Posted by wylie715 on 8/3/2022 11:35:00 PM (view original):
Posted by lostnfound74 on 8/3/2022 10:18:00 PM (view original):
Posted by wylie715 on 8/3/2022 4:44:00 PM (view original):
if I can get over it, you can get over people pointing out what a scumbag ******* conman Trump is.
scumbag. Easy for someone who has accomplished nothing to talk like that
What makes you a better man than him?
you have no idea what I have or have not accomplished.
What makes me a better man? Here's a partial list:
1. I have never cheated on my one and only wife.
2. I do not lie like he does
3. I do not make fun of handicapped people
4. I do not make racist remarks
5. I care about other people
6. I am not a conman
7. I did not downplay a worldwide epidemic and contribute to the deaths of thousands of people
8. I have never tried to subvert democracy.
9. I do not belittle or make up denigrating nicknames for people who question me.
Give me a few minutes and I can come up with lots more. You can come up with reasons you are a better man than Donald Trump. Of course, it is not a very high bar to clear.

Ill add rape and starting a riot where 6 people died and trying to defraud the american government and his voters and followers and commision of fraud in business dealings and taxes and fraudulently telling a big lie comparable to a stalin or a goebles or Mussolini and stealing money from his voters and Trump Real Estate school- had to pay out 25 million in settlement.
Fraud against his niece and being a racist punishing vindictively anyone who has an unkind word about him and calling people liars and then hiding behind his office and trying to steal the state of Georgia for which he will soon be charged with felonies and tampering with witnesses and pardoning co conspirators and favoring Russia because he likes the murderous Putin to the detriment of Ukraine and the entire world and putting in extremely incompetent people in key positions because they were people he could control and for intentionally polarizing the country and empowering the very worst and dangerous white nationalists as well as empowering and manipulating millions of people who are just not smart enough to know right from wrong and they are more then happy to destroy democracy in service of Trump and trying to coerce the leader of Ukraine to fabricate trump formation about Joe Biden or not get badly needed weapons and actually stopping the shipment until he was forced to allow it to be sent and trying to destroy NATO maybe in service of Russia
and separation of children from parents as a deterrent to potential immigrants. Some children might still be separated - there were still some when Biden took office - the trauma and permanent emotional damage he caused should put him on trial at the Hague and getting Chinese people and other Asian people beaten and assaulted by his racist remarks and blaming US citizens by extension because he blamed China and called it the Chinese disease and lying about his knowledge of the danger -when he knew but did nothing and refusing to use emergency production act etc etc etc
8/4/2022 1:12 AM (edited)
Posted by lostnfound74 on 8/4/2022 12:05:00 AM (view original):
Posted by wylie715 on 8/3/2022 11:35:00 PM (view original):
Posted by lostnfound74 on 8/3/2022 10:18:00 PM (view original):
Posted by wylie715 on 8/3/2022 4:44:00 PM (view original):
if I can get over it, you can get over people pointing out what a scumbag ******* conman Trump is.
scumbag. Easy for someone who has accomplished nothing to talk like that
What makes you a better man than him?
you have no idea what I have or have not accomplished.
What makes me a better man? Here's a partial list:
1. I have never cheated on my one and only wife.
2. I do not lie like he does
3. I do not make fun of handicapped people
4. I do not make racist remarks
5. I care about other people
6. I am not a conman
7. I did not downplay a worldwide epidemic and contribute to the deaths of thousands of people
8. I have never tried to subvert democracy.
9. I do not belittle or make up denigrating nicknames for people who question me.
Give me a few minutes and I can come up with lots more. You can come up with reasons you are a better man than Donald Trump. Of course, it is not a very high bar to clear.
Righteous in your own eyes?

Pretty soon you will even top .. ME

Have you ever used deninigrating words n here? I believe I have, not thst I am o.k.with it

Do you find it easy to trash talk on someone, just because They are what Hilary labels to be 'deplorables? aka Repub's Would you Trust HILARY??

Do you think That I consider Trump to be flawless aka without sin?. There are lots of things he can work on. same with all people
It has been proven by the standard of beyond any reasonable doubt that H. Clinton was 101% correct about the people who she described as deplorable.

In fact we now have e deplorabus unum.
8/4/2022 1:19 AM (edited)
The Inflation Reduction Bill is wildly popular. Last poll shows 53% approval and 19% against and 28% not informed or unsure.
If that number goes 50/50 that would be 67-33.

