Posted by copernicus on 6/30/2022 5:56:00 PM (view original):
I think they just capped the assist boost at some number (which I am guessing 100) so that cost structures no longer reward the strategy
This definitely is not the case. You still get a strong boost going beyond 100, but it's not so overpowering that it's just going to beat well built squads by outshooting them. Previously, a 190% ast team would boost fg% by around half (so 50% shot to go in would have like a 75% chance). Now, it's like a 10% boost (so a 50% shot has a 55% shot to go in).
All of the teams in the experiment have the same set of rebounds, defense, efg%, 3pm, usg... all of these important stats. The only real variable is ast%. The high ast% teams are not dominating. This is in a controlled environment. Now imagine trying to build a 180 ast% team within a salary cap against someone who goes with an old dominant board/def/efg strategy (Curry, Bron, Worm, Worm, etc).
It's fixed, and so far, nothing else seems broken. It's almost as if they just replaced a line in the code with a formula that has values that make more sense.
6/30/2022 8:37 PM (edited)