Drudge Report today has a story of a new law passed in Missouri permitting spanking i think just in elementary school. But above the story link is a woman in a school uniform who is obviously between 21 and 30 years old getting spanked. It is a hoot.

Brings back some good memories.
8/25/2022 5:12 PM
Posted by Jetson21 on 8/25/2022 2:31:00 PM (view original):
I will not go on my own volition.
And if I am selected, I will prefer to go on a lyft.
if you can find a lyft driver to take you to hell, go for it!
8/25/2022 6:24 PM
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It was so obvious that that's DeSantis and not Newsome that I guessed it before I even found the original article.

What is DeSantis doing for working people? Does he support unions? Does he support BBB? What pro-worker policies has DeSantis passed?
8/26/2022 6:21 PM
Posted by tangplay on 8/26/2022 6:21:00 PM (view original):
It was so obvious that that's DeSantis and not Newsome that I guessed it before I even found the original article.

What is DeSantis doing for working people? Does he support unions? Does he support BBB? What pro-worker policies has DeSantis passed?
In a national race DeSantis can’t win.
He won’t get brainless cult adulation and dog like loyalty.
Nationally he will scare the bejeebies out of every pro choice woman and the vast majority of independent voters and the suburbs.

And he has a Herbert Hoover nasty face.
He is a nasty semi fascist puke.

A democrat would thump him in the woodshed.
He has no positive charisma and he is every bit as divisive as Trump but without jokes and fakery.
He is dead set earnest about installing culture wars and maga Republican cancel modern culture.

He is dangerous too.
And he looks like a thug who walks around like a robot whose arms do not move.
8/27/2022 8:59 AM (edited)
Trump tweeted that he gave them much
and claims no nuclear.
Trump has made the United States a laughing stock - that the people of this country could be soooo stupid and immoral to elect such an animal, an-i-mal.
8/27/2022 1:42 PM
What happened to Lindsey Graham.
He was a very good and close friend of John McCain. He was a traditional Republican.
He let Trump insult John McCain and did not defend him.
He defended Trump time and time again like when Trump did threaten that he would and he did hold weapons captive until Ukraine produced dirt on Joe Biden.
After one day of saying Trump was responsible for the riot he defaulted quickly into blind obedience. What gives?
At every step he has defended Trump no matter how fraudulent or anti democracy or authoritarian or pro Russia or forgetting about vets etc etc etc etc….

Now he is warning ( raising a threat ) that if Trump is prosecuted that there “will be riots in the streets”.
And he pivoted to the default argument that so what about Trump…..look at the things that Hilary Clinton did. Sorry Graham cracker but the Trump actions was massively more serious and that should not have to be explained.

Lindsey Graham has also put himself in the cross hair of the Georgia prosecuter.
How in the world would Graham do something as stupid and probably criminal in his telephone call on behalf of the candidate that clearly was defeated.

What does Trump have on Graham who became a better friend to Trump then he was to McCain and the McCain family.

One day maybe the truth will come out and we find out how Graham became a fraud and a danger to the democratic republic.

God save the Queen.
8/29/2022 11:56 AM (edited)
If Trump ends up pleading guilty to all of his crimes maybe he can plead guilty but mentally ill.

So many people have been convicted of crimes because of him. There will be about 1,000 rioters and several members of fascist groups that he says stand back and stand by.
He wasn’t kidding when he said that.

And Flynn and Manafort and Stone and the guy in the very beginning who spent 15 days in jail and Weisselberg and there are going to be more down the pike.

And now he and Graham are threatening retribution in the streets.

When the rioting begins the shooting begins?
8/29/2022 3:25 PM
As for the old once respected dream team lawyer he is dead wrong that prosecution will be denied.
It is obvious that a significant criminal probe is already happening and that the documents are classified and high high secrecy and obstruction and false statements etc etc etc.

If the DOJ does not prosecute they will never again be able to charge anyone going forward.

One of the keys when looking at other cases was the degree of being classified and was there automatic and full cooperation along with giving a truthful and voluntary statement to the FBI.

Garland has said no fear or favor and he is telling the truth.
8/29/2022 3:32 PM
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I don't think I'm one of them/those but if so, I want Black Roses. (and white rhythm and Blues)
8/29/2022 4:07 PM
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Posters let your queries be known

Can you believe that a billionaire worth maybe between 1 and 2 billion and with maybe several hundred million or at least tens of millions raked in by the RNC and himself through his crybaby antics and scams every time he gets caught in a scandal ;cannot hire an elite lawyer or firm to represent him?

He cannot even get experienced and qualified lawyers. His current set of buffoons take their cues from talking head lawyers on MSNBC and then do what they should have done but too late.

It is understandable that lawyers who are democrats or intelligent independents don’t want to help him for all the tea in China;
but he can’t even get qualified let alone lawyers with stature from the Republican side.

It is so indicative of what lawyers left and right
think of him and of course do not want to be stiffed by such a dangerous and delusional sociopath and despicably narcissistic anti - American.
There are no elite lawyers out there no matter what their political stripe that are not intelligent enough to know what he has done and tried to do and done and trying to do.

They are not politicians and they have to be big brained to be in the rarified category.
Trump cannot get any of them.
He has called some of them and they won’t even return his phone calls.

In this country I see doctors voting totally in their own self interest more often than lawyers. They are the ones worshiped as gods and often they are but they do feel that they do so much and have worked so hard that they should pay less taxes and they disliked anything like The ACA which they thought would somehow cut into their fees.

In any events both of those sets of individuals know that Trump is the worst piece of shirt that has ever happened to American politics.
8/29/2022 7:51 PM (edited)
Some imaginative pols and other pro lifers in the Deep South are advancing a new way to prevent abortions.

They want to make all sexual activity by heterosexuals illegal as it could lead to “legitimate sex” which could lead to conception and then abortion and the ban will also prevent legitimate rape as well.
These laws they hope will make abortion obsolete.

Gay people having sex and/or and especially all sex between 2 women will be permitted and legal.
Jim Jordan, Marjorie Green, Matt Gaetz, Lindsey Graham and Ted Cruz are among the supporters of the laws.
To have successful results various types of intrusions will need to be implemented and vasectomies and sterilization will be considered proper contraception.
8/30/2022 8:33 AM (edited)

Trump is having a literal tantrum today.
He has asked the FBI to rise up and stop the DOJ.
And he is demanding that either he becomes president immediately or there is a new election. ( perhaps it should be a 2 out 3 election contest ).

The man is evil and a sociopath and all of the bad descriptions that one could conjure up
but his delusional mind shows very very serious mental illness him being a sociopath.

And both he and shirt stain Lindsey Graham have insisted that there will be riots (blood shed ) in the streets.

Outside of the Democratic Party it is a horrible time to be an American and he may have to go to jail just to shut him up.

When he is the courtroom as a defendant they may have to put a gag in his mouth to stop his outbursts and threats.

All of this was predicted the very day he rode down the escalator of life in 2015.

People for him believed what they wanted to believe and the truly brainless idiots and morons and early evolutional sub species
still lap it up.

We May avoid an actual “war” but it will take 2 generations before this country can be a normal democracy with normal people.
And that is no joke.

If it was good enough for Howard Stern it is good enough for Donald Trump - there needs to be a public restroom named after him.
I think the bathroom in the nearest McDonald’s to the White House would be perfect.

8/30/2022 3:08 PM (edited)
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