after winning game 1 to bring embiid back for game 2. I guess that’s hindsight bias though.
5/4/2023 9:28 AM
Todays the day when I get to actually figure out if my team makes sense when I put everything together.
5/4/2023 9:29 AM
DH - not sure about Ash but I was probably going to take Hot Rod over JJJ in the 10th if you didn't
5/4/2023 10:04 AM
My REBs/ASTs/etc are lower than last season, but I have to remind myself it’s because I made a conscious effort to lower my TOs and fouls.

Here are my 5 starting lineups. DeAndre/Magic/Marion/(Amare or Jonas) are pretty consistent throughout the 5, so the names listed are the starting SG.

109 USG
57.03 eFG%
145.5 CRB%
74 AST
70.8 DEF

113 USG
56.55 eFG%
141.3 CRB%
78.7 AST
73 DEF

R. Harper
103 USG
57.4 eFG%
140.1 CRB%
60.6 AST
71.4 DEF

Marion* (B. Bridges at SF)
102 USG
57.08 eFG%
154 CRB%
59.7 AST
76.6 DEF

Magic* (T. Porter at PG)
102.7 USG
57.46 eFG%
131.9 CRB
66 AST%
67.2 DEF

Backups are looking solid, but I don’t have numbers yet
5/4/2023 6:00 PM (edited)

For the record in Savage IX I named all of my teams after some favorite episodes of the office, season X I named all of my teams after lines from the poem Ozymandias by Shelly (a favorite poem that reminds me of the folly of pride), this season my teams are named for my favorite episodes from It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia and in honor of this we are playing all games in The Spectrum.

1. Dennis Rodman - In Savage X, my critical failure was in defense. I wanted to control my defensive presence this season. Rodman's defense with elite rebounding is what I felt would be critical in helping me control possessions. His seasons where he plays SF are critical to maintaining that advantage.

2. Ben Wallace - I love his defense, and his rebounding is quite nice. He plays a fairly clean game for his defense in terms of fouls. I wanted to see what I could do with two solid defenders and solid rebounders knowing full well that I would be scrambling for usage the rest of the draft.

3. Karl-Anthony Towns - UK represent!!! Rebounds yes, usage and good efg% yes; defense....two out of three ain't bad. I knew that I was going to need to get a scoring big at this point or get stuck with a bunch of big negatives. KAT helps me keep my advantage in rebounding while adding some scoring.

4. Devin Booker - UK represent!!! Some assists, usage with ok efg%, defense....two out of three ain't bad...again. He can play both of my guard spots and can help me stay out of the possession penalty. I felt that this was a reasonable choice. He is like Kobe without the defense and better efg.

5. Tyrese Halliburton - I was afraid this was a reach, but his three seasons give me good per-minute value in terms of performance. Good usage, good efg%, and a good defender. He gets good assists and plays a pretty clean game. This gives me a starting lineup for two seasons that will be reasonable effective.

6. Desmond Bane - Another pick that I was afraid was a reach, also with only three seasons but the last two have good amounts of usage with good efg%. His defense isn't bad, but not good. I also like that he can play up to three positions. I feel like my three-point shooting is now solidified. This gives me four starting lineups now.

7. Aaron Gordon - His Denver seasons give me a lot of what I want. While the defense is middling again, he is still bringing good shooting efficiency with some usage. Rebounding could be better, but that isn't why he is here. His Orlando seasons that I selected will not see a ton of playing time. This gives me five starting lineups and now it is time to really start plugging up holes.

8. Rajon Rondo - UK represent!!! Rondo's defense is great, his passing is great, he rebounds his position well, but of course his shooting is not the best but that is not why he is here. He will be able to keep the offense running efficiently, provided he doesn't get mad when President Obama clowns him for not being able to shoot.

9. Myles Turner - Can defend, play center and PF, shoots well and shoots from deep. Good performance for limited minutes. Not a great rebounder, but I felt I could cover that later on, not to mention that I feel I may already have enough. I wanted to take Noel here (UK represent!!!) but some jerk took him from me.

10. Tom Boerwinkle - I love this guy. Bigs that can pass are my kryptonite. Especially when they can pass and rebound. I would've married some conglomeration of Jokic, Walton, and Noah if possible. Boerwinkle fills the need for the last of my bigs. I can now focus on the SG/SF needs I have. I did consider Nurkic as I love him too, but the defensive issues were worrying me. The seasons I will use the most will not be a determent defensively. The two players that I am targeting are guys I don't like personally, so there may be jokes...