The entire Group of Republican senators will oppose and that be luggage when they run.

Sinema is not the only Senator to want some modifications. It is being negotiated in the quiet serenity outside of the public eye.
8/4/2022 9:30 AM
I always try to be objective. I try to maintain journalistic and editorial integrity ):.

This trip by Pelosi was a serious mistake IMO. It was reckless and may very well be detrimental to both Taiwan and our fragile relationship with China.
It was not done at the Administration’s request but the Administration should have applied pressure before it became public.

Once it was public it was hard to cancel without making the USA look weak.

The trip could cause China to accelerate its plans for Taiwan and damage any agreement with China to not be any type of a significant arms supplier to a russia.

I think it was a very reckless and foolish idea.
8/4/2022 10:39 AM
Posted by Jetson21 on 8/4/2022 10:39:00 AM (view original):
I always try to be objective. I try to maintain journalistic and editorial integrity ):.

This trip by Pelosi was a serious mistake IMO. It was reckless and may very well be detrimental to both Taiwan and our fragile relationship with China.
It was not done at the Administration’s request but the Administration should have applied pressure before it became public.

Once it was public it was hard to cancel without making the USA look weak.

The trip could cause China to accelerate its plans for Taiwan and damage any agreement with China to not be any type of a significant arms supplier to a russia.

I think it was a very reckless and foolish idea.

Admittedly I loathe watching "the news", so am curious if you could expound a bit on when you say " it was not done at the Administration's request".

Are you saying Pelosi took it upon herself to travel to Taiwan and publicly poke the Chinese gov't?
Without the administration's support or direction?
8/4/2022 12:47 PM
Yes and I know where you are going.
It was definitely on her own and she did not go on behalf of the Biden Administration.
I don’t know if there was discussion about it but there should have been. She could not be stopped but the discussion should have happened when she first thought of it.

Once it went public it was damned if you do and damned if you don’t.

This to me was a very unwise thing to do with no real upside
8/4/2022 1:29 PM
Posted by lostnfound74 on 8/4/2022 12:05:00 AM (view original):
Posted by wylie715 on 8/3/2022 11:35:00 PM (view original):
Posted by lostnfound74 on 8/3/2022 10:18:00 PM (view original):
Posted by wylie715 on 8/3/2022 4:44:00 PM (view original):
if I can get over it, you can get over people pointing out what a scumbag ******* conman Trump is.
scumbag. Easy for someone who has accomplished nothing to talk like that
What makes you a better man than him?
you have no idea what I have or have not accomplished.
What makes me a better man? Here's a partial list:
1. I have never cheated on my one and only wife.
2. I do not lie like he does
3. I do not make fun of handicapped people
4. I do not make racist remarks
5. I care about other people
6. I am not a conman
7. I did not downplay a worldwide epidemic and contribute to the deaths of thousands of people
8. I have never tried to subvert democracy.
9. I do not belittle or make up denigrating nicknames for people who question me.
Give me a few minutes and I can come up with lots more. You can come up with reasons you are a better man than Donald Trump. Of course, it is not a very high bar to clear.
Righteous in your own eyes?

Pretty soon you will even top .. ME

Have you ever used deninigrating words n here? I believe I have, not thst I am o.k.with it

Do you find it easy to trash talk on someone, just because They are what Hilary labels to be 'deplorables? aka Repub's Would you Trust HILARY??

