Posted by dino27 on 1/3/2021 12:42:00 PM (view original):
407 more hours until the end of the American carnage and the inauguration of an American President.

trump has been careful not to bash pence even though pence tried to foil the goemert suit and won’t play ball on January 6.
perhaps trump is hoping that pence can pardon himself and his kids.

stuff to watch out for over remaining 17 days.

1. he could provoke a war with iran
2. he could try to use Jan 6 violence to call for Marshall law
3. continued obstruction on defense briefings
4. obstruction on vaccine rollouts
5. pardons
6. firing Chris Wray and others
3 days before - check out prediction 2 on this list.
7/25/2022 3:37 PM
Posted by dino27 on 1/4/2021 2:05:00 AM (view original):
Birds of a Feather Flock Together

on January 6 they will run amok. Trump and proud boys and secret service and q’anon and kkk and more proud boys and loyal secret service and trump lawyers and unaffiliated white supremacists and super duped fu zombies and the pillow guy and assorted walking brain dead and assorted pardoned murderers and criminals.

in dc - January 6 - shelter in place.

I would hope that 2 days before that all of us saw it coming with clarity.
7/25/2022 3:53 PM (edited)
Posted by Aldershot on 1/5/2021 5:51:00 PM (view original):
Posted by dino27 on 1/5/2021 12:05:00 PM (view original):
360 hours and the trash gets taken out.
If so, then 360 more days, and the US could lose it's sovereignty. The Dem's will give more power to the UN and bow to them. That just could happen; in which case the good times are over.. Forever.. and God help you if Liz Warren and her Pelosi buddies get their fingers in the pie.

For 4 long years, I watched the hate mongering left systematically and relentlessly attack the person and character of the POTUS, with a hatred I never thought I would see in America. The Dem's are a very cruel narcissistic mob of thugs, for a large part. I believe they are spellbound, and do not know good from evil, or right from wrong. The Republicans? They are not much better.

Here is what the US appears to endorse, collectively:
  • men marrying men
  • children being told that they can change their gender (that's child abuse)
  • pot smoking
  • Forcing the students to buy into the evolution scam (talk creation and you get an 'F')
  • Abortion
  • Suspending of students who wear MAGA Hats.
  • Suspending students who pray in public
  • Trying to outlaw the name of Jesus Christ from our culture
  • Using social media to demonize the police
  • Forcing the schools to remove the ten commandments from their walls (40 years later, no big ten, just mass shootings)
  • Mobs being allowed to burn down buildings in the cities.. and loot the stores
  • Mayors who handcuff the police from doing their jobs
  • Political correctness .. and it is a huge p.i.t.a. and will not work.
  • USSCT is wicked and corrupt, and overrules the will of the people. This is a judicial dictatorship
  • We now call evil as though it were good, and good as though it were evil.. cuz in a lot of cases, we don't know the difference

from a guy named aldersnot.
He sounds a lot like LNF.
7/25/2022 3:47 PM
The defamation case by E. Carrol is going to begin on February 6 in Federal Court.
This is the lady who exploded after Trump called her a liar the trump way.

She has a blue dress with his semen on it when he tried to rape her according to her lawsuit.

This case is in federal court which is important because federal jurors are usually very sophisticated
and it is a civil case so not every juror needs to side with the plaintiff.

Expect a plaintive wail from Trump when the verdict is read in court.

Trump could try to settle for 10 million.
But the plaintiff is financially happy and really wants to smear Trump’s face in it publicly. Zero indication of a possible settlement.
I must break you.

There is always a blue dress.
Maybe Trump will pay the verdict out of campaign donations.

7/25/2022 4:09 PM
There are so many cases swirling around that are not even in the sphere of knowledge like the misuse of the inauguration funds - it is still around and adding Trump to the voting machine cases and Mary Trump’s case against Trump for fraud. Trump and his disgraced sister the Judge have separate lawyers. The judge’s lawyer once represented me. I inherited a **** load of money from a great uncle that I met once when I was a kid. If a judge chooses a lawyer you know he is good. He made a motion in January on dismissal because of a statute of limitations issue.
It is still not ruled on.
Also the continuing and eventual civil lawsuits by the families of the 5 dead officers and well over 100 large personal injury claims by those who survived. There are cases already underway.
Many are physically and mentally disabled.
There are amputated fingers and scarring and brain damage from severe concussion and disabling broken bones and post concussion severe headaches and loss of eyes and PTSD that can only be compared to the fog of war in the jungles of Vietnam.

There are lawsuits by members of congress and the NAACP.
There are many many cases too many to list.
7/25/2022 4:32 PM (edited)
Liz Chaney and Adam Kinzinger voted to codify the same sex marriage bill. 47 republicans voted yes.

on the senate side - 5 are on the record as yes.
It is no secret that Lindsey Graham is gay
and he is voting no.

It is typical of Kinsey Graham - one of the very most unscrupulous and dishonest senators.
Marco Rubio voting no shows just how right trending Florida is.
7/27/2022 4:30 PM
future battles will include the morning after pill and crossing state lines to get abortion in legal states
and maybe sterilization including vasectomies.

It will take a long time but if Roe does not get codified an eventual liberal supreme court will simply overturn the new law and put back in a pro choice law.
There will be no adherence to precedent and I can envision a liberal court revisiting any other case that was egregiously wrong.
7/27/2022 4:38 PM
Someone should bring a case before the SCOTUS challenging the jurisdiction of any government entity where marriage is concerned.

Where does the constitution mention it at all?

7/27/2022 4:54 PM
Posted by bruceleefan on 7/27/2022 4:54:00 PM (view original):
Someone should bring a case before the SCOTUS challenging the jurisdiction of any government entity where marriage is concerned.

Where does the constitution mention it at all?

I’m not understanding what you are saying.
7/27/2022 5:08 PM
well, the declaration of independence does mention the pursuit of happiness. I would think being able to marry whomever you want would be considered the pursuit of happiness.
7/27/2022 5:21 PM
Posted by wylie715 on 7/27/2022 5:21:00 PM (view original):
well, the declaration of independence does mention the pursuit of happiness. I would think being able to marry whomever you want would be considered the pursuit of happiness.
7/27/2022 5:53 PM
Any case brought to the Supreme Court could backfire. They have 2 justices who can be called reactionary. Aside from abortion rights I think the other 4 from the right are probably rational on most issues but the school is out. It was Gorsuch that voted with the 4 liberals to give equal protection to Gay people. I don’t remember if Notorious was still there and it was 5-4 with Roberts but Gorsuch butted heads saying that the statute had the word sex and that protected gay people. Codifying it is the only safe way to handle same sex marriage.

BTW - Thomas said that he and Ginnie have had a same sex marriage for 20 years.
And he is bored out of his skull.
7/27/2022 6:39 PM (edited)
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Doesn't matter how absurd you or I or anyone else thinks it is.

Point is, the government has no business regulating marriage at all.

I find it interesting that the ones most loudly railing against SSM are typically Christians who cite it as an abomination.

These folks will turn homosexuals away from their churches, and point to those very few verses as justification.

Meanwhile their church is filled with divorced adulterers, yet the admonition against divorce is so much more prevalent in the Bible.

Strange, no?
7/28/2022 9:57 AM
Well, not really. Rules about sex. Human desire. Human behavior.
The Bees at work. Law, if you will.
7/28/2022 10:35 AM
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