11. James Worthy - TAR HEEL (Much love to Stuart Scott) - I did not tell you guys, but I also drafted A.C. Green to go with him. Not to play, but to make sure that if my team is playing in Houston, he doesn't get busted for soliciting prostitutes. His usage, shooting, and defense are all good and he isn't a wretched rebounder. Not great for passing, but he is here for other reasons. One more person I don't like coming up...

12. Adrian Dantley - You know when the Bad Boys don't like you this should be evidence that your life choices and interpersonal skills are lacking. I mean he isn't Rick Barry bad, but he is still bad. When Dantley introduced himself to the team he said "I'm here to make buckets, get to the line, wave at opposing offensive players, and chew bubblegum...and I just stole some child's bubblegum." After we made him apologize to KAT for him stealing KAT's bubblegum we realized that his high usage with the ability to draw fouls and shoot well was exactly what we needed.
5/4/2023 8:00 PM
Luka 143
Westbrook 97
moncrief 168
Johnson 22
hayward 50
outlaw 142
mccray 98
camby 140
washington 58
KAJ 197
Sabonis 43
przy 42

this is probably what my players should play per game over the 5 seasons. I might change my mind on a couple. It’s not quite what I hoped but I think these teams should at least be decent. I think better than last year at least.
5/4/2023 10:05 PM (edited)
First video recorded, just need to figure out how to edit this mf. I have no experience doing this.
5/4/2023 10:25 PM
Posted by steelers821 on 5/4/2023 10:05:00 PM (view original):
Luka 143
Westbrook 97
moncrief 168
Johnson 22
hayward 50
outlaw 142
mccray 98
camby 140
washington 58
KAJ 197
Sabonis 43
przy 42

this is probably what my players should play per game over the 5 seasons. I might change my mind on a couple. It’s not quite what I hoped but I think these teams should at least be decent. I think better than last year at least.
Moncrief / Luka / Westbrook is buckets of fun.
5/4/2023 10:26 PM
Posted by robusk on 5/4/2023 10:25:00 PM (view original):
First video recorded, just need to figure out how to edit this mf. I have no experience doing this.
Text me if you need a hand. Excited to see it
5/4/2023 10:53 PM
Can’t wait robusk

so here are some team stats efg between 51.9-54.5 between the 5 teams, oreb 36.6-38.5, dreb 93-103.1(most over 100), AST 73.4-76.5, tov 13.7-15.2, def 71.7-80.9. Fouls/48 Are fine all under 20 which is nice because all my teams last year broke 20.

efg will be low which is unfortunate but expected. Defense should be really good for the most part I think. Rebounding should be really good I think. Assists were higher than I expected I really wasn’t trying to get into the 70s. I have no idea what a good weighted tov% is but I assume I’m high.
5/5/2023 12:26 PM (edited)
1. Giannis
The Savage Mt. Rushmore is set. It is Bron, Wilt, Curry, and Giannis. No one else should go in the top 4. Don't want one of those guys, you better trade the pick.

2. Gary Payton
The minutes were very attractive after the Giannis pick. Puts me at a big disadvantage on the boards, though. Thought Embiid here. I'd be chasing minutes for the rest of the draft, but I think I should have done it.

3. Kobe Bryant
I think the eFG% scared people off. I was hoping for Camby. I thought about Serge. Happy with Kobe.

4. Mitchell Robinson
Never can have enough dREB%; he falls short there. Otherwise a perfect addition at this spot. Thought about AK here. Too stubborn to "copy" rob. Also thought Ewing, but that is a tough pick after Kobe.

5. Willis Reed
Really becoming a safety blanket for me. Needed the consistency here.

6. Ayton
The defense scares me, but he is a great value in the 6th and will play.

7. Moon
Championship or bust for this pick. A 7th rounder who only plays 26 minutes is probably a mistake.

8. Josh Hart
I think I'm an early adapter on Josh Hart Savage "Stud." He really helps in a lot of areas for this team.

9. Josh Smith
I think I'm a late adapter on Josh Smith Savage "Stud." He really helps in a lot of areas for this team.

10. Grant Hill
Rushed pick. Probably should have been JJJ.

11. Shane Battier
I wonder if anyone has any stats on the most minutes by an 11th-round pick. Battier might annihilate them. I can't seem to keep this guy out of the lineup.