Do you think That I consider Trump to be flawless aka without sin?. There are lots of things he can work on. same with all people
Righteous? No, just telling simple truths.
Sure, I have probably used denigrating words in here, but I try not to.
I don't trust Hilary. Never have, never will. The ONLY reason I voted for her was because of who she was running against. It pained me to do so, but it pained me even more when Trump won.
I don't think you consider Trump flawless or without sin, but despite his glaring weaknesses and character flaws, you still seem to think he is a great man. Maybe you don't feel that way but it is the way it comes across to me.
Yes, all people have a lot of things they can work on, including me and you, but Trump has more than most people. He also seems to have no awareness that he has things to work on or any desire to work on them. The fact that you continue to defend him and that you think he was the best POTUS since Reagan (I seem to remember you posting that) tells me that you have plenty to work on too.
8/4/2022 1:58 PM
I'd also like to point out that I have never told you that you are wrong in your belief in Jesus Christ.(I think the only thing I may have told you were wrong about is your belief that Trump was a great president and man) In fact I have said many times that you could be right and I could be wrong. You, on the other hand, have often told me (and others) that we are wrong, and we are going to hell. Which one seems more righteous??? Pretty sure it is not me.
8/4/2022 2:04 PM
Posted by wylie715 on 8/4/2022 1:59:00 PM (view original):
Posted by lostnfound74 on 8/4/2022 12:05:00 AM (view original):
Posted by wylie715 on 8/3/2022 11:35:00 PM (view original):
Posted by lostnfound74 on 8/3/2022 10:18:00 PM (view original):
Posted by wylie715 on 8/3/2022 4:44:00 PM (view original):
if I can get over it, you can get over people pointing out what a scumbag ******* conman Trump is.
scumbag. Easy for someone who has accomplished nothing to talk like that
What makes you a better man than him?
you have no idea what I have or have not accomplished.
What makes me a better man? Here's a partial list:
1. I have never cheated on my one and only wife.
2. I do not lie like he does
3. I do not make fun of handicapped people
4. I do not make racist remarks
5. I care about other people
6. I am not a conman
7. I did not downplay a worldwide epidemic and contribute to the deaths of thousands of people
8. I have never tried to subvert democracy.
9. I do not belittle or make up denigrating nicknames for people who question me.
Give me a few minutes and I can come up with lots more. You can come up with reasons you are a better man than Donald Trump. Of course, it is not a very high bar to clear.
Righteous in your own eyes?

Pretty soon you will even top .. ME

Have you ever used deninigrating words n here? I believe I have, not thst I am o.k.with it

Do you find it easy to trash talk on someone, just because They are what Hilary labels to be 'deplorables? aka Repub's Would you Trust HILARY??

Do you think That I consider Trump to be flawless aka without sin?. There are lots of things he can work on. same with all people
Righteous? No, just telling simple truths.
Sure, I have probably used denigrating words in here, but I try not to.
I don't trust Hilary. Never have, never will. The ONLY reason I voted for her was because of who she was running against. It pained me to do so, but it pained me even more when Trump won.
I don't think you consider Trump flawless or without sin, but despite his glaring weaknesses and character flaws, you still seem to think he is a great man. Maybe you don't feel that way but it is the way it comes across to me.
Yes, all people have a lot of things they can work on, including me and you, but Trump has more than most people. He also seems to have no awareness that he has things to work on or any desire to work on them. The fact that you continue to defend him and that you think he was the best POTUS since Reagan (I seem to remember you posting that) tells me that you have plenty to work on too.
I think I had a stroke. Hard to text. I believe his passion for the country is legit' and It hink he cares. You one of the less offensive posters in these threads

Can't hit the ball, even 220 Left hand = spazzed. ARGHH!! golf is history

No more golf ;p

IMO worst POTUS might have been LBJ . IMO the nastiiest = psychopath. Killed a dog with a stick of dynamite Obama n/good too

Sent 50,000 to an early grave = 'Nam

8/4/2022 2:19 PM
Still tossing nasty verbal bombs at US Presidents without basis or knowledge even after a self-diagnosed stroke????

might say we're being witness to Karma............

Seriously though, I hope it's NOT that and you should get to a Doctor!
8/4/2022 2:32 PM
While you're visiting professionals in the medical field might I suggest a Psychiatrist as well..........I bet it'd help some.
8/4/2022 2:35 PM
Posted by Jetson21 on 8/4/2022 1:30:00 PM (view original):
Yes and I know where you are going.
It was definitely on her own and she did not go on behalf of the Biden Administration.
I don’t know if there was discussion about it but there should have been. She could not be stopped but the discussion should have happened when she first thought of it.

Once it went public it was damned if you do and damned if you don’t.

This to me was a very unwise thing to do with no real upside
I find it interesting that so many in this forum always assume every question is some sort of set up. LOL. Honestly, I'm not "going" anyplace...

What's Pelosi have to say about it?
What's her rationale?
I mean, I understand as a citizen she's free to travel wherever, but if she addressed their government then she didn't go as a private citizen. Right?

So what "business" does a California Congress woman have in Taiwan? Who paid for her trip and expenses? California?

8/4/2022 2:48 PM
Posted by bruceleefan on 8/4/2022 2:48:00 PM (view original):
Posted by Jetson21 on 8/4/2022 1:30:00 PM (view original):
Yes and I know where you are going.
It was definitely on her own and she did not go on behalf of the Biden Administration.
I don’t know if there was discussion about it but there should have been. She could not be stopped but the discussion should have happened when she first thought of it.

Once it went public it was damned if you do and damned if you don’t.

This to me was a very unwise thing to do with no real upside
I find it interesting that so many in this forum always assume every question is some sort of set up. LOL. Honestly, I'm not "going" anyplace...

What's Pelosi have to say about it?
What's her rationale?
I mean, I understand as a citizen she's free to travel wherever, but if she addressed their government then she didn't go as a private citizen. Right?

So what "business" does a California Congress woman have in Taiwan? Who paid for her trip and expenses? California?

I’m not sure who pays it - she went to other countries that is helpful.
I would think she represents her district and the House but not the president or his administration.
Most members of congress take trips to other countries. It is common.
Im not criticizing the rest of the trip just the stop in Taiwan.
8/4/2022 5:08 PM
Posted by lostnfound74 on 8/4/2022 2:19:00 PM (view original):
Posted by wylie715 on 8/4/2022 1:59:00 PM (view original):
Posted by lostnfound74 on 8/4/2022 12:05:00 AM (view original):
Posted by wylie715 on 8/3/2022 11:35:00 PM (view original):
Posted by lostnfound74 on 8/3/2022 10:18:00 PM (view original):
Posted by wylie715 on 8/3/2022 4:44:00 PM (view original):
if I can get over it, you can get over people pointing out what a scumbag ******* conman Trump is.
scumbag. Easy for someone who has accomplished nothing to talk like that
What makes you a better man than him?
you have no idea what I have or have not accomplished.
What makes me a better man? Here's a partial list:
1. I have never cheated on my one and only wife.
2. I do not lie like he does
3. I do not make fun of handicapped people
4. I do not make racist remarks
5. I care about other people
6. I am not a conman
7. I did not downplay a worldwide epidemic and contribute to the deaths of thousands of people
8. I have never tried to subvert democracy.
9. I do not belittle or make up denigrating nicknames for people who question me.
Give me a few minutes and I can come up with lots more. You can come up with reasons you are a better man than Donald Trump. Of course, it is not a very high bar to clear.
Righteous in your own eyes?

Pretty soon you will even top .. ME

Have you ever used deninigrating words n here? I believe I have, not thst I am o.k.with it

Do you find it easy to trash talk on someone, just because They are what Hilary labels to be 'deplorables? aka Repub's Would you Trust HILARY??

Do you think That I consider Trump to be flawless aka without sin?. There are lots of things he can work on. same with all people
Righteous? No, just telling simple truths.
Sure, I have probably used denigrating words in here, but I try not to.
I don't trust Hilary. Never have, never will. The ONLY reason I voted for her was because of who she was running against. It pained me to do so, but it pained me even more when Trump won.
I don't think you consider Trump flawless or without sin, but despite his glaring weaknesses and character flaws, you still seem to think he is a great man. Maybe you don't feel that way but it is the way it comes across to me.
Yes, all people have a lot of things they can work on, including me and you, but Trump has more than most people. He also seems to have no awareness that he has things to work on or any desire to work on them. The fact that you continue to defend him and that you think he was the best POTUS since Reagan (I seem to remember you posting that) tells me that you have plenty to work on too.
I think I had a stroke. Hard to text. I believe his passion for the country is legit' and It hink he cares. You one of the less offensive posters in these threads

Can't hit the ball, even 220 Left hand = spazzed. ARGHH!! golf is history

No more golf ;p

IMO worst POTUS might have been LBJ . IMO the nastiiest = psychopath. Killed a dog with a stick of dynamite Obama n/good too

Sent 50,000 to an early grave = 'Nam

get to a doctor, dude...NOW!

IMO Trump does not care about the country or anyone but himself.
I don't really care too much how you rate US presidents.
How many did Trump help send to an early grave by downplaying the pandemic?? Oh, think the whole thing was a way for "big pharma" to make more money.
8/4/2022 5:43 PM
He must not realize that Republicans in Congress represent the interests of Big Pharma and it is the democrats wanting Medicare to negotiate lower prices and copays.
8/4/2022 7:47 PM
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