Posted by Jetson21 on 6/30/2022 10:41:00 AM (view original):
The Supreme Court has done it again.

They castrated the EPA and prevented the agency from regulation of fighting climate change by restricting carbon emissions.
6-3 or should I say 3 to 6.

The Supreme Court will kill us all.
Those 6 are a pantheon of pricks.
Finally the USSCt shows some brains

6/30/2022 11:48 AM
Posted by lostnfound74 on 6/30/2022 11:48:00 AM (view original):
Posted by Jetson21 on 6/30/2022 10:41:00 AM (view original):
The Supreme Court has done it again.

They castrated the EPA and prevented the agency from regulation of fighting climate change by restricting carbon emissions.
6-3 or should I say 3 to 6.

The Supreme Court will kill us all.
Those 6 are a pantheon of pricks.
Finally the USSCt shows some brains

Yeah - **** for brains.
6/30/2022 12:44 PM
One of the main reasons that I came back as Jetson was so I could not redline sub human posts when they occurred from anywhere.
If I did so I would get suspended so I still have my Dino Report going and I can never redline.
6/30/2022 12:50 PM
Posted by lostnfound74 on 6/30/2022 11:48:00 AM (view original):
Posted by Jetson21 on 6/30/2022 10:41:00 AM (view original):
The Supreme Court has done it again.

They castrated the EPA and prevented the agency from regulation of fighting climate change by restricting carbon emissions.
6-3 or should I say 3 to 6.

The Supreme Court will kill us all.
Those 6 are a pantheon of pricks.
Finally the USSCt shows some brains

so, does the bible say there is no such thing as climate change?
6/30/2022 1:37 PM
Posted by wylie715 on 6/30/2022 1:37:00 PM (view original):
Posted by lostnfound74 on 6/30/2022 11:48:00 AM (view original):
Posted by Jetson21 on 6/30/2022 10:41:00 AM (view original):
The Supreme Court has done it again.

They castrated the EPA and prevented the agency from regulation of fighting climate change by restricting carbon emissions.
6-3 or should I say 3 to 6.

The Supreme Court will kill us all.
Those 6 are a pantheon of pricks.
Finally the USSCt shows some brains

so, does the bible say there is no such thing as climate change?
I like that one. I have some theories about the confluence and although there is much truth in it I’m going to hold my tongue.
6/30/2022 1:59 PM
I will say this. The God of the bible will with great anger smite those that let the world be destroyed by climate change deniers.
I would bet that the God of the bible will not let those people enter heaven and since they let the world get so hot they will go to the hot place when they die.
6/30/2022 2:03 PM
Because of the ruling today and more to follow in the future the only way to combat climate change is to have 60 in the senate and the majority in the house or if this October we get 2-3 additional in the senate to do some carve outs for climate and voting and abortion.

There is only about 10 more years before the changes become permanent and cumulative.
If the republicans have control in 2024 the USA will do nothing and there won’t be any will in most other countries. Remember the Paris accord that the unfit president destroyed while he was trying to kill obamacare and the nuke treaty with Iran and messing up Nato.

What if Trump was President now. Does anyone really believe he would give anything more then a token amount of arms to Ukraine.
Does anyone think he would go so far as to cause Putin to get really angry with him.

We all know the answer so thank God we now have a democratic President who cares about democracy and a world order not be set and designed by Russia.
6/30/2022 2:16 PM
Trump would sit on Putin’s knee wearing short pants and a hat that has a propeller on it.
6/30/2022 2:19 PM
Posted by Jetson21 on 6/30/2022 10:32:00 AM (view original):
The Supreme Court has done it again.

They castrated the EPA and prevented the agency from regulation of fighting climate change by restricting carbon emissions.
6-3 or should I say 3 to 6.

The Supreme Court will kill us all.
The EPA is a non-representative unelected bureaucracy. They can't write law. That's for the LAZY congress to do but they're too busy with Jan 6 parties and pity fests to do their jobs. Make congress write the law and stop pointing to the EPAs of the world when a decision they have no business making has a bad outcome. NEXT: DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION
6/30/2022 6:47 PM (edited)
Posted by dino27 on 11/19/2020 1:34:00 AM (view original):
I’m glad to have a voice again and there are only 62 days of potential mischief left.
Some guy that calls himself Jetson21 took your thread over.
6/30/2022 6:02 PM
The Weissleberg tax case is slated for August or early September. On Monday his defense counsel said “ we have strong reason to believe that there could be additional indictments.”

Interesting, very interesting.
6/30/2022 7:02 PM
Posted by DougOut on 6/30/2022 6:47:00 PM (view original):
Posted by Jetson21 on 6/30/2022 10:32:00 AM (view original):
The Supreme Court has done it again.

They castrated the EPA and prevented the agency from regulation of fighting climate change by restricting carbon emissions.
6-3 or should I say 3 to 6.

The Supreme Court will kill us all.
The EPA is a non-representative unelected bureaucracy. They can't write law. That's for the LAZY congress to do but they're too busy with Jan 6 parties and pity fests to do their jobs. Make congress write the law and stop pointing to the EPAs of the world when a decision they have no business making has a bad outcome. NEXT: DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION
Don’t you mean Lazy Republicans but lazy is a way too kind of an adjective.

Any person in the United States who does not believe that the 1-6 investigation and hearings are mandated by what gravely occurred is a person lacking character and patriotism.

6/30/2022 7:06 PM
The Suepreme court knows that climate change is an existential threat and they know that by sending it to congress to make laws with a republican congress full of angry white nationalists and the rest with cowardly and pathetic lack of character that they wer killing a tool an important one to stop greenhouse gas emissions.

They might as well kill the FDA while they are at it.

I don’t know all the details but there is another case that could do great damage to voting in red states.

The people who do have integrity and character know that the democracy and political institutions are at the lowest ebb since the civil war. Now as then the democratic republic is standing on one leg in a windstorm.
6/30/2022 8:34 PM (edited)
Trump could be in for another defamation case over his comments on Ms Hutchinson.
I don’t think she is a public figure prior to her testimony. He caller her a liar and a wackjob
and has mental problems.

I think that will be an easy case. you
6/30/2022 8:51 PM
Some More Trump News

The E. Jean Caroll case is still on. Trump has until early August to give a cheek swab and probably urine to compare his DNA by court order. They better do an intrusive search on him. He might be carrying someone else’s urine in a vial and who knows where he put it.

She has the semen on the dress as evidence.

This got started when he called the plaintiff a liar.
She has said she will not settle.

This case will be heard in early 2023.
I don’t know how much more he can take with all the civil lawsuits and investigations and future law suits and the coming criminal trials.

I don’t think at his age that he will be able to handle it. Maybe he will take the Hitler way out or just succumb.
No one could keep their health with current cases and what else he will get over the next 9 months.
6/30/2022 10:01 PM
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