12. Mark Eaton
If I can get to the playoffs, he might find some spot starts if I need to muddy things up as an underdog. Will play start one season.
5/5/2023 12:16 PM
Josh Smith is dope. Had him a couple of times and he has so many positives that definitely outweigh the negatives.
5/5/2023 12:28 PM
I’m bored so I’ll do one

Explain Yourself;
1. kareem- I traded up because I was at 23 last year and wanted to try the league with a truly great player. IMO kareem is that 2 100 defense seasons, his lowest efg season I picked was 57.6. His rebounding especially oreb can be mediocre but it wasn’t enough to pass up.

2. Doncic - wow that 23 season is a monster. I wanted to pick a perimeter high usage player asap do counterbalance kareem and doncic was that. His rebounding at pg is hard to beat there really aren’t many guards better (and I got one of the few as his backup). My 2 biggest issues with him are his defense obviously he’s sitting between mid 40s and 50s, I just wish his ft% was higher and his 5th season is below 50efg. Really excited to use him

3. Camby- Wanted to continue improving my rebounding and build a solid foundation on defense. Needed a low usage player as well so Camby just got well. His minutes aren’t really high but you can get 20+ solid minutes on each team. Efg sucks but his usage is low so it’s not a big deal.

4. Moncreif - 2 100 defense seasons and the rest are also really solid. Fouls are below 3.3/48 which doesn’t happen to often with a 100 defense player. I wanted more orebounding and his oreb% for a SG is really high. His efg is much lower than I would like but I think he at least somewhat makes up for that with a high FTA/48 and high ft%. I really wanted more 3s here but I can’t get everything I want I guess. Assists are pretty solid as well.

5. outlaw - my usage was starting to get way to high so I wanted someone on the lower end. His oreb is pretty good for a SF although his dreb is lackluster. Efg is solid and his defense continued to help bolster what is becoming a strong defensive squad.

6. Westbrook - I needed to make sure I got a backup to match Doncic’s usage. Someone pointed out to me that Westbrook would be that. I was anti that at first just because I hate low efg but I figured who else Is going to match doncic’s usage, assists and rebounding at the point. He has some insanely high FTA/48 seasons as well which will at least help the ts%.

7. McCray- figured outlaw was on the low end of minutes so I might as well go right back to sf and get a similar player. Defense is solid I think all 5 seasons are above 70. Usage is low which is what I need here and rebounding is very similar to outlaw.

8. Hayward - I was now in desperate need of 3s. Wanted a player with similar usage to Moncrief and had at least decent rebounding. He checked those boxes so I overlooked is terrible defense. It might be a blood back with him and doncic playing together but oh well 8th round you gotta make sacrifices.

9. Kermit - wanted at least a couple solid seasons to backup Camby. He probably has 2.5 of those. His 2 good ones his defense is good and his rebounding is good. Don’t love a lot of things about him.

10. Sabonis - figured I should get a backup for kareem now. His usage doesn’t quite match kareem but I should live. He has one really solid efg season and for the most part his rebounding is good.

11. Przybilla - needed someone for the seasons kermit sucks. Defense is bad, efg is up and down, fouls and turnovers are high but hey at least he rebounding the hell out of the ball.

12. James Johnson- I thought about picking him over Hayward so when I realized he was still available I jumped on it. Solid rebounder for a SG, usage matches what I need. Assists are mostly pretty good defense is much better than Hayward and he also makes 3s. He’s a personal favorite of mine in the 52/ODL so I’m glad I got to use him.
5/5/2023 2:10 PM
Blame me for James Johnson still being available. Could /should have taken him a couple times.
5/5/2023 4:17 PM
First ever Savage video evals, episode one

Some notes:
- Like any other evals, just because these are a video doesn't make them more personal, they are just an opinion. I could be just as wrong as you are right. Nothing is meant as an attack on anyone.

- I don't know anything about editing videos. This is my first time. There are clearly tons of chops in the cuts. I didn't really try and make it smooth, who knows how long that would have taken. Probably reshoots and such. We did all the conversation in one take. I just took out all the long pauses, filler words, Ben saying extremely inappropriate things, etc. It hopefully made the conversation smooth even if the video is a little choppy.

- I clearly had the camera in the wrong position and will correct that in future videos.

- I had a script for hearing impaired folks but the auto transcribe is really ****** so if anyone here is hearing impaired please let me know and I can make it more accessible through some other means.

- I have no idea if I violated any copyright laws. I know nothing about videos. The video is unlisted. Please do not share the link. I will probably take it down in the not too distant future.

- Since I am a peon they only let me upload in SD, not HD so sorry for the poor video quality; not my fault.

- If anyone has a burning desire to be on a future episode, shoot me a private message.
5/5/2023 10:17 PM (edited)